Decorator that should be used on the Controller Class
literal keywords that can be used as arguments for the @ControllerMethodArgs
decorator; these keywords MUST appear in the same order that their counterpart
arguments show up in the actual (decorated) handler function
Decorator that should be used on the Controller Method when we need to refer to the request body, param, query, etc. in the Method Body
Decorator that should be used on the Controller Class Method for DELETE endpoints
Decorator that should be used on the Controller Class Method for GET endpoints
Decorator that should be used on the Controller Class Method for HEAD endpoints
Decorator that should be used on the Controller Class Method for OPTIONS endpoints
Decorator that should be used on the Controller Class Method for PATCH endpoints
Decorator that should be used on the Controller Class Method for POST endpoints
Decorator that should be used on the Controller Class Method for PUT endpoints
entry method to supercharge an oak
application with routing-controllers -like
capabilities (i.e. Controller Class and Method Decorators)
entry method to supercharge an oak
application with routing-controllers -like
capabilities (i.e. Controller Class and Method Decorators)
helper method to enable Open API Spec for the routes declared with oak-routing-ctrl decorators
entry to the Zod
API, enhanced with @asteasolutions/zod-to-openapi
for usage documentation please refer to
re-exported z.infer
type inference API;
for usage documentation please refer to