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JSON-RPC Client for the Nimiq Albatross Blockchain

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
4 weeks ago (2.1.1)

Nimiq RPC Client for TypeScript

JSR JSR Score Made with Deno License

A fully typed Nimiq RPC client for every javascript runtime.

Table of Contents

How to use



deno add jsr:@blouflash/nimiq-rpc


npx jsr add @blouflash/nimiq-rpc


pnpm dlx jsr add @blouflash/nimiq-rpc


It is structured the same way as the Rust RPC Client

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// async/await based example http call
try {
  const result = await client.blockchain.getEpochNumber();
  console.log("Result:", result);
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof JSONRPCError) {
    console.error("JSON-RPC Error:", error);
  } else {
    console.error("An unknown error occurred:", error);

// Promise based example http call
client.blockchain.getBlockNumber().then((result) => {
  console.log("Result:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  if (error instanceof JSONRPCError) {
    console.error("JSON-RPC Error:", error);
  } else {
    console.error("An unknown error occurred:", error);

// async/await based example ws stream call
const subscribtion = await client.blockchainStreams.subscribeForBlockHashes(
    onMessage: (result) => {
      console.log("onMessage", result);
    onError: (error) => {
      console.error("onError", error);
    onConnectionError: (error) => {
      console.error("onConnectionError", error);
  { maxReconnects: 5, reconnectTimeout: 1000, callTimeout: 10000 }, // optional
  { filter: (_data) => true }, // optional




Auth is not supported however you can use a proxy like nginx and pass the auth token via query url. I recommend to use tls.

const client = new NimiqRPCClient("http://localhost/?token=mysecrettoken", "ws://localhost/ws?token=mysecrettoken");

NGINX Config:

http {
    server {
        listen 80;

        location / {
            # Check the token from the query parameter (?token=...)
            if ($arg_token != "mysecrettoken") {
                return 403;  # Deny if the token is missing or invalid

            # Forward valid requests to the node

        location /ws {
            # Check the token from the query parameter (?token=...)
            if ($arg_token != "mysecrettoken") {
                return 403;  # Deny if the token is missing or invalid

            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
            proxy_read_timeout 3600;



The BlockchainClient class provides methods to interact with the blockchain.


  • getBlockNumber(options): Returns the block number for the current head.
  • getBatchNumber(options): Returns the batch number for the current head.
  • getEpochNumber(options): Returns the epoch number for the current head.
  • getBlockByHash(hash, params, options): Tries to fetch a block given its hash.
  • getBlockByNumber(blockNumber, params, options): Tries to fetch a block given its number.
  • getLatestBlock(params, options): Returns the block at the head of the main chain.
  • getSlotAt(blockNumber, params, options): Returns the information for the slot owner at the given block height and offset.
  • getTransactionByHash(hash, options): Fetches the transaction(s) given the hash.
  • getTransactionsByBlockNumber(blockNumber, options): Fetches the transaction(s) given the block number.
  • getTransactionsByBatchNumber(batchIndex, options): Fetches the transaction(s) given the batch number.
  • getTransactionsByAddress(address, params, options): Fetches the transaction(s) given the address.
  • getInherentsByBlockNumber(blockNumber, options): Returns all the inherents (including reward inherents) given the block number.
  • getInherentsByBatchNumber(batchIndex, options): Returns all the inherents (including reward inherents) given the batch number.
  • getAccountByAddress(address, options): Tries to fetch the account at the given address.
  • getAccounts(options): Fetches all accounts in the accounts tree.
  • getActiveValidators(options): Returns a collection of the currently active validator's addresses and balances.
  • getCurrentPenalizedSlots(options): Returns the currently penalized slots.
  • getPreviousPenalizedSlots(options): Returns the previously penalized slots.
  • getValidatorByAddress(address, options): Tries to fetch a validator information given its address.
  • getValidators(options): Fetches all validators in the staking contract.
  • getStakersByValidatorAddress(address, options): Fetches all stakers for a given validator.
  • getStakerByAddress(address, options): Tries to fetch a staker information given its address.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for getBlockNumber
client.blockchain.getBlockNumber().then((result) => {
  console.log("Block Number:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);

// Example usage for getBlockByHash
client.blockchain.getBlockByHash("some-block-hash").then((result) => {
  console.log("Block by Hash:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


The BlockchainStream class provides methods to interact with the Nimiq Albatross Node's blockchain streams.


