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♻️ Iterable and AsyncIterable utilities.
Appends one iterable to another.
Counts the number of items that satisfy a predicate in the given iterable.
Drop the specified amount of items from the given iterable.
Takes an entries iterable and returns an object.
Evaluates items in an iterable against a predicate and returns true
if allitems evaluates to true
Filters items in an iterable against a predicate and returns items thatevaluated to true
Returns the value of the first item in the iterable where predicate istrue
, undefined
Flattens one level of the given iterable.
For each function for iterables.
Get a Symbol.iterator
from an iterable.
Groups values of an iterable in an object based on the output of thegrouper
Get first element of an iterable (undefined
if it is empty).
Tries to find the given searchItem
in iterable.
Get all elements except the last one of an iterable.
Add the given separator
between each element of the given iterable.
Turns given iterable into an array.
Takes a generator function and returns an iterable iterator object.
Takes a separator
string and a iterable and returns a string with theconcatenation of all the elements separated by the separator
Get the length of an iterable.
Map for iterables.
Yields all entries of an object (including symbols).
Prepends one iterable to another.
Range iterable generator (from from
to to
Reducer function for iterables.
Repeat given item the specified amount of times (can be BigInt
times) as an iterable.
Evaluates items in an iterable against a predicate and returns true
if anyitem evaluates to true
Take the given amount of items from the iterable.
Takes a value, iterable and yields it.
Returns a single instance of each item in the iterable.
Takes two iterables and returns a new iterable with the length of theshortest iterable with tuples containing the items from both.
Yields a tuple for each item in the iterable with the index of said item.
♻️ Asynchronous iterable utilities.
Appends one iterable or asynchronous iterable to another.
Counts the number of items that satisfy a predicate in the given iterable orasynchronous iterable.
Drop the specified amount of items from the given iterable or asynchronousiterable.
Takes an entries iterable or asynchronous iterable and returns an object.
Evaluates items in an iterable or asynchronous iterable against a predicateand returns true
if all items evaluates to true
Filters items in an iterable or asynchronous iterable against a predicate andreturns items that evaluated to true
Returns the value of the first item in the iterable or asynchronous iterablewhere predicate is true
, undefined
Flattens one level of the given iterable or asynchronous iterable.
For each function for iterables and asynchronous iterables.
Get a Symbol.iterator
from an iterable or a Symbol.asyncIterator
from anasynchronous iterable.
Groups values of an iterable or asynchronous iterable in an object based onthe output of the grouper
Get first element of an iterable or asynchronous iterable (undefined
ifit is empty).
Tries to find the given searchItem
in iterable or asynchronous iterable.
Get all elements except the last one of an iterable or asynchronous iterable.
Add the given separator
between each element of the given iterable orasynchronous iterable.
Turns given iterable or asynchronous iterable into an array.
Takes a generator function and returns an iterable iterator or asynchronousiterable iterator object.
Takes a separator
string and a iterable or asynchronous iterable andreturns a string with the concatenation of all the elements separated by theseparator
Get the length of an iterable or asynchronous iterable.
Map for iterables and asynchronous iterables.
Prepends one iterable or asynchronous iterable to another.
Deterministic pseudo-random number generator.
Reducer function for iterables and asynchronous iterables.
Evaluates items in an iterable or asynchronous iterable against a predicateand returns true
if any item evaluates to true
Take the given amount of items from the iterable or asynchronous iterable.
Takes a value, iterable or asynchronous iterable and yields it.
Returns a single instance of each item in the iterable or asynchronousiterable.
Takes two iterables or asynchronous iterable and returns a new iterable orasynchronous iterable with the length of the shortest iterable with tuplescontaining the items from both.
Yields a tuple for each item in the iterable with the index of said item.