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This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.1.1)
Package root>jsx-runtime.ts
import { isJSable, mkRef } from "jsr:@classic/js@0"; import type { DOMLiteral, IntrinsicElementProps, JSX, JSXChildren, JSXComponent, JSXElement, } from "./types.ts"; import { ElementKind } from "./types.ts"; import type { VoidElement } from "./void.ts"; export type { JSX }; const jsx = (( tag: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | JSXComponent<Record<string, unknown>>, props?: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined, ...children: JSXChildren[] ): JSXElement => { props ??= {}; children = flatten( children.length ? children : props.children as JSXChildren | null | undefined ?? [], ); delete props.children; return typeof tag === "string" ? { kind: ElementKind.Intrinsic, tag, props: props as IntrinsicElementProps, children: children as JSXElement[], ref: mkRef<Element>(), } : { kind: ElementKind.Component, Component: tag, props: ((props.children = children), props), ref: mkRef(), }; }) as { <Tag extends Exclude<keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements, VoidElement>>( tag: Tag, props?: JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] | null | undefined, ...children: JSXChildren[] ): JSXElement; <Tag extends VoidElement>( tag: Tag, props?: JSX.IntrinsicElements[Tag] | null | undefined, ): JSXElement; <Cpt extends JSXComponent<any>, Props extends ComponentProps<Cpt>>( component: Cpt, props?: NullableProps< Omit<Props, "children"> & Partial<Pick<Props, "children">> >, ...children: Props extends { readonly children: infer T } ? T extends readonly unknown[] ? T : [T] : Props extends { readonly children?: infer T } ? T extends readonly unknown[] ? T | [] : [T] | [] : JSXChildren[] ): JSXElement; <Cpt extends JSXComponent<any>>( component: Cpt, props?: NullableProps<ComponentProps<Cpt>>, ): JSXElement; }; type ComponentProps<Cpt extends JSXComponent<Record<any, any>>> = Cpt extends JSXComponent<infer O> ? O : never; type NullableProps<Props> = | Props | ({} extends { readonly [K in keyof Props as Props[K] extends undefined ? never : K]: 1 } ? null | undefined : never); const Fragment = ( { children }: { children?: JSXChildren } = {}, ): JSXElement => ({ kind: ElementKind.Fragment, children: flatten(children), ref: mkRef(), }); const flatten = (children: JSXChildren): JSXElement[] => { if (!Array.isArray(children)) children = [children]; const fragment: JSXElement[] = []; for (const child of children) { if (Array.isArray(child)) { fragment.push(...flatten(child)); } else if (child != null) { fragment.push( isJSable<DOMLiteral>(child) ? { kind: ElementKind.JS, js: child, ref: mkRef() } : typeof child === "object" ? (child as JSXElement) : { kind: ElementKind.Text, text: child as string | number, ref: mkRef(), }, ); } } return fragment; }; export { Fragment, jsx, jsx as jsxDev, jsx as jsxs };