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A simple and flexible internationalization (i18n) plugin for Deno's Fresh framework.

This package works with Deno, BrowsersIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 months ago (1.2.0)
Package root>src>i18nPlugin.ts
import { join } from 'jsr:@std/path@1.0.6' import type { MiddlewareFn, TranslationState } from './types.ts' /** * Configuration options for the i18n plugin. * * @property languages - Array of supported language codes (e.g., ['en', 'ja']). * @property defaultLanguage - Default language code used when no language is detected. * @property localesDir - Directory path where translation JSON files are stored. */ export interface I18nOptions { languages: string[] defaultLanguage: string localesDir: string } /** * Reads a JSON file and parses its contents. * * @param filePath - Path to the JSON file. * @returns Parsed JSON object as a record of key-value pairs. */ async function readJsonFile(filePath: string): Promise<Record<string, string>> { try { const content = await Deno.readTextFile(filePath) return JSON.parse(content) as Record<string, string> } catch { return {} } } /** * Parses the Accept-Language header to determine the user's preferred language. * * @param acceptLanguage - The value of the Accept-Language header. * @param supportedLanguages - Array of supported language codes. * @param defaultLanguage - The default language code. * @returns The matched language code or the default language. */ function getPreferredLanguage( acceptLanguage: string, supportedLanguages: string[], defaultLanguage: string, ): string { const languages = acceptLanguage .split(',') .map((lang) => { const [code, qValue] = lang.trim().split(';q=') return { code: code.toLowerCase(), q: qValue ? parseFloat(qValue) : 1.0, } }) .sort((a, b) => b.q - a.q) for (const lang of languages) { const code = lang.code.split('-')[0] // Handle regional variants like 'en-US' if (supportedLanguages.includes(code)) { return code } } return defaultLanguage } /** * Middleware function to initialize internationalization (i18n) support. * This plugin detects the user's language based on the URL and the Accept-Language header, * loads the necessary translation files dynamically, and saves the translations, locale, * and base path as global signals for both client-side and server-side access. * * If no language code is present in the URL, it redirects to the URL with the user's preferred language. * * @param options - Configuration options for the i18n plugin. * @returns A middleware function that handles language detection, translation loading, and redirects. */ export const i18nPlugin = ( { languages, defaultLanguage, localesDir }: I18nOptions, ): MiddlewareFn<TranslationState> => { return async (ctx) => { const url = new URL(ctx.req.url) const pathSegments = url.pathname.split('/').filter(Boolean) // Detect the language from the first path segment let lang = languages.includes(pathSegments[0]) ? pathSegments[0] : null // If no language is detected in the URL, determine the user's preferred language if (!lang) { const acceptLanguage = ctx.req.headers.get('Accept-Language') || '' lang = getPreferredLanguage(acceptLanguage, languages, defaultLanguage) // Build the new URL by prepending the determined language const newPathname = `/${lang}${url.pathname}` const newUrl = new URL(url.toString()) newUrl.pathname = newPathname // Return a 307 Temporary Redirect response return Response.redirect(newUrl.toString(), 307) } // Continue processing with the detected language const rootPath = '/' + pathSegments.slice(1).join('/') ctx.state.path = rootPath ctx.state.locale = lang const translationData: Record<string, Record<string, string>> = {} /** * Loads a translation namespace by reading the corresponding JSON file from `localesDir`. * If the file does not exist, it is ignored. * * @param namespace - The namespace of the translation file to load (e.g., 'common'). */ const loadTranslation = async (namespace: string) => { const filePath = join(localesDir, lang, `${namespace}.json`) const data = await readJsonFile(filePath) if (Object.keys(data).length > 0) { translationData[namespace] = data } } // Load common translations and other namespaces await loadTranslation('common') await loadTranslation('error') await loadTranslation('metadata') for (const segment of pathSegments.slice(1)) { await loadTranslation(segment) } ctx.state.translationData = translationData const response = await as Response return response } }