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A library for building front-end applications.

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a day ago (1.6.2)
class Component
extends CustomElement

A base class for building custom web components.

This class is built on CustomElement, ElementAttributesProxy, and NodeStructure, inheriting their features.

If you want to quickly create a component, consider using the createComponent function.


Create a component

// Create a custom class that extends the Component class.
class ColorPreviewComponent extends Component {
  static override get observedAttributes(): Array<string> {
    return ['color', 'size'];

  // When a observed attributes changes, the template content is re-rendered.
  override template(): string {
    const color = this.attr.color ?? '#000000';
    const size = this.attr.size ?? '100px';

    return `
      :host {
        display: inline-block;
        width: ${size};
        height: ${size};
      div {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        background-color: ${color};

      <div onclick="this.clickHandler(event)"></div>

  clickHandler(_event: Event): void {

// Define the custom element.

// Use the custom element in HTML.
// <color-preview color="#ff0000" size="100px"></color-preview>
// <color-preview color="#00ff00" size="100px"></color-preview>
// <color-preview color="#0000ff" size="100px"></color-preview>

State management in component

// The Store class is an observable store for complex state management.
const colorPreviewStore = new Store({
  color: '#000000',
  size: '100px',

// The State class is an observable state for atomic state management.
const debugState = new State(true);

// Create a custom class that extends the Component class.
class ColorPreviewComponent extends Component {
  override connectedCallback(): void {
    super.connectedCallback(); // must always be called first
    this.observe(colorPreviewStore, debugState); // observe the observables

  override disconnectedCallback(): void {
    this.unobserve(colorPreviewStore, debugState); // unobserve the observables
    super.disconnectedCallback(); // should always be called last

  // When a observed state changes, the template content is re-rendered.
  override template(): string {
    return `
      :host {
        display: inline-block;
        width: ${colorPreviewStore.state.size};
        height: ${colorPreviewStore.state.size};
      div {
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;
        background-color: ${colorPreviewStore.state.color};

      <div onclick="this.clickHandler(event)">
      ${debugState.get() ? colorPreviewStore.state.color : ''}

  clickHandler(event: Event): void {
    if (debugState.get()) {

// Define the custom element.

// Use the custom element in HTML.
// <color-preview></color-preview>
// <color-preview></color-preview>
// <color-preview></color-preview>



Creates a new instance of the Component class.


Returns a proxy object for element attributes.

content: ComponentContentContainer

Returns the same of

This is a convenient way to access the content container of the component.

structure: NodeStructure<ComponentContentContainer>

Returns the internal NodeStructure instance.


createContentContainer(): ComponentContentContainer

Creates the content container for the internal NodeStructure.

By default, this method creates an open shadow DOM.

type: string,
detail?: unknown,
): boolean

Dispatches a custom event on the content container of the component.

The event bubbles out of the shadow DOM.

observe(...args: Array<unknown>): void

Observes one or more objects for changes.

If the object has a subscribe function, it will be called with the update method of this component as a callback for change notifications.

render(): void

Renders DOM with the template content.

template(): NodeStructureContent

Creates the template content.

This method should be implemented by subclasses to return the content.

unobserve(...args: Array<unknown>): void

Stops observing one or more objects for changes.

If the object has an unsubscribe function, it will be called with the update method of this component to remove it from the list of observers.

Add Package

deno add @akiraohgaki/chirit

Import symbol

import Component from "@akiraohgaki/chirit";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import Component from "jsr:@akiraohgaki/chirit";

Add Package

npx jsr add @akiraohgaki/chirit

Import symbol

import Component from "@akiraohgaki/chirit";

Add Package

yarn dlx jsr add @akiraohgaki/chirit

Import symbol

import Component from "@akiraohgaki/chirit";

Add Package

pnpm dlx jsr add @akiraohgaki/chirit

Import symbol

import Component from "@akiraohgaki/chirit";

Add Package

bunx jsr add @akiraohgaki/chirit

Import symbol

import Component from "@akiraohgaki/chirit";