Token that represents "all" in a cron expression.
Type to represent the "all" token ("*"
Checks if given value is included in given field.
Compares value
to a ValueOrRangeField
Regular expression to test for valid cron expressions.
String cron expression (5 fields separated by spaces).
Check if given cron expression object includes given date.
Name of a day of month field in the object representation of a cron expression.
Name of a day of week field in the object representation of a cron expression.
Union of AllToken
, ValueOrRangeField
and ListField
that represents a field in a cron expression.
Field names in order.
Regular expression to match a cron expression field.
Union of AllToken
, ValueOrRangeString
and ListString
that represents a field in a cron expression.
Range field from
Name of a hour field in the object representation of a cron expression.
Predicate to check if the given value is "*"
Predicate checking if given value is a ListField
Predicate checking if given value is a ListString
Predicate checking if given value is a number.
Predicate checking if given value is a cron object range (RangeField
Predicate checking if given value is a cron string range
Validates if a string is a cron expression.
Token to separate list items in a cron expression.
Type to represent the "list expression separator" token (","
Type that represents a list of values for a cron object field.
Type that represents a list of values for a cron string field.
Name of a minute field in the object representation of a cron expression.
Name of a month field in the object representation of a cron expression.
Type that represents values from 1
to 12
for the month cron field.
Get next ISO date string for the given date and the given cron expression.
Get next ISO date iterator for the given date and the given cron expression.
Normalizes day and month 3 letter aliases into their number counterparts.
Regular expression to match field with an optional 0
to it's left.
Parses a cron expression into an object representation.
Parses a cron field.
Given an iterable of tuples with the name of a field and a field value,
run each field through parseField
Parses a cron list into an array.
Map to parse cron list items (can be either a range or a number).
Parses a cron list into an array.
Maps given iterable through parseNumber
Matches only valid number values for a cron expression (from 0
or 00
Parses a cron range into an object.
Token to separate range values in a cron expression.
Type to represent the "range expression separator" token ("-"
Type that represents a range of values for a cron string field.
Regular expression to test if given string is a range.
Takes a cron object and returns a sting expression.
Takes a cron object and returns a string expression.
Turns cron list into a string.
Turn a cron range into a string.
Range field to
Regular expression to match lists.
Union of a set of numbers and a RangeField
with that same set of
Regular expression to match values or ranges.
Union of a set any number and a RangeString
Regular expression to match values, ranges or lists.
Zips "from" and "to".