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Deno module resolution for `rolldown`

This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a month ago (0.1.2)
import type { Plugin, PluginContext } from "npm:rolldown@^1.0.0-beta.1"; import { type ImportMap, resolveImportMap, resolveModuleSpecifier, } from "jsr:@bureaudouble-forks/importmap@^0.2.1"; import { toFileUrl } from "jsr:/@std/path@^1.0.8/to-file-url"; enum DenoMediaType { JavaScript = "JavaScript", Mjs = "Mjs", Cjs = "Cjs", JSX = "JSX", TypeScript = "TypeScript", Mts = "Mts", Cts = "Cts", Dts = "Dts", Dmts = "Dmts", Dcts = "Dcts", TSX = "TSX", Json = "Json", Wasm = "Wasm", TsBuildInfo = "TsBuildInfo", SourceMap = "SourceMap", Unknown = "Unknown", } enum ModuleType { Js = "js", Jsx = "jsx", Ts = "ts", Tsx = "tsx", Json = "json", Binary = "binary", Text = "text", Empty = "empty", } interface ModuleInfoError { specifier: string; error: string; } type ModuleInfo = TypedModuleDetails | ModuleInfoError; interface TypedModuleDetailsAsserted { specifier: string; local?: string; mediaType: DenoMediaType; } interface TypedModuleDetailsEsm { specifier: string; local?: string; mediaType: DenoMediaType; } interface TypedModuleDetailsNpm { specifier: string; npmPackage: string; } interface TypedModuleDetailsNode { specifier: string; } type TypedModuleDetails = | TypedModuleDetailsAsserted | TypedModuleDetailsEsm | TypedModuleDetailsNpm | TypedModuleDetailsNode; interface DenoInfoJsonV1 { redirects: Record<string, string>; modules: ModuleInfo[]; } interface DenoResolveResult { localPath?: string; redirected: string; moduleType?: ModuleType; } // biome-ignore lint/suspicious/noExplicitAny: <explanation> type ExtractFunction<T> = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends { handler: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown } ? T["handler"] : never; class DenoLoaderPlugin { private resolveDenoInfoCache: Map<string, DenoResolveResult>; private resolveModuleSpecifierCache: Map<string, string | null>; public importMap: ImportMap; public importMapBaseUrl: URL; public entryPoints: string[]; public clientInfo?: DenoInfoJsonV1; constructor( importMap: ImportMap, importMapBaseUrl: string | URL, entryPoints?: string[], denoInfoCache?: DenoInfoJsonV1, ) { this.resolveModuleSpecifierCache = new Map<string, string>(); this.resolveDenoInfoCache = new Map<string, DenoResolveResult>(); this.importMapBaseUrl = new URL(importMapBaseUrl); this.entryPoints = entryPoints ?? []; this.importMap = resolveImportMap(importMap, this.importMapBaseUrl); if (denoInfoCache) this.cacheDenoInfo(denoInfoCache); } private async denoInfo(specifier: string): Promise<DenoInfoJsonV1> { console.time(`[deno-info] ${specifier}`); const uri = `data:application/json,${JSON.stringify(this.importMap)}`; const args = ["--no-config", "--quiet", "--import-map", uri]; const command = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["info", ...args, "--json", specifier], stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", }); const { stdout } = await command.output(); const output = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout); console.timeEnd(`[deno-info] ${specifier}`); return JSON.parse(output.toString()); } private cacheDenoInfo(info: DenoInfoJsonV1) { for (const details of info.modules) { if ( "specifier" in details && !("npm_package" in details) && "mediaType" in details ) { const result: DenoResolveResult = { localPath: details.local, redirected: details.specifier, moduleType: this.mapMediaType(details.mediaType), }; this.resolveDenoInfoCache.set( details.specifier.replace("file://", ""), result, ); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(info.redirects)) { if (value === details.specifier) { this.resolveDenoInfoCache.set(key.replace("file://", ""), result); } } } } } private resolvePromises: Map<string, Promise<DenoResolveResult>> = new Map(); private denoResolve(specifier: string): Promise<DenoResolveResult> { const cachedResult = this.resolveDenoInfoCache.get(specifier); if (cachedResult) return Promise.resolve(cachedResult); let promise = this.resolvePromises.get(specifier); if (!promise) { promise = (async () => { try { const info = await this.denoInfo(specifier); this.cacheDenoInfo(info); const cached = this.resolveDenoInfoCache.get(specifier); if (!cached) { throw new Error("Specifier not found in cache after processing"); } return cached; } finally { this.resolvePromises.delete(specifier); } })(); this.resolvePromises.set(specifier, promise); } return promise; } private mapMediaType(media_type: DenoMediaType): ModuleType { switch (media_type) { case DenoMediaType.JavaScript: case DenoMediaType.Mjs: case DenoMediaType.Cjs: return ModuleType.Js; case DenoMediaType.JSX: return ModuleType.Jsx; case DenoMediaType.TypeScript: case DenoMediaType.Mts: case DenoMediaType.Cts: case DenoMediaType.Dts: case DenoMediaType.Dmts: case DenoMediaType.Dcts: return ModuleType.Ts; case DenoMediaType.TSX: return ModuleType.Tsx; case DenoMediaType.Json: return ModuleType.Json; case DenoMediaType.Wasm: return ModuleType.Binary; case DenoMediaType.TsBuildInfo: case DenoMediaType.SourceMap: return ModuleType.Text; default: return ModuleType.Empty; } } private resolveFromImportMap(id: string, importer?: string): null | string { const key = JSON.stringify({ id, importer }); const cacheValue = this.resolveModuleSpecifierCache.get(key); if (cacheValue !== undefined) return cacheValue; const importer_url = new URL( importer ? URL.canParse(importer) ? importer : toFileUrl(importer) : this.importMapBaseUrl, ); let value = null; try { value = resolveModuleSpecifier(id, this.importMap, importer_url); } catch {} this.resolveModuleSpecifierCache.set(key, value); return value; } private extractPackageAndPath( specifier: string, ): [string | null, string | null] { const regex = /(?:[^:]+:\/?)?([@]?[^/\@]+\/[^/\@]+|[^/\@]+)(?:@[^/]*)?(?:\/(.+))?/; const match = specifier.match(regex); if (match) { const pkgName = match[1] || null; const path = match[2] || null; return [pkgName, path]; } return [null, null]; } get name() { return "@bureaudouble/rolldown-deno-loader-plugin"; } async buildStart( _context: PluginContext, ..._args: Parameters<ExtractFunction<Plugin["buildStart"]>> ): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<ExtractFunction<Plugin["buildStart"]>>>> { for (const entry of this.entryPoints) { await this.denoResolve(entry); } } async resolveId( context: PluginContext, ...[specifier, importer, options]: Parameters< ExtractFunction<Plugin["resolveId"]> > ): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<ExtractFunction<Plugin["resolveId"]>>>> { let id = specifier; if (specifier.startsWith(".") || specifier.startsWith("/")) { if (importer && !importer.includes("node_modules")) { const base_url = new URL( URL.canParse(importer) ? importer : toFileUrl(importer), ); id = new URL(specifier, base_url).toString(); } } let maybe_resolved = id; if (!id.startsWith(".") && !id.startsWith("/")) { maybe_resolved = this.resolveFromImportMap(id, importer) ?? id; } if (maybe_resolved.startsWith("node:")) { return { id: maybe_resolved, external: true }; } if (maybe_resolved.startsWith("file:")) { const final_id = new URL(maybe_resolved).pathname; return { id: final_id, external: false }; } if (maybe_resolved.startsWith("jsr:")) { const cached = await this.denoResolve(maybe_resolved); return { id: cached.redirected, external: false }; } if (maybe_resolved.startsWith("npm:")) { const [package_name, package_path] = this.extractPackageAndPath( maybe_resolved, ); const npm_package = (package_name && package_path ? `${package_name}/${package_path}` : package_name) ?? maybe_resolved; const res = await context.resolve(npm_package, undefined, { skipSelf: true, custom: { ...options.custom }, ...({ import_kind: options.kind, skip_self: true, } as unknown as Record<string, never>), }); return res; } if ( maybe_resolved.startsWith("http:") || maybe_resolved.startsWith("https:") ) { return { id: maybe_resolved, external: false }; } } async load( _context: PluginContext, ...[id]: Parameters<ExtractFunction<Plugin["load"]>> ): Promise<Awaited<ReturnType<ExtractFunction<Plugin["load"]>>>> { if ( id.startsWith("jsr:") || id.startsWith("http:") || id.startsWith("https:") ) { const cached = await this.denoResolve(id); const localPath = cached.localPath; if (!localPath) throw Error("no local_path"); const content = await Deno.readTextFile(localPath); const code = cached.moduleType === ModuleType.Json ? `export default ${content}` : content; const moduleType = cached.moduleType === ModuleType.Json ? ModuleType.Js : cached.moduleType; return { code, moduleType }; } } } export const createDenoLoaderPlugin = (options: { importMap: ImportMap; importMapBaseUrl: string; entryPoints?: string[]; denoInfoCache?: DenoInfoJsonV1; }): Plugin => { const loader = new DenoLoaderPlugin( options.importMap, options.importMapBaseUrl, options.entryPoints, options.denoInfoCache, ); return { name:, buildStart(...props) { return loader.buildStart(this, ...props); }, resolveId(...props) { return loader.resolveId(this, ...props); }, load(...props) { return loader.load(this, ...props); }, }; }; export default createDenoLoaderPlugin;