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It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
It is unknown whether this package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 days ago (0.0.0)
function test_doc
test_doc(): void

Returns the hyperbolic sine of a complex number.

Special cases

real imaginary sinh()
±0 ±0 (±0, ±0)
±0 ±Inf (±0, NaN)
±0 NaN (±0, NaN)
x (any finite x) ±Inf (NaN, NaN)
x (any finite x) NaN (NaN, NaN)
±Inf ±0 (±Inf, ±0)
±Inf ±Inf (±Inf, NaN)
±Inf NaN (±Inf, NaN)
±Inf y (any finite y) +Inf * cis(y)
NaN ±0 (NaN, ±0)
NaN NaN (NaN, NaN)
NaN ±Inf (NaN, NaN)
NaN y (any finite y) (NaN, NaN)

cis(y) = cos(y) + i sin(y)


Example 1

sinh(new complex(1, 1)); // 0.6349639 + 1.2984576i

Return Type


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deno add jsr:@babia-test/docs

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import { test_doc } from "@babia-test/docs";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import { test_doc } from "jsr:@babia-test/docs";

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npx jsr add @babia-test/docs

Import symbol

import { test_doc } from "@babia-test/docs";

Add Package

yarn dlx jsr add @babia-test/docs

Import symbol

import { test_doc } from "@babia-test/docs";

Add Package

pnpm dlx jsr add @babia-test/docs

Import symbol

import { test_doc } from "@babia-test/docs";

Add Package

bunx jsr add @babia-test/docs

Import symbol

import { test_doc } from "@babia-test/docs";