Deno module resolution for `rolldown`
This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun, Browsers

JSR Score
a month ago (0.1.2)
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356import type { Plugin, PluginContext } from "npm:rolldown@^1.0.0-beta.1"; import { type ImportMap, resolveImportMap, resolveModuleSpecifier, } from "jsr:@bureaudouble-forks/importmap@^0.2.1"; import { toFileUrl } from "jsr:/@std/path@^1.0.8/to-file-url"; enum DenoMediaType { JavaScript = "JavaScript", Mjs = "Mjs", Cjs = "Cjs", JSX = "JSX", TypeScript = "TypeScript", Mts = "Mts", Cts = "Cts", Dts = "Dts", Dmts = "Dmts", Dcts = "Dcts", TSX = "TSX", Json = "Json", Wasm = "Wasm", TsBuildInfo = "TsBuildInfo", SourceMap = "SourceMap", Unknown = "Unknown", } enum ModuleType { Js = "js", Jsx = "jsx", Ts = "ts", Tsx = "tsx", Json = "json", Binary = "binary", Text = "text", Empty = "empty", } interface ModuleInfoError { specifier: string; error: string; } type ModuleInfo = TypedModuleDetails | ModuleInfoError; interface TypedModuleDetailsAsserted { specifier: string; local?: string; mediaType: DenoMediaType; } interface TypedModuleDetailsEsm { specifier: string; local?: string; mediaType: DenoMediaType; } interface TypedModuleDetailsNpm { specifier: string; npmPackage: string; } interface TypedModuleDetailsNode { specifier: string; } type TypedModuleDetails = | TypedModuleDetailsAsserted | TypedModuleDetailsEsm | TypedModuleDetailsNpm | TypedModuleDetailsNode; interface DenoInfoJsonV1 { redirects: Record<string, string>; modules: ModuleInfo[]; } interface DenoResolveResult { localPath?: string; redirected: string; moduleType?: ModuleType; } // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: <explanation> type ExtractFunction<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends { handler: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown } ? T["handler"] : never; class DenoLoaderPlugin { private resolveDenoInfoCache: Map<string, DenoResolveResult>; private resolveModuleSpecifierCache: Map<string, string | null>; public importMap: ImportMap; public importMapBaseUrl: URL; public entryPoints: string[]; public clientInfo?: DenoInfoJsonV1; constructor( importMap: ImportMap, importMapBaseUrl: string | URL, entryPoints?: string[], denoInfoCache?: DenoInfoJsonV1, ) { this.resolveModuleSpecifierCache = new Map<string, string>(); this.resolveDenoInfoCache = new Map<string, DenoResolveResult>(); this.importMapBaseUrl = new URL(importMapBaseUrl); this.entryPoints = entryPoints ?? []; this.importMap = resolveImportMap(importMap, this.importMapBaseUrl); if (denoInfoCache) this.cacheDenoInfo(denoInfoCache); } private async denoInfo(specifier: string): Promise<DenoInfoJsonV1> { console.time(`[deno-info] ${specifier}`); const uri = `data:application/json,${JSON.stringify(this.importMap)}`; const args = ["--no-config", "--quiet", "--import-map", uri]; const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["info", ...args, "--json", specifier], stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); const { stdout } = await command.output(); const output = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout); console.timeEnd(`[deno-info] ${specifier}`); return JSON.parse(output.toString()); } private cacheDenoInfo(info: DenoInfoJsonV1) { for (const details of info.modules) { if ( "specifier" in details && !("npm_package" in details) && "mediaType" in details ) { const result: DenoResolveResult = { localPath: details.local, redirected: details.specifier, moduleType: this.mapMediaType(details.mediaType), }; this.resolveDenoInfoCache.set( details.specifier.replace("file://", ""), result, ); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(info.redirects)) { if (value === details.specifier) { this.resolveDenoInfoCache.set(key.replace("file://", ""), result); } } } } } private resolvePromises: Map<string, Promise<DenoResolveResult>> = new Map(); private denoResolve(specifier: string): Promise<DenoResolveResult> { const cachedResult = this.resolveDenoInfoCache.get(specifier); if (cachedResult) return Promise.resolve(cachedResult); let promise = this.resolvePromises.get(specifier); if (!promise) { promise = (async () => { try { const info = await this.denoInfo(specifier); this.cacheDenoInfo(info); const cached = this.resolveDenoInfoCache.get(specifier); if (!cached) { throw new Error("Specifier not found in cache after processing"); } return cached; } finally { this.resolvePromises.delete(specifier); } })(); this.resolvePromises.set(specifier, promise); } return promise; } private mapMediaType(media_type: DenoMediaType): ModuleType { switch (media_type) { case