Built and signed on GitHub ActionsBuilt and signed on GitHub Actions
Built and signed on GitHub Actions
⏳ Fantastic cron parser and constructor.
This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.3.3)
import type { Maybe } from "jsr:@coven/types@^0.3.3"; import type { Field } from "./Field.ts"; import type { RangeString } from "./RangeString.ts"; import { isRangeField } from "./isRangeField.ts"; import { FROM_NAME, TO_NAME } from "./rangeFieldNames.ts"; import { RANGE_EXPRESSION_SEPARATOR_TOKEN } from "./tokens.ts"; /** * Turn a cron range into a string. * * @example * ```typescript * stringifyRange({ from: 1, to: 13 }); // "1-13" * ``` * @see {@linkcode isRangeField} * * @param field Cron field to turn into a string. * @returns String ranged of `undefined` if it isn't a range object. */ export const stringifyRange = <Predicated extends number>( field: Readonly<Field<Predicated>>, ): Maybe<RangeString> => (isRangeField(field) ? `${field[FROM_NAME]}${RANGE_EXPRESSION_SEPARATOR_TOKEN}${ field[TO_NAME] }` : undefined) as Maybe<RangeString>;