  • subscribeForBlockHashes(wsCallbacks, options, streamOptions): Subscribes to block hash events.
  • subscribeForElectionBlocks(params, wsCallbacks, options): Subscribes to election blocks.
  • subscribeForMicroBlocks(params, wsCallbacks, options): Subscribes to micro blocks.
  • subscribeForMacroBlocks(params, wsCallbacks, options): Subscribes to macro blocks.
  • subscribeForBlocks(params, wsCallbacks, options, streamOptions): Subscribes to all blocks.
  • subscribeForValidatorElectionByAddress(params, wsCallbacks, options, streamOptions): Subscribes to pre epoch validators events.
  • subscribeForLogsByAddressesAndTypes(params, wsCallbacks, options, streamOptions): Subscribes to log events related to a given list of addresses and log types.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for subscribeForBlockHashes
const subscription = await client.blockchainStreams.subscribeForBlockHashes(
    onMessage: (result) => {
      console.log("Block Hash:", result);
    onError: (error) => {
      console.error("Error:", error);
    onConnectionError: (error) => {
      console.error("Connection Error:", error);

console.log("Subscription ID:", subscription.getSubscriptionId());


The ConsensusClient class provides methods to interact with the consensus layer of the blockchain.


  • isConsensusEstablished(options): Returns a boolean specifying if we have established consensus with the network.
  • getRawTransactionInfo(params, options): Given a serialized transaction, it will return the corresponding transaction struct.
  • sendRawTransaction(params, options): Sends a raw transaction to the network.
  • createTransaction(params, options): Creates a serialized transaction.
  • sendTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction.
  • sendSyncTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createNewVestingTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized transaction creating a new vesting contract.
  • sendNewVestingTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction creating a new vesting contract to the network.
  • sendSyncNewVestingTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction creating a new vesting contract to the network and waits for confirmation.
  • createRedeemVestingTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized transaction redeeming a vesting contract.
  • sendRedeemVestingTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction redeeming a vesting contract.
  • sendSyncRedeemVestingTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction redeeming a vesting contract and waits for confirmation.
  • createNewHtlcTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized transaction creating a new HTLC contract.
  • sendNewHtlcTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction creating a new HTLC contract.
  • sendSyncNewHtlcTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction creating a new HTLC contract and waits for confirmation.
  • createRedeemRegularHtlcTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized transaction redeeming an HTLC contract.
  • sendRedeemRegularHtlcTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction redeeming an HTLC contract.
  • sendSyncRedeemRegularHtlcTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction redeeming a new HTLC contract and waits for confirmation.
  • createRedeemTimeoutHtlcTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized transaction redeeming a HTLC contract using the TimeoutResolve method.
  • sendRedeemTimeoutHtlcTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction redeeming a HTLC contract using the TimeoutResolve method to network.
  • sendSyncRedeemTimeoutHtlcTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction redeeming a HTLC contract using the TimeoutResolve method to network and waits for confirmation.
  • createRedeemEarlyHtlcTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized transaction redeeming a HTLC contract using the EarlyResolve method.
  • sendRedeemEarlyHtlcTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction redeeming a HTLC contract using the EarlyResolve method.
  • sendSyncRedeemEarlyHtlcTransaction(params, options): Sends a transaction redeeming a HTLC contract using the EarlyResolve method and waits for confirmation.
  • signRedeemEarlyHtlcTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized signature that can be used to redeem funds from a HTLC contract using the EarlyResolve method.
  • createNewStakerTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized new_staker transaction.
  • sendNewStakerTransaction(params, options): Sends a new_staker transaction.
  • sendSyncNewStakerTransaction(params, options): Sends a new_staker transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createStakeTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized stake transaction.
  • sendStakeTransaction(params, options): Sends a stake transaction.
  • sendSyncStakeTransaction(params, options): Sends a stake transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createUpdateStakerTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized update_staker transaction.
  • sendUpdateStakerTransaction(params, options): Sends a update_staker transaction.
  • sendSyncUpdateStakerTransaction(params, options): Sends a update_staker transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createSetActiveStakeTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized set_active_stake transaction.
  • sendSetActiveStakeTransaction(params, options): Sends a set_active_stake transaction.
  • sendSyncSetActiveStakeTransaction(params, options): Sends a set_active_stake transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createRetireStakeTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized retire_stake transaction.
  • sendRetireStakeTransaction(params, options): Sends a retire_stake transaction.
  • sendSyncRetireStakeTransaction(params, options): Sends a retire_stake transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createRemoveStakeTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized remove_stake transaction.
  • sendRemoveStakeTransaction(params, options): Sends a remove_stake transaction.
  • sendSyncRemoveStakeTransaction(params, options): Sends a remove_stake transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createNewValidatorTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized new_validator transaction.
  • sendNewValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a new_validator transaction.
  • sendSyncNewValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a new_validator transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createUpdateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized update_validator transaction.
  • sendUpdateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a update_validator transaction.
  • sendSyncUpdateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a update_validator transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createDeactivateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized inactivate_validator transaction.
  • sendDeactivateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a inactivate_validator transaction.
  • sendSyncDeactivateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a inactivate_validator transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createReactivateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized reactivate_validator transaction.
  • sendReactivateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a reactivate_validator transaction.
  • sendSyncReactivateValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a reactivate_validator transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createRetireValidatorTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized retire_validator transaction.
  • sendRetireValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a retire_validator transaction.
  • sendSyncRetireValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a retire_validator transaction and waits for confirmation.
  • createDeleteValidatorTransaction(params, options): Returns a serialized delete_validator transaction.
  • sendDeleteValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a delete_validator transaction.
  • sendSyncDeleteValidatorTransaction(params, options): Sends a delete_validator transaction and waits for confirmation.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for isConsensusEstablished
client.consensus.isConsensusEstablished().then((result) => {
  console.log("Consensus Established:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);

