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This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.1.1)
Package root>render.ts
import { client, type Fn, indexedUris, inline, isJSable, type JS, js, type JSable, jsResources, mkRef, type RefTree, type ServedJSContext, toJS, unsafe, } from "jsr:@classic/js@0"; import { contextSymbol, type DOMLiteral, type DOMNode, DOMNodeKind, ElementKind, type JSX, type JSXComponent, type JSXContext, type JSXContextAPI, type JSXContextInit, type JSXElement, type JSXRef, } from "./types.ts"; import { voidElements } from "./void.ts"; const camelRegExp = /[A-Z]/g; const hyphenize = (camel: string) => camel.replace( camelRegExp, (l: string) => "-" + l.toLowerCase(), ); const eventPropRegExp = /^on([A-Z]\w+)$/; // Only escape when necessary ; avoids inline JS like "a && b" to become "a &amp;&amp; b" const escapesRegex = /&(#\d{2,4}|[A-z][A-z\d]+);/g; const escapeEscapes = (value: string) => value.replaceAll(escapesRegex, (_, code) => `&amp;${code};`); const escapeTag = (tag: string) => tag.replaceAll(/[<>"'&]/g, ""); const zeroWidthSpaceHTML = "&#8203;"; const escapeTextNode = (text: string) => escapeEscapes(text).replaceAll("<", "&lt;") || zeroWidthSpaceHTML; // Empty would not be parsed as a text node const commentEscapeRegExp = /--(#|>)/g; const escapeComment = (comment: string) => comment.replaceAll(commentEscapeRegExp, "--#$1"); export const escapeScriptContent = (node: DOMLiteral) => String(node).replaceAll("</script", "</scr\\ipt"); const encoder = new TextEncoder(); export const render = ( root: JSXElement | PromiseLike<JSXElement>, opts: { context?: JSXContextInit<unknown>[] | JSXContextAPI; doctype?: boolean; } = {}, ): ReadableStream<Uint8Array> => new ReadableStream<Uint8Array>({ start(controller) { const { context } = opts; const ctx = initContext(context); if (!ctx.get($effects)) ctx.provide($effects, []); const effects = ctx($effects); const served = ctx.get($served); const write = (chunk: Uint8Array) => controller.enqueue(chunk); const tree = domNodes(root, ctx); writeDOMTree(tree, { served, effects, write, ...opts }, true) .finally(() => { controller.close(); }); }, }); export const createContext = <T>(name?: string): JSXContext<T> => { const $ = Symbol(name); const init = (value: T) => [$, value] as const; return { init, [contextSymbol]: $ }; }; type JSXContextInternal = JSXContextAPI & { [$contextData]: Map<symbol, unknown>; }; export const initContext = ( init?: JSXContextInit<unknown>[] | JSXContextAPI, ): JSXContextAPI => { if (init && !Array.isArray(init)) { const entries: JSXContextInit<unknown>[] = [ ...(init as JSXContextInternal)[$contextData].entries(), ]; return initContext(entries); } const use = <T, Args extends any[]>( context: JSXContext<T> | ((use: JSXContextAPI, ...args: Args) => T), ...args: Args ) => { if (typeof context === "function") { return context(ctx, ...args); } else { if (!use[$contextData].has(context[contextSymbol])) { throw new Error( `Looking up unset context ${ context[contextSymbol].description ?? "" }`, ); } return use[$contextData].get(context[contextSymbol]) as T; } }; use[$contextData] = new Map<symbol, unknown>(init); const ctx = Object.assign(use, contextProto); return ctx; }; const $contextData = Symbol("data"); const contextProto = { get<T>(context: JSXContext<T>) { return this[$contextData].get(context[contextSymbol]) as T; }, provide<T>(context: JSXContext<T>, value: T) { this[$contextData].set(context[contextSymbol], value); return this; }, } satisfies ThisType<JSXContextInternal>; export const $effects = createContext<JSable<void>[]>("effect"); export const $served = createContext<ServedJSContext>("served"); export const $client = <T>(name: string) => (use: JSXContextAPI): JS<T> => { const module = use($served).getModule(name); if (!module) { throw Error( `${name} needs to be added to your client modules configuration`, ); } return module as JS<T>; }; const activate = async ( refs: RefTree, opts: { served?: ServedJSContext; effects: JSable<void>[]; write: (chunk: Uint8Array) => void; }, ): Promise<DOMNode | void> => { const { effects, served } = opts; if (effects.length) { if (!served) { effects.splice(0, effects.length); return console.error( `Can't attach JS to refs: no served JS context is provided`, ); } const [activationScript] = await toJS( () => effects, { served, refs: refs.length ? ["$", refs] : true }, ); effects.splice(0, effects.length); await writeDOMTree([{ kind: DOMNodeKind.Tag, tag: "script", attributes: new Map(), children: [{ kind: DOMNodeKind.Text, text: refs.length ? `{const $=document.currentScript;setTimeout(async()=>{${activationScript}})}` : `(async()=>{${activationScript}})()`, ref: mkRef(), }], ref: mkRef(), }], opts); } }; const writeDOMTree = async ( tree: Iterable<DOMNode> | AsyncIterable<DOMNode>, opts: { doctype?: boolean; served?: ServedJSContext; effects: JSable<void>[]; write: (chunk: Uint8Array) => void; }, root?: boolean, ): Promise<RefTree> => { const { doctype, write } = opts; const writeStr = (chunk: string) => write(encoder.encode(chunk)); const refs: RefTree = []; for await (const node of tree) { let childRefs: RefTree | null = null; switch (node.kind) { case DOMNodeKind.Comment: { if (node.text) { writeStr(`<!--`); writeStr(escapeComment(node.text)); writeStr(`-->`); } else { writeStr(`<!>`); } break; } case DOMNodeKind.Tag: { if ( root && ( doctype === true || (doctype == null && node.tag === "html") ) ) { writeStr("<!DOCTYPE html>"); } writeStr("<"); writeStr(escapeTag(node.tag)); for (const [name, value] of node.attributes) { if (value === false) continue; const valueStr = value === true ? "" : String(value); const escapedValue = escapeEscapes(valueStr).replaceAll("'", "&#39;"); writeStr(" "); writeStr(escapeTag(name)); if (escapedValue) { writeStr("="); if (/[\s>"]/.test(escapedValue)) { writeStr("'"); writeStr(escapedValue); writeStr("'"); } else { writeStr(escapedValue); } } } writeStr(">"); if (!voidElements.has(node.tag)) { if (node.tag === "script") { for await (const c of node.children) { if (c.kind === DOMNodeKind.Text) { writeStr(escapeScriptContent(c.text)); } else { console.warn(`<script> received non-text child: ${c}`); } } } else { // Write any global initializing effect that may use document.body if (node.tag === "body") await activate([], opts); childRefs = await writeDOMTree(node.children, opts); if (node.tag === "body") await activate(childRefs, opts); } writeStr("</"); writeStr(node.tag); writeStr(">"); } break; } case DOMNodeKind.Text: { writeStr(escapeTextNode(node.text)); break; } case DOMNodeKind.HTMLNode: { const reader = node.html.getReader(); while (true) { const res = await; if (res.done) break; write(res.value); } break; } } refs.push(childRefs?.length ? [node.ref, childRefs] : [node.ref]); } if (root) await activate(refs, opts); return refs; }; const domNodes = async function* ( nodeLike: JSX.Element, ctx: JSXContextAPI, ): AsyncIterable<DOMNode> { const node = nodeLike && "then" in nodeLike ? await nodeLike : nodeLike; if (!node) return; const effects = ctx($effects); switch (node.kind) { case ElementKind.Fragment: { for (const e of node.children) { yield* domNodes(e, ctx); } return; } case ElementKind.Component: { const { Component, props } = node; const subCtx = initContext(ctx); yield* domNodes(Component(props, subCtx), subCtx); return; } case ElementKind.Comment: { return yield { kind: DOMNodeKind.Comment, text: node.text, ref: node.ref, }; } case ElementKind.Intrinsic: { const { tag, props: { ref, ...props } } = node; const attributes = new Map<string, string | number | boolean>(); const reactiveAttributes: [ string, JSable<string | number | boolean | null>, ][] = []; if (ref) { const refHook = (ref as unknown as JSXRef<Element>)(node.ref); if (refHook !