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A versatile JSON Web Token (JWT) library with cross-runtime compatibility
Creates a JWT with the given key and payload.
Exports a CryptoKey to PEM format.
Options for PEM formatted file write.
Generates an HMAC key from a provided secret string.
Options for key generation
Generates an RSA or ECDSA key pair (public and private key).
Options for key pair generation.
Imports a CryptoKey from a PEM-formatted string or file.
The the JOSE header part of a JWT, JWS or JWE structure.
Options for customizing JWT creation and parsing behavior.
Represents the payload of a JWT. Includes optional standard claims and allows for theaddition of custom properties.See RFC 7519 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7519) for details on standard claims.
Creates a JWT with the given key and payload.
Represents valid algorithm names for key generation using HMAC.
Represents valid algorithm names for generating key pairs using RSA, ECDSA and RSA-PSS.
"unsafely" parse the JOSE header of a JWT without cryptokey.
"unsafely" parse a JWT without cryptokey.
Validates and parses a JWT, verifies it with the given key, and returns the contained payload.
Validates and parses a JWT, verifies it with the given key, and returns the contained payload.