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This release is 2 versions behind 0.5.2 — the latest version of @astral/astral. Jump to latest

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Astral is the browser automation library for Deno

This package works with Deno
This package works with Deno
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.5.0)
Package root>src>browser.ts
import { retry } from "jsr:/@std/async@^1/retry"; import { deadline } from "jsr:/@std/async@^1/deadline"; import { Celestial, PROTOCOL_VERSION } from "../bindings/celestial.ts"; import { getBinary } from "./cache.ts"; import { Page, type SandboxOptions, type UserAgentOptions, type WaitForOptions, } from "./page.ts"; import { WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_REGEX, websocketReady } from "./util.ts"; import { DEBUG } from "./debug.ts"; async function runCommand( command: Deno.Command, { retries = 60 } = {}, ): Promise<{ process: Deno.ChildProcess; endpoint: string }> { const process = command.spawn(); let endpoint = null; // Wait until write to stdout containing the localhost address // This probably means that the process is read to accept communication const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const stack: string[] = []; let error = true; for await (const chunk of process.stderr) { const message = textDecoder.decode(chunk); stack.push(message); endpoint = message.trim().match(WEBSOCKET_ENDPOINT_REGEX)?.[1]; if (endpoint) { error = false; break; } // Recover from garbage "SingletonLock" nonsense if (message.includes("SingletonLock")) { const path = message.split("Failed to create ")[1].split(":")[0]; process.kill(); await process.status; try { Deno.removeSync(path); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw error; } } return runCommand(command); } } if (error) { const { code } = await process.status; stack.push(`Process exited with code ${code}`); // Handle recoverable error code 21 on Windows //;l=90-91 if ( === "windows" && code === 21 && retries > 0) { return runCommand(command, { retries: retries - 1 }); } console.error(stack.join("\n")); // if (stack.join("").includes("error while loading shared libraries")) { throw new Error( "Your binary refused to boot due to missing system dependencies. This can happen if you are using a minimal Docker image. If you're running in a Debian-based container, the following code could work:\n\nRUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y wget gnupg && wget -q -O - | apt-key add - && sh -c 'echo \"deb [arch=amd64] stable main\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' && apt-get update && apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-kacst fonts-freefont-ttf libxss1 --no-install-recommends && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*\n\nLook at puppeteer docs for more information:", ); } throw new Error("Your binary refused to boot"); } if (!endpoint) throw new Error("Somehow did not get a websocket endpoint"); return { process, endpoint }; } /** Options for launching a browser */ export interface BrowserOptions { headless?: boolean; product?: "chrome" | "firefox"; userAgent?: string; } /** * The browser class is instantiated when you run the `launch` method. * * @example * ```ts * const browser = await launch(); * ``` */ export class Browser { #options: BrowserOptions; #celestial: Celestial; #process: Deno.ChildProcess | null; readonly pages: Page[] = []; constructor( ws: WebSocket, process: Deno.ChildProcess | null, opts: BrowserOptions, ) { this.#celestial = new Celestial(ws); this.#process = process; this.#options = opts; } [Symbol.asyncDispose](): Promise<void> { if (this.isRemoteConnection) return this.disconnect(); return this.close(); } /** Returns true if browser is connected remotely instead of using a subprocess */ get isRemoteConnection(): boolean { return !this.#process; } /** * Returns raw celestial bindings for the browser. Super unsafe unless you know what you're doing. */ unsafelyGetCelestialBindings(): Celestial { return this.#celestial; } /** * Disconnects the browser from the websocket connection. This is useful if you want to keep the browser running but don't want to use it anymore. */ async disconnect() { await this.#celestial.close(); } /** * Closes the browser and all of its pages (if any were opened). The Browser object itself is considered to be disposed and cannot be used anymore. */ async close() { await this.