// Example usage for sendTransaction
const transactionParams = {
  wallet: "wallet-address",
  recipient: "recipient-address",
  value: 1000,
  fee: 1,
  absoluteValidityStartHeight: 100

client.consensus.sendTransaction(transactionParams).then((result) => {
  console.log("Transaction Sent:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


The MempoolClient class provides methods to interact with the Nimiq Albatross Node's mempool.


  • pushTransaction(params, options): Pushes the given serialized transaction to the local mempool.
  • mempoolContent(params, options): Content of the mempool.
  • mempool(options): Obtains the mempool content in fee per byte buckets.
  • getMinFeePerByte(options): Obtains the minimum fee per byte as per mempool configuration.
  • getTransactionFromMempool(hash, options): Fetches a transaction from the mempool given its hash.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for pushTransaction
const transactionParams = {
  transaction: "serialized-transaction",
  withHighPriority: true

client.mempool.pushTransaction(transactionParams).then((result) => {
  console.log("Transaction Pushed:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);

// Example usage for mempoolContent
client.mempool.mempoolContent({ includeTransactions: true }).then((result) => {
  console.log("Mempool Content:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


The NetworkClient class provides methods to interact with the Nimiq Albatross Node's network.


  • getPeerId(options): The peer ID for our local peer.
  • getPeerCount(options): Returns the number of peers.
  • getPeerList(options): Returns a list with the IDs of all our peers.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for getPeerId => {
  console.log("Peer ID:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);

// Example usage for getPeerCount => {
  console.log("Peer Count:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


The PolicyClient class provides methods to interact with the Nimiq Albatross Node's policy.


  • getPolicyConstants(options): Gets a bundle of policy constants.
  • getEpochAt(blockNumber, options): Returns the epoch number at a given block number (height).
  • getEpochIndexAt(blockNumber, options): Returns the epoch index at a given block number.
  • getBatchAt(blockNumber, options): Returns the batch number at a given block number (height).
  • getBatchIndexAt(blockNumber, options): Returns the batch index at a given block number.
  • getElectionBlockAfter(blockNumber, options): Gets the number (height) of the next election macro block after a given block number (height).
  • getElectionBlockBefore(blockNumber, options): Gets the block number (height) of the preceding election macro block before a given block number (height).
  • getLastElectionBlock(blockNumber, options): Gets the block number (height) of the last election macro block at a given block number (height).
  • isElectionBlockAt(blockNumber, options): Gets a boolean expressing if the block at a given block number (height) is an election macro block.
  • getMacroBlockAfter(blockNumber, options): Gets the block number (height) of the next macro block after a given block number (height).
  • getMacroBlockBefore(blockNumber, options): Gets the block number (height) of the preceding macro block before a given block number (height).
  • getLastMacroBlock(blockNumber, options): Gets the block number (height) of the last macro block at a given block number (height).
  • isMacroBlockAt(blockNumber, options): Gets a boolean expressing if the block at a given block number (height) is a macro block.
  • isMicroBlockAt(blockNumber, options): Gets the block number (height) of the next micro block after a given block number (height).
  • getFirstBlockOfEpoch(epochIndex, options): Gets the block number (height) of the first block of the given epoch (which is always a micro block).
  • getBlockAfterReportingWindow(blockNumber, options): Gets the block number of the first block of the given reporting window (which is always a micro block).
  • getBlockAfterJail(blockNumber, options): Gets the block number of the first block of the given jail (which is always a micro block).
  • getFirstBlockOfBatch(batchIndex, options): Gets the block number of the first block of the given batch (which is always a micro block).
  • getElectionBlockOfEpoch(epochIndex, options): Gets the block number of the election macro block of the given epoch (which is always the last block).
  • getMacroBlockOfBatch(batchIndex, options): Gets the block number of the macro block (checkpoint or election) of the given batch (which is always the last block).
  • getFirstBatchOfEpoch(blockNumber, options): Gets a boolean expressing if the batch at a given block number (height) is the first batch of the epoch.
  • getSupplyAt(params, options): Gets the supply at a given time (as Unix time) in Lunas (1 NIM = 100,000 Lunas).

