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A simple and flexible internationalization (i18n) plugin for Deno's Fresh framework.

This package works with Deno, BrowsersIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 months ago (0.7.0)


@elsoul/fresh-i18n is an efficient and adaptable internationalization (i18n) plugin designed specifically for Deno's Fresh v2 framework. It enables easy language management within your Fresh app, providing JSON-based translations, automatic locale detection, and optimized data loading for an edge-native experience.


  • Automatic Locale Detection: Seamlessly detects the user's language from URL parameters, defaulting to a specified language when needed.
  • Modular Translation Loading: Organize translations by namespaces for structured, optimized JSON loading.
  • Intuitive API: Fetch translations via useTranslation() and access or switch locales with useLocale().
  • Optimized for Deno Edge: Designed to work efficiently in edge environments, leveraging Deno's performance.
  • Dynamic Language Switching: Allows for real-time language changes within components without a page reload.


Install via JSR

import { i18nPlugin } from 'jsr:@elsoul/fresh-i18n'

Install via Deno Land

import { i18nPlugin } from ''


Step 1: Register the Plugin

In your main.ts, initialize the plugin with available languages, default locale, and translation directory. This setup automatically detects the preferred locale based on the URL.

import { App, fsRoutes, staticFiles, trailingSlashes } from 'fresh'
import { i18nPlugin, type TranslationState } from '@elsoul/fresh-i18n'

export const app = new App<{ state: TranslationState }>({
  root: import.meta.url,
    languages: ['en', 'ja'], // Supported languages
    defaultLanguage: 'en', // Default language
    localesDir: './locales', // Path to locale JSON files

await fsRoutes(app, {
  loadIsland: (path) => import(`./islands/${path}`),
  loadRoute: (path) => import(`./routes/${path}`),

if (import.meta.main) {
  await app.listen()

Step 2: Create Locale JSON Files

Inside the locales directory, create subfolders for each locale and organize translation keys in namespace files. These files are loaded dynamically based on the URL structure.

For example, if the URL is, the plugin will load the following files (if they exist):

  • ./locales/en/common.json (always loaded as the base translation)
  • ./locales/en/company.json
  • ./locales/en/profile.json

Each of these files corresponds to a "namespace" in the translation data. If a file does not exist, it is skipped without an error, ensuring flexibility.

Example: locales/en/common.json

  "welcome": "Welcome",
  "title": "Home"

Example: locales/ja/common.json

  "welcome": "ようこそ",
  "title": "ホーム"

Step 3: Use Translations in Components

Leverage useTranslation() and useLocale() hooks in components to access translations and handle language switching dynamically.

import { useLocale, useTranslation } from '@elsoul/fresh-i18n'

export default function Home() {
  const { t } = useTranslation('common') // Uses "common" namespace
  const { locale, changeLanguage } = useLocale()

  return (
      <h1>{t('title')}</h1> {/* Outputs "Home" or "ホーム" */}
      <p>{t('welcome')}</p> {/* Outputs "Welcome" or "ようこそ" */}
      <p>Current language: {locale}</p>
      <button onClick={() => changeLanguage('en')}>English</button>
      <button onClick={() => changeLanguage('ja')}>日本語</button>

API Reference


Registers the i18n middleware for handling translation loading and locale management.

  • Options:
    • languages (string[]): An array of supported languages (e.g., ['en', 'ja']).
    • defaultLanguage (string): The default language code, used if no locale is detected.
    • localesDir (string): Path to the directory containing locale files.

useTranslation(namespace: string)

Hook to access translation strings within a specified namespace.

  • Parameters:
    • namespace (string): Namespace identifier to load relevant translations.


Hook to retrieve and change the current locale.

  • Returns:
    • locale (string): Current locale code.
    • changeLanguage (function): Function to update the locale.

A custom Link component that maintains the current locale in app-internal links for consistent navigation.

import { Link } from '@elsoul/fresh-i18n';

<Link href="/about">About Us</Link> {/* Locale-aware navigation */}


Contributions are welcome! Please submit any issues or pull requests via GitHub.


This package is open-source, available under the Apache-2.0 License.

Built and signed on
GitHub Actions
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deno add jsr:@elsoul/fresh-i18n

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import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";

---- OR ----

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import * as fresh_i__n from "jsr:@elsoul/fresh-i18n";

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npx jsr add @elsoul/fresh-i18n

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import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";

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yarn dlx jsr add @elsoul/fresh-i18n

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import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";

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import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";

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bunx jsr add @elsoul/fresh-i18n

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import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";