DenoMediaType.JavaScript: case DenoMediaType.Mjs: case DenoMediaType.Cjs: return ModuleType.Js; case DenoMediaType.JSX: return ModuleType.Jsx; case DenoMediaType.TypeScript: case DenoMediaType.Mts: case DenoMediaType.Cts: case DenoMediaType.Dts: case DenoMediaType.Dmts: case DenoMediaType.Dcts: return ModuleType.Ts; case DenoMediaType.TSX: return ModuleType.Tsx; case DenoMediaType.Json: return ModuleType.Json; case DenoMediaType.Wasm: return ModuleType.Binary; case DenoMediaType.TsBuildInfo: case DenoMediaType.SourceMap: return ModuleType.Text; default: return ModuleType.Empty; } } private resolveFromImportMap(id: string, importer?: string): null | string { const key = JSON.stringify({ id, importer }); const cacheValue = this.resolveModuleSpecifierCache.get(key); if (cacheValue !== undefined) return cacheValue; const importer_url = new URL( importer ? URL.canParse(importer) ? importer : toFileUrl(importer) : this.importMapBaseUrl, ); let value = null; try { value = resolveModuleSpecifier(id, this.importMap, importer_url); } catch {} this.resolveModuleSpecifierCache.set(key, value); return value; } private extractPackageAndPath( specifier: string, ): [string | null, string | null] { const regex = /(?:[^:]+:\/?)?([@]?[^/\@]+\/[^/\@]+|[^/\@]+)(?:@[^/]*)?(?:\/(.+))?/; const match = specifier.match(regex); if (match) { const pkgName = match[1] || null; const path = match[2] || null; return [pkgName, path]; } return [null, null]; } get name() { return "@bureaudouble/rolldown-deno-loader-plugin"; } async buildStart( _context: PluginContext, ..._args: Parameters<ExtractFunction<Plugin["buildStart"]>> ): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<ExtractFunction<Plugin["buildStart"]>>>> { for (const entry of this.entryPoints) { await this.denoResolve(entry); } } async resolveId( context: PluginContext, ...[specifier, importer, options]: Parameters< ExtractFunction<Plugin["resolveId"]> > ): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<ExtractFunction<Plugin["resolveId"]>>>> { let id = specifier; if (specifier.startsWith(".") || specifier.startsWith("/")) { if (importer && !importer.includes("node_modules")) { const base_url = new URL( URL.canParse(importer) ? importer : toFileUrl(importer), ); id = new URL(specifier, base_url).toString(); } } let maybe_resolved = id; if (!id.startsWith(".") && !id.startsWith("/")) { maybe_resolved = this.resolveFromImportMap(id, importer) ?? id; } if (maybe_resolved.startsWith("node:")) { return { id: maybe_resolved, external: true }; } if (maybe_resolved.startsWith("file:")) { const final_id = new URL(maybe_resolved).pathname; return { id: final_id, external: false }; } if (maybe_resolved.startsWith("jsr:")) { const cached = await this.denoResolve(maybe_resolved); return { id: cached.redirected, external: false }; } if (maybe_resolved.startsWith("npm:")) { const [package_name, package_path] = this.extractPackageAndPath( maybe_resolved, ); const npm_package = (package_name && package_path ? `${package_name}/${package_path}` : package_name) ?? maybe_resolved; const res = await context.resolve(npm_package, undefined, { skipSelf: true, custom: { ...options.custom }, ...({ import_kind: options.kind, skip_self: true, } as unknown as Record<string, never>), }); return res; } if ( maybe_resolved.startsWith("http:") || maybe_resolved.startsWith("https:") ) { return { id: maybe_resolved, external: false }; } } async load( _context: PluginContext, ...[id]: Parameters<ExtractFunction<Plugin["load"]>> ): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<ExtractFunction<Plugin["load"]>>>> { if ( id.startsWith("jsr:") || id.startsWith("http:") || id.startsWith("https:") ) { const cached = await this.denoResolve(id); const localPath = cached.localPath; if (!localPath) throw Error("no local_path"); const content = await Deno.readTextFile(localPath); const code = cached.moduleType === ModuleType.Json ? `export default ${content}` : content; const moduleType = cached.moduleType === ModuleType.Json ? ModuleType.Js : cached.moduleType; return { code, moduleType }; } } } export const createDenoLoaderPlugin = (options: { importMap: ImportMap; importMapBaseUrl: string; entryPoints?: string[]; denoInfoCache?: DenoInfoJsonV1; }): Plugin => { const loader = new DenoLoaderPlugin( options.importMap, options.importMapBaseUrl, options.entryPoints, options.denoInfoCache, ); return { name:, buildStart(...props) { return loader.buildStart(this, ...props); }, resolveId(...props) { return loader.resolveId(this, ...props); }, load(...props) { return loader.load(this, ...props); }, }; }; export default createDenoLoaderPlugin;