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for getPolicyConstants
client.policy.getPolicyConstants().then((result) => {
  console.log("Policy Constants:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);

// Example usage for getEpochAt
client.policy.getEpochAt(1000).then((result) => {
  console.log("Epoch at Block 1000:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


The SerdeHelper class provides methods to serialize and deserialize data.


  • serializeToHex(params, options): Serializes a byte array to a hexadecimal string.
  • deserializeFromHex(params, options): Deserializes a hexadecimal string to a byte array.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for serializeToHex
const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]);
client.serdeHelper.serializeToHex({ data }).then((result) => {
  console.log("Serialized Hex:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);

// Example usage for deserializeFromHex
const hexString = "01020304";
client.serdeHelper.deserializeFromHex({ hexString }).then((result) => {
  console.log("Deserialized Data:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


The ValidatorClient class provides methods to interact with the Nimiq Albatross Node's validator.


  • getAddress(options): Returns our validator address.
  • getSigningKey(options): Returns our validator signing key.
  • getVotingKey(options): Returns our validator voting key.
  • setAutomaticReactivation(params, options): Updates the configuration setting to automatically reactivate our validator.
  • isElected(options): Returns whether our validator is elected.
  • isSynced(options): Returns whether our validator is synced.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for getAddress
client.validator.getAddress().then((result) => {
  console.log("Validator Address:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);

// Example usage for isElected
client.validator.isElected().then((result) => {
  console.log("Is Elected:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


The WalletClient class provides methods to interact with the Nimiq Albatross Node's wallet.


  • importRawKey(params, options): Imports a raw key into the wallet.
  • isAccountImported(address, options): Checks if an account is imported.
  • listAccounts(options): Lists all imported accounts.
  • lockAccount(address, options): Locks an account.
  • createAccount(params, options): Creates a new account.
  • unlockAccount(address, params, options): Unlocks an account.
  • isAccountUnlocked(address, options): Checks if an account is unlocked.
  • sign(params, options): Signs a message with an account's key.
  • verifySignature(params, options): Verifies a signature.
  • removeAccount(address, options): Removes an account.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for importRawKey
const keyParams = {
  keyData: "raw-key-data",
  passphrase: "passphrase"

client.wallet.importRawKey(keyParams).then((result) => {
  console.log("Imported Key Address:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);

// Example usage for createAccount
const accountParams = {
  passphrase: "passphrase"

client.wallet.createAccount(accountParams).then((result) => {
  console.log("Created Account:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


The ZkpComponentClient class provides methods to interact with the Nimiq Albatross Node's ZKP component.


  • getZkpState(options): Returns the latest header number, block number and proof.

Example Usage

import { NimiqRPCClient } from '@blouflash/nimiq-rpc'

const client = new NimiqRPCClient();

// Example usage for getZkpState
client.zkpComponent.getZkpState().then((result) => {
  console.log("ZKP State:", result);
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Error:", error);


Released under MIT by @blouflashdb.

Built and signed on
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import * as nimiq_rpc from "jsr:@blouflash/nimiq-rpc";

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import * as nimiq_rpc from "@blouflash/nimiq-rpc";

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import * as nimiq_rpc from "@blouflash/nimiq-rpc";

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import * as nimiq_rpc from "@blouflash/nimiq-rpc";

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import * as nimiq_rpc from "@blouflash/nimiq-rpc";