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It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
It is unknown whether this package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a month ago (0.1.2)
import { BuildPlugin, CleanPlugin, HtmlTemplatePlugin, Plugin, type PluginApplyOptions, Project, RunPlugin, } from "jsr:@albnnc/nvil@^0.7.5"; import * as path from "jsr:@std/path@^0.225.2"; import { StoryLrDomainPlugin } from "./plugins/story_lr_domain.ts"; import { StoryLrHostPlugin } from "./plugins/story_lr_host.ts"; import { StoryMetaPlugin } from "./plugins/story_meta.ts"; import { StoryMeta } from "./utils/story_meta.ts"; import { StorySetWatcher } from "./utils/story_set_watcher.ts"; export interface StorybookPluginOptions { globUrl: string; appTitle?: string; constants?: StorybookPluginOptionsConstants; getPlugins?: (entryPoint: string) => Plugin[]; } export interface StorybookPluginOptionsConstants { groupOrder?: string[]; appTitle?: string; } export class StorybookPlugin extends Plugin { globUrl: string; constants?: StorybookPluginOptions["constants"]; getPlugins?: (entryPoint: string) => Plugin[]; #storySetWatcher?: StorySetWatcher; #storyLrHostPlugin = new StoryLrHostPlugin(); #hostProject?: Project; #domainProjects = new Map<string, Project>(); constructor(options: StorybookPluginOptions) { super("STORYBOOK"); this.globUrl = options.globUrl; this.constants = options.constants; this.getPlugins = options.getPlugins; } apply(options: PluginApplyOptions) { super.apply(options); this.project.stager.on("BOOTSTRAP", async () => { this.#storySetWatcher = new StorySetWatcher({ sourceUrl: this.project.sourceUrl, globUrl: this.globUrl, }); await this.#storySetWatcher.walk(); if ( { this.#storySetWatcher?.watch(); (async () => { for await (const event of this.#storySetWatcher ?? []) { if (event.type === "FIND") { this.#onStoryFind(event.entryPoint); } if (event.type === "LOSS") { this.#onStoryLoss(event.entryPoint); } } })(); } else { await Promise.all( Array .from( .map((v) => this.#onStoryFind(v)), ); } this.#hostProject = new Project({ plugins: [ new BuildPlugin({ entryPoint: "./index.tsx", overrideEsbuildOptions: (options) => { options.define = { ...options.define, STORYBOOK_CONSTANTS: this.constants ? JSON.stringify(this.constants) : "undefined", }; }, }), new HtmlTemplatePlugin({ entryPoint: "./index.html" }), new BuildPlugin({ entryPoint: "./server.ts", scope: "SERVER" }), new RunPlugin({ scope: "SERVER", args: ["-A"] }), this.#storyLrHostPlugin, ], sourceUrl: import.meta.resolve("./"), targetUrl: this.project.targetUrl, dev:, debug: this.project.debug, }); this.#nestProjectLoggers(this.#hostProject, ["UI"]); await this.#hostProject.bootstrap(); }); } async [Symbol.asyncDispose]() { await this.#hostProject?.[Symbol.asyncDispose](); for (const project of this.#domainProjects.values()) { await project[Symbol.asyncDispose](); } } async #onStoryFind(entryPoint: string) { const storyMeta = StoryMeta.fromEntryPoint( entryPoint, this.project.sourceUrl, ); this.logger.debug(`Found story ${storyMeta.entryPoint}`); const storyTargetUrl = this.#getStoryTargetUrl(storyMeta); const domainProject = new Project({ plugins: [ new CleanPlugin(), ...(this.getPlugins?.(entryPoint) ?? []), new StoryMetaPlugin({ entryPoint }), new StoryLrDomainPlugin({ onUpdate: () => { this.#storyLrHostPlugin.reload(; }, }), ], sourceUrl: this.project.sourceUrl, targetUrl: storyTargetUrl, dev:, debug: this.project.debug, }); this.#nestProjectLoggers(domainProject, []); this.#domainProjects.set(entryPoint, domainProject); await domainProject.bootstrap(); } async #onStoryLoss(entryPoint: string) { const storyMeta = StoryMeta.fromEntryPoint( entryPoint, this.project.sourceUrl, ); this.logger.debug(`Lost story ${storyMeta.entryPoint}`); const storyProject = this.#domainProjects.get(entryPoint); if (!storyProject) { return; } await storyProject[Symbol.asyncDispose](); const storyTargetUrl = this.#getStoryTargetUrl(storyMeta); this.#domainProjects.delete(entryPoint); await Deno.remove(path.fromFileUrl(storyTargetUrl), { recursive: true }); this.#storyLrHostPlugin.reload(; } #getStoryTargetUrl(storyMeta: StoryMeta) { return new URL( `./stories/${}/`, this.project.targetUrl, ).toString(); } #nestScopeLogger( scopeLogger: this["logger"], segments: string[] = [], ) { scopeLogger.scope = [ this.logger.scope, ...segments, scopeLogger.scope, ].join(" > "); } #nestProjectLoggers(project: Project, segments: string[] = []) { this.#nestScopeLogger(project.logger, segments); project.plugins.forEach((v) => { this.#nestScopeLogger(v.logger, segments); }); } }