#celestial.Browser.close(); await this.#celestial.close(); // First we get the process, if this is null then this is a remote connection const process = this.#process; // If we use a remote connection, then close all pages websockets if (!process) { await Promise.allSettled( => page.close())); } else { try { // ask nicely first process.kill(); await deadline(process.status, 10 * 1000); } catch { // then force process.kill("SIGKILL"); await process.status; } } } /** * Promise which resolves to a new `Page` object. */ async newPage( url?: string, options?: WaitForOptions & SandboxOptions & UserAgentOptions, ): Promise<Page> { const { targetId } = await this.#celestial.Target.createTarget({ url: "", }); const browserWsUrl = new URL(; const wsUrl = `${browserWsUrl.origin}/devtools/page/${targetId}${}`; const websocket = new WebSocket(wsUrl); await websocketReady(websocket); const { waitUntil, sandbox } = options ?? {}; const page = new Page(targetId, url, websocket, this, { sandbox }); this.pages.push(page); const celestial = page.unsafelyGetCelestialBindings(); const { userAgent: defaultUserAgent } = await celestial.Browser .getVersion(); const userAgent = options?.userAgent || this.#options.userAgent || defaultUserAgent.replaceAll("Headless", ""); await Promise.all([ celestial.Emulation.setUserAgentOverride({ userAgent }), celestial.Page.enable(), celestial.Runtime.enable(), celestial.Network.enable({}), celestial.Page.setInterceptFileChooserDialog({ enabled: true }), sandbox ? celestial.Fetch.enable({}) : null, ]); if (url) { await page.goto(url, { waitUntil }); } return page; } /** * The browser's original user agent. */ async userAgent(): Promise<string> { const { userAgent } = await this.#celestial.Browser.getVersion(); return userAgent; } /** * A string representing the browser name and version. */ async version(): Promise<string> { const { product, revision } = await this.#celestial.Browser.getVersion(); return `${product}/${revision}`; } /** * The browser's websocket endpoint */ wsEndpoint(): string { return; } /** * Returns true if the browser and its websocket have benn closed */ get closed(): boolean { return === WebSocket.CLOSED; } } export type LaunchOptions = BrowserOptions & { path?: string; args?: string[]; cache?: string; }; export type ConnectOptions = BrowserOptions & { wsEndpoint: string; }; /** * Connects to a given browser over a WebSockets endpoint. */ export async function connect(opts: ConnectOptions): Promise<Browser> { const { wsEndpoint, product = "chrome" } = opts; const options: BrowserOptions = { product, }; const ws = new WebSocket(wsEndpoint); await websocketReady(ws); return new Browser(ws, null, options); } /** * Launches a browser instance with given arguments and options when specified. */ export async function launch(opts?: LaunchOptions): Promise<Browser> { const headless = opts?.headless ?? true; const product = opts?.product ?? "chrome"; const args = opts?.args ?? []; const cache = opts?.cache; let path = opts?.path; const options: BrowserOptions = { headless, product, }; if (!path) { path = await getBinary(product, { cache }); } if (!args.find((arg) => arg.startsWith("--user-data-dir="))) { const tempDir = Deno.makeTempDirSync(); args.push(`--user-data-dir=${tempDir}`); } // Launch child process const binArgs = [ "--remote-debugging-port=0", "--no-first-run", "--password-store=basic", "--use-mock-keychain", // "--no-startup-window", ...(headless ? [ product === "chrome" ? "--headless=new" : "--headless", "--hide-scrollbars", ] : []), ...args, ]; if (DEBUG) { console.log(`Launching: ${path} ${binArgs.join(" ")}`); } const launch = new Deno.Command(path, { args: binArgs, stderr: "piped", }); const { process, endpoint } = await runCommand(launch); // Fetch browser websocket const browserRes = await retry(async () => { const browserReq = await fetch(`http://${endpoint}/json/version`); return await browserReq.json(); }); if (browserRes["Protocol-Version"] !== PROTOCOL_VERSION) { throw new Error("Differing protocol versions between binary and bindings."); } // Set up browser websocket const ws = new WebSocket(browserRes.webSocketDebuggerUrl); // Make sure that websocket is open before continuing await websocketReady(ws); // Construct browser and return return new Browser(ws, process, options); }