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This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.1.1)
Package root>client-router.ts
import { adoptNode, call, document, domParse, forEach, listen, location, preventDefault, Promise, querySelector, querySelectorAll, remove, replaceWith, TRUE, window, } from "jsr:@classic/util@0"; const suspenseDelay = 500; let currentNavigateQ: Promise<unknown> | 0; let fetchCache: Record<string, Document | undefined> = {}; const ccRoute = "cc-route"; const fetchingClass = "cc-fetching"; const navigate = async (href: string) => { let url = new URL(href, location.origin), rootSlot = querySelector(ccRoute)!, slot = rootSlot, child: Element | null, pathAttr: string | null, currentFrom: string[] = [], // Contains dynamic routes too navigateQ: Promise<void | Document> | Document, resQ: Promise<Document>, resFrom: string | null, rootClassList = document.documentElement.classList; // Fallback to regular navigation if page defines no route if (!rootSlot) navigateFallback(href); while ((child = querySelector(ccRoute, slot))) { pathAttr = slot.getAttribute("path"); if (!pathAttr) break; currentFrom.push(pathAttr); slot = child; } url.searchParams.set("cc-from", currentFrom.join("/")); navigateQ = currentNavigateQ = Promise.race([ new Promise<void>((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, suspenseDelay)), resQ = Promise.resolve( fetchCache[url as any]?.cloneNode(TRUE) as Document ?? fetch(url).then((res): Promise<Document> => res.redirected ? Promise.reject(navigate(res.url)) : ( resFrom = res.headers.get("CC-From"), res.text().then((html) => currentNavigateQ == navigateQ ? domParse(html) : Promise.reject() ) ) ), ).finally(() => currentNavigateQ = 0), ]); if (location.href != href) history.pushState(0, "", href); if (!await navigateQ) rootClassList.add(fetchingClass); let receivedDoc = await resQ, receivedSlot = querySelector(ccRoute, receivedDoc.body), title = receivedDoc.title, currentHead: Record<string, Element> = {}, i = 0, seg: string; remove(rootClassList, fetchingClass); if (!receivedSlot) navigateFallback(href); // ! \\ `reqQ` needs to be awaited from here, so `resFrom` is available // ! \\ If `resFrom` is null, it means SSG or cache result slot = rootSlot; for (seg of resFrom! ? resFrom.split("/") : []) { // We must already have all the layouts assumed by CC-From if ( seg != currentFrom[i] || !(slot = querySelector(ccRoute, slot)!) ) navigateFallback(href); i++; } if (!slot) navigateFallback(href); if (title) document.title = title; forEachSourceable(document.head, (el, key) => currentHead[key] = el); forEachSourceable( receivedDoc.head, (el, key) => !currentHead[key] && document.head.append(adoptNode(el)), ); replaceWith(slot, adoptNode(receivedSlot!)); // Scripts parsed with DOMParser are not marked to be run forEach( querySelectorAll<HTMLScriptElement>("script", receivedSlot!), reviveScript, ); }; const navigateFallback = (href: string) => { throw location.href = href; }; const forEachSourceable = ( head: HTMLHeadElement, cb: (el: HTMLLinkElement | HTMLScriptElement, key: string) => void, ) => forEach( querySelectorAll<HTMLLinkElement | HTMLScriptElement>( `link,script`, head, ), (el, tagName?: any) => cb( el, `${tagName = el.tagName}:${ tagName == "LINK" ? (el as HTMLLinkElement).href : (el as HTMLScriptElement).src }`, ), ); const reviveScript = (script: HTMLScriptElement) => { let copy = document.createElement("script"); copy.text = script.text; replaceWith(script, copy); }; const isLocal = (href: string) => { let origin = location.origin; return new URL(href, origin).origin == origin; }; export const init = (): () => void => { let t: EventTarget | null, subs: Array<() => void> = [ listen( document.body, "click", (e) => !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && (t = instanceof HTMLAnchorElement && isLocal(t.href) && (preventDefault(e), navigate(t.href)), ), listen( document.body, "submit", (e) => (t = instanceof HTMLFormElement && t.method == "get" && !e.defaultPrevented && isLocal(t.action) && (preventDefault(e), navigate(t.action)), ), listen(window, "popstate", () => navigate(location.href)), ]; return () =>; };