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Library for visualization of 3D genomic data.

This package works with BrowsersIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
4 months ago (0.0.10)
Package root>src>chromatin-types.ts
import type { vec3 } from "npm:gl-matrix@^3.4.3"; /** * A simple list of bin positions. * Used in two scenarios: * a) an "anonymous" chunk of chromatin data, and * b) properly annotated part of a larger model (e.g., in whole-genome model, chromosomes will be different chunks). */ export type ChromatinChunk = { /** * bin positions that are actually visualized */ bins: vec3[]; /** * bin positions before any processing (recenter, normalize) */ rawBins: vec3[]; id: number; }; export type GenomicCoordinates = { chromosome: string; /* basepair starting position */ start: number; /* basepair ending position */ end: number; }; /** * Adds information identifying the 3D part on genomic sequence */ export type ChromatinPart = { chunk: ChromatinChunk; coordinates: GenomicCoordinates; resolution: number; label?: string; }; /* A full model that contains annotation about which genomic regions the individual parts correspond to */ export type ChromatinModel = { /* Distinct, separated parts of a chromatin model. Most often single chromosomes. */ parts: ChromatinPart[]; /* Identifying organism and genome assembly */ assembly?: string; }; export type DisplayableChunk = { kind: "chunk"; structure: ChromatinChunk; viewConfig: ChromatinChunkViewConfig; }; export type ChromatinChunkViewConfig = { binSizeScale?: number; coloring?: "constant" | "scale"; color?: string; }; /** * What this structure should represent is a visual instantiation of a ChromatinModel, with different attributes influencing its visual presentation */ export type DisplayableModel = { kind: "model"; /* The 3D structure, just the raw data, nothing about the visual appearance */ structure: ChromatinModel; // signal: ChromatinMappableSignal; //~ placeholder: in the "displayable" it probably makes sense to have the data by which you'll visually modify the 3D structure viewConfig: ChromatinModelViewConfig; //~ viewConfig then specifies how the `signal` is mapped to visual attributes of the structure }; export type ChromatinModelViewConfig = { binSizeScale?: number; //~ we estimate good starting bin sphere radius; this allows to change it coloring?: "constant" | "scale"; color?: string; mark?: MarkTypes; makeLinks?: boolean; // signals: []; //~ placeholder: for later when I have genomic signals for coloring the structure too }; /** * Two scenarios in mind: * 1. continuous selection along the genomic sequence * - in this case, the `regions` array will just a single selected region * 2. selection in 3D (i.e., resulting in many disconnected regions) */ export type Selection = { regions: GenomicCoordinates[]; color: string; label: string; }; type ChromatinSceneConfig = { layout: "center" | "grid"; }; export type MarkTypes = "sphere" | "box" | "octahedron"; export type TrackViewConfig = { mark: MarkTypes; links: boolean; color?: string; }; /** * ChromatinScene carries the structures to show, plus a configuration mostly describing the layout of the scene (WIP) */ export type ChromatinScene = { structures: (DisplayableChunk | DisplayableModel)[]; config: ChromatinSceneConfig; //~ grammar approach };