== node.ref && isJSable<void>(refHook)) { effects.unshift(refHook); } } const propEntries = Object.entries(props); let entry; while ((entry = propEntries.shift())) { const [prop, value] = entry; const name = hyphenize(prop); await (async function recordAttr( name: string, value: | string | number | boolean | null | undefined | JSable<string | number | boolean | null>, ) { if (value != null) { const eventMatch = prop.match(eventPropRegExp); if (eventMatch) { effects.push( onEvent(node.ref, eventMatch[1].toLowerCase(), value), ); } else if (isJSable<string | number | boolean | null>(value)) { await recordAttr(name, await js.eval(value)); reactiveAttributes.push([name, value]); } else { attributes.set(name, value); } } })(name, value); } for (const [name, expr] of reactiveAttributes) { const uris = jsResources(expr); if (uris.length) { effects.push(subAttribute(uris, node.ref, name, () => inline(expr))); } } return yield { kind: DOMNodeKind.Tag, tag, attributes, children: disambiguateText(node.children, ctx), ref: node.ref, }; } case ElementKind.JS: { const uris = jsResources(node.js); if (uris.length) { effects.push( js.fn(() => subText( node.ref, () => inline(node.js), // js.comma(js.reassign(node.element, node.element), node.element), indexedUris(uris), ) )(), ); } return yield { kind: DOMNodeKind.Text, text: String(await js.eval(node.js) ?? ""), ref: node.ref, }; } case ElementKind.Text: { return yield { kind: DOMNodeKind.Text, text: String(node.text), ref: node.ref, }; } case ElementKind.HTMLNode: { return yield { kind: DOMNodeKind.HTMLNode, html: node.html, ref: node.ref, }; } } throw Error(`Can't handle JSX node ${JSON.stringify(node)}`); }; async function* disambiguateText( children: readonly JSXElement[], ctx: JSXContextAPI, ): AsyncIterable<DOMNode> { let prev: DOMNode | null = null; for (const child of children) { for await (const c of domNodes(child, ctx)) { if ( prev && c.kind === DOMNodeKind.Text && prev.kind === DOMNodeKind.Text ) { yield { kind: DOMNodeKind.Comment, text: "", ref: mkRef(), }; } yield c; prev = c; } } } const onEvent = js.fn(( target: JS<EventTarget>, type: JS<string>, cb: JS<(e: Event) => void>, ) => [ js`let c=${cb}`, target.addEventListener(type, unsafe("c")), js`return ()=>${target.removeEventListener(type, unsafe("c"))}`, ]); const subAttribute = js.fn(( uris: JS<string[]>, target: JS<Element>, k: JS<string>, expr: JS<() => unknown>, ): JS<void> => client.sub( target, () => { const v = expr(); return js`!${v}&&${v}!==""?${target.removeAttribute(k)}:${ target.setAttribute(k, js`${v}===true?"":String(${v})`) }`; }, indexedUris(uris), ) ); const subText = js.fn(( node: JS<Text>, value: JS<() => DOMLiteral>, uris: JS<readonly string[]>, ) => js< () => void >`${client.sub}(${node},_=>${node}.textContent=${value}(),${uris})` ); export const Effect: JSXComponent<{ js: Fn<[], void | (() => void)>; uris?: | readonly string[] | JSable<readonly string[]> | readonly JSable<string>[]; }> = ({ js: cb, uris }, use) => { const ref = mkRef<Comment>(); use($effects).push( js.fn(() => { const effectJs = js.fn(cb); return client.sub( ref, effectJs, uris ? indexedUris(uris) : [], ); })(), ); return { kind: ElementKind.Comment, text: "", ref, }; }; export const Html: JSXComponent<{ contents: string | Uint8Array | ReadableStream<Uint8Array>; }> = ({ contents }) => ({ kind: ElementKind.HTMLNode, html: contents instanceof ReadableStream ? contents : new ReadableStream<Uint8Array>({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue( typeof contents === "string" ? encoder.encode(contents) : contents, ); controller.close(); }, }), ref: mkRef(), });