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This package works with Node.jsIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
It is unknown whether this package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
5 months ago (0.15.1)
Package root>src>domain>pagination.ts
import { Result } from "npm:@carbonteq/fp@^0.3.2"; import { z } from "npm:zod@^3.23.8"; import { ValidationError } from "./base.errors.ts"; export class PaginationOptionsValidationError extends ValidationError { constructor(issues: string) { super(`Invalid pagination options: ${issues}`); } } const DEFAULT_PAGINATION_OPTS = { pageNum: 1, pageSize: 100, } as const; const DISCRIMINANT = Symbol("PaginationOptions"); export class PaginationOptions { private static readonly schema = z.object({ pageNum: z.coerce .number() .positive() .default(DEFAULT_PAGINATION_OPTS.pageNum), pageSize: z.coerce .number() .positive() .default(DEFAULT_PAGINATION_OPTS.pageSize), }); private readonly _DISCRIMINATOR = DISCRIMINANT; private constructor( readonly pageNum: number, readonly pageSize: number, ) {} /** * Validate the passed options to create `PaginationOptions` instance * @param options - Pagination Options * @param {number} options.pageNum - Page Number (default = 1) * @param {number} options.pageSize - Page Size (default = 100) * @returns {PaginationOptions} PaginationOptions instance */ static create( options: unknown, ): Result<PaginationOptions, PaginationOptionsValidationError> { const r = PaginationOptions.schema.safeParse(options); if (r.success) { return Result.Ok(new PaginationOptions(,; } const err = JSON.stringify(r.error.flatten()); return Result.Err(new PaginationOptionsValidationError(err)); } } export interface Paginated<T> { data: T[]; readonly pageNum: number; readonly pageSize: number; readonly totalPages: number; } export class Paginator { static readonly DEFAULT_PAGINATION_OPTS = DEFAULT_PAGINATION_OPTS; private constructor( readonly paginationOpts: PaginationOptions = DEFAULT_PAGINATION_OPTS as PaginationOptions, ) {} fromAll<T>(coll: T[]): Paginated<T> { return Paginator.fromAll(coll, this.paginationOpts); } fromSubset<T>(coll: T[], totalElements: number): Paginated<T> { return Paginator.fromSubset(coll, this.paginationOpts, totalElements); } static fromAll<T>( coll: T[], { pageNum, pageSize }: PaginationOptions, ): Paginated<T> { const totalPages = Math.ceil(coll.length / pageSize) || 1; const startIdx = (pageNum - 1) * pageSize; const collSlice = coll.slice(startIdx, startIdx + pageSize); return { data: collSlice, pageNum, pageSize, totalPages }; } /** * For cases where the input data has already been sliced according to the pagination options, e.g. using a DB query */ static fromSubset<T>( coll: T[], { pageSize, pageNum }: PaginationOptions, totalElements: number, ): Paginated<T> { const totalPages = Math.ceil(totalElements / pageSize) || 1; // For empty input const collSlice = coll.slice(0, pageSize); // Ensure the size of data <= pageSize, which is a guarantee Paginated<T> provides return { data: collSlice, pageNum, pageSize, totalPages }; } }