The browser class is instantiated when you run the launch
Clean cache
Connects to a given browser over a WebSockets endpoint.
The console event class
Utility method to convert a base64 encoded string into a byte array
The dialog event class
The type of the dialog.
The evaluate function for ElementHandle.evaluate
ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element.
The type definition for a function that can be evaluated in the page
The file chooser event class
Get path for the binary for this OS. Downloads a browser if none is cached.
The options for goTo
Valid keys.
Launches a browser instance with given arguments and options when specified.
The options for valid media features
Page provides methods to interact with a single tab in the browser
The page error event class
The options for pdf
The x and y coordinates of a point.
Utility method to retry an operation a number of times with a deadline
The options for screenshot
The automatically downloaded browser versions that are known to work.
Regular expression to extract the endpoint from a websocket url
Utility method to wait until a websocket is ready