bili-vd-bak/biliy-denoConvert bilibili danmaku file (XML) to styled subtitle file (ASS). 使用bilibili弹幕(XMl)生成ASS字幕文件。
This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun
JSR Score
5 months ago (0.1.0)
forked from https://github.com/otakustay/danmaku-to-ass forked from https://github.com/justorez/biliy
Fix to use with Deno.
Find more detalis here(jsr.io).
Quick Example
import fs from "fs"; import { generateASS } from "jsr:@biliy-deno/danmaku2ass"; const filename = "example.xml"; const xmlText = fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf-8"); const assText = generateASS(xmlText, { filename, title: "Quick Example" }); fs.writeFileSync(`${filename}.ass`, assText, "utf-8");
// default subtitle style // convert function options.substyle { fontSize: [25, 25, 36], fontName: '黑体', color: '#ffffff', outlineColor: null, backColor: null, outline: 2, shadow: 0, bold: false, padding: [2, 2, 2, 2], playResX: 1280, playResY: 720, scrollTime: 8, fixTime: 4, opacity: 0.6, bottomSpace: 60, includeRaw: true, mergeIn: -1, block: [] }
Add Package
deno add jsr:@biliy-deno/danmaku2ass
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@biliy-deno/danmaku2ass";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import * as mod from "jsr:@biliy-deno/danmaku2ass";
Add Package
npx jsr add @biliy-deno/danmaku2ass
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@biliy-deno/danmaku2ass";
Add Package
yarn dlx jsr add @biliy-deno/danmaku2ass
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@biliy-deno/danmaku2ass";
Add Package
pnpm dlx jsr add @biliy-deno/danmaku2ass
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@biliy-deno/danmaku2ass";
Add Package
bunx jsr add @biliy-deno/danmaku2ass
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@biliy-deno/danmaku2ass";