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This package works with Deno
This package works with Deno
JSR Score
6 months ago (0.5.2)
interface Application

Application is a definition of Application resource.


apiVersion: ""
kind: "Application"
metadata: MetaV1.ObjectMeta
operation: { info?: Array<{ name: string; value: string; }> | null; initiatedBy?: { automated?: boolean | null; username?: string | null; } | null; retry?: { backoff?: { duration?: string | null; factor?: number | null; maxDuration?: string | null; } | null; limit?: number | null; } | null; sync?: { dryRun?: boolean | null; manifests?: Array<string> | null; prune?: boolean | null; resources?: Array<{ group?: string | null; kind: string; name: string; namespace?: string | null; }> | null; revision?: string | null; revisions?: Array<string> | null; source?: ApplicationSource | null; sources?: Array<ApplicationSource> | null; syncOptions?: Array<string> | null; syncStrategy?: { apply?: { force?: boolean | null; } | null; hook?: { force?: boolean | null; } | null; } | null; } | null; } | null
spec: { destination: { name?: string | null; namespace?: string | null; server?: string | null; }; ignoreDifferences?: Array<{ group?: string | null; jqPathExpressions?: Array<string> | null; jsonPointers?: Array<string> | null; kind: string; managedFieldsManagers?: Array<string> | null; name?: string | null; namespace?: string | null; }> | null; info?: Array<{ name: string; value: string; }> | null; project: string; revisionHistoryLimit?: number | null; source?: ApplicationSource | null; sources?: Array<ApplicationSource> | null; syncPolicy?: { automated?: { allowEmpty?: boolean | null; prune?: boolean | null; selfHeal?: boolean | null; } | null; managedNamespaceMetadata?: { annotations?: Record<string, string> | null; labels?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null; retry?: { backoff?: { duration?: string | null; factor?: number | null; maxDuration?: string | null; } | null; limit?: number | null; } | null; syncOptions?: Array<string> | null; } | null; }
status: { conditions?: Array<{ lastTransitionTime?: c.Time | null; message: string; type: string; }> | null; controllerNamespace?: string | null; health?: { message?: string | null; status?: string | null; } | null; history?: Array<{ deployStartedAt?: c.Time | null; deployedAt: c.Time; id: number; initiatedBy?: { automated?: boolean | null; username?: string | null; } | null; revision?: string | null; revisions?: Array<string> | null; source?: ApplicationSource | null; sources?: Array<ApplicationSource> | null; }> | null; observedAt?: c.Time | null; operationState?: { finishedAt?: c.Time | null; message?: string | null; operation: { info?: Array<{ name: string; value: string; }> | null; initiatedBy?: { automated?: boolean | null; username?: string | null; } | null; retry?: { backoff?: { duration?: string | null; factor?: number | null; maxDuration?: string | null; } | null; limit?: number | null; } | null; sync?: { dryRun?: boolean | null; manifests?: Array<string> | null; prune?: boolean | null; resources?: Array<{ group?: string | null; kind: string; name: string; namespace?: string | null; }> | null; revision?: string | null; revisions?: Array<string> | null; source?: ApplicationSource | null; sources?: Array<ApplicationSource> | null; syncOptions?: Array<string> | null; syncStrategy?: { apply?: { force?: boolean | null; } | null; hook?: { force?: boolean | null; } | null; } | null; } | null; }; phase: string; retryCount?: number | null; startedAt: c.Time; syncResult?: { managedNamespaceMetadata?: { annotations?: Record<string, string> | null; labels?: Record<string, string> | null; } | null; resources?: Array<{ group: string; hookPhase?: string | null; hookType?: string | null; kind: string; message?: string | null; name: string; namespace: string; status?: string | null; syncPhase?: string | null; version: string; }> | null; revision: string; revisions?: Array<string> | null; source?: ApplicationSource | null; sources?: Array<ApplicationSource> | null; } | null; } | null; reconciledAt?: c.Time | null; resourceHealthSource?: string | null; resources?: Array<{ group?: string | null; health?: { message?: string | null; status?: string | null; } | null; hook?: boolean | null; kind?: string | null; name?: string | null; namespace?: string | null; requiresPruning?: boolean | null; status?: string | null; syncWave?: number | null; version?: string | null; }> | null; sourceType?: string | null; sourceTypes?: Array<string> | null; summary?: { externalURLs?: Array<string> | null; images?: Array<string> | null; } | null; sync?: { comparedTo?: { destination: { name?: string | null; namespace?: string | null; server?: string | null; }; ignoreDifferences?: Array<{ group?: string | null; jqPathExpressions?: Array<string> | null; jsonPointers?: Array<string> | null; kind: string; managedFieldsManagers?: Array<string> | null; name?: string | null; namespace?: string | null; }> | null; source?: ApplicationSource | null; sources?: Array<ApplicationSource> | null; } | null; revision?: string | null; revisions?: Array<string> | null; status: string; } | null; } | null

Add Package

deno add jsr:@cloudydeno/kubernetes-apis

Import symbol

import { type Application } from "@cloudydeno/kubernetes-apis/";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import { type Application } from "jsr:@cloudydeno/kubernetes-apis/";