is an efficient and adaptable internationalization (i18n)
plugin designed specifically for Deno's Fresh v2 framework. It enables easy
language management within your Fresh app, providing JSON-based translations,
automatic locale detection, and optimized data loading for an edge-native
and access or
switch locales with useLocale()
.import { i18nPlugin } from 'jsr:@elsoul/fresh-i18n'
import { i18nPlugin } from 'https://deno.land/x/fresh_i18n/mod.ts'
In your main.ts
, initialize the plugin with available languages, default
locale, and translation directory. This setup automatically detects the
preferred locale based on the URL.
import { App, fsRoutes, staticFiles, trailingSlashes } from 'fresh' import { i18nPlugin } from 'fresh-i18n' import type { ExtendedState } from '@/utils/state.ts' export const app = new App<ExtendedState>({ root: import.meta.url, }) .use(staticFiles()) .use(trailingSlashes('never')) .use(i18nPlugin({ languages: ['en', 'ja'], defaultLanguage: 'en', localesDir: './locales', })) await fsRoutes(app, { loadIsland: (path) => import(`./islands/${path}`), loadRoute: (path) => import(`./routes/${path}`), }) if (import.meta.main) { await app.listen() }
If you are managing additional global state in your Fresh app, such as metadata or theme settings, you can extend TranslationState to include your own properties. This extended state can then be used across your app, with translation data (t) accessible directly in request handlers, enabling Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with fully localized content.
In the following example, TranslationState from @elsoul/fresh-i18n is combined with a custom State interface to create ExtendedState. This ExtendedState includes both translation data and other application-specific properties, making it convenient for global state management.
ExtendedState can then be used in request handlers to access translation data directly via ctx.state.t, enabling SSR with localized data.
import { createDefine } from 'fresh' import type { TranslationState } from 'fresh-i18n' interface State { title?: string theme?: string description?: string ogImage?: string noIndex?: boolean } export type ExtendedState = State & TranslationState export const define = createDefine<ExtendedState>()
Inside the locales
directory, create subfolders for each locale and organize
translation keys in namespace files. These files are loaded dynamically based on
the URL structure.
For example, if the URL is https://example.com/en/company/profile
, the plugin
will load the following files (if they exist):
(always loaded as the base translation)./locales/en/metadata.json
(always loaded as the base translation)./locales/en/error.json
(always loaded as the base translation)./locales/en/company.json
Each of these files corresponds to a "namespace" in the translation data. If a file does not exist, it is skipped without an error, ensuring flexibility.
{ "welcome": "Welcome", "title": "Home" }
{ "welcome": "ようこそ", "title": "ホーム" }
import { define } from '@/utils/state.ts' import { createTranslator } from 'jsr:@elsoul/fresh-i18n' export const handler = define.handlers({ GET(ctx) { console.log('ctx', ctx.state.translationData) // Access translation data directly return page() }, }) export default define.page<typeof handler>(function Home(props) { const { t } = createTranslator(props.state.translationData) return ( <div> {t('common.title')} // Home or ホーム </div> ) })
You need to share ctx.state data with islands.
import type { PageProps } from 'fresh' import StateShareLayer from '@/islands/layouts/StateShareLayer.tsx' import type { ExtendedState } from '@/utils/state.ts' export default function RootLayout( { Component, state }: PageProps, ) { return ( <> <StateShareLayer state={state as ExtendedState} /> <Component /> </> ) }
import { type ExtendedState } from '@/utils/state.ts' import { atom, useAtom } from 'fresh-atom' import { useEffect } from 'preact/hooks' type Props = { state: ExtendedState } export const stateAtom = atom<ExtendedState>({ title: '', theme: 'dark', description: '', ogImage: '', noIndex: false, locale: 'en', translationData: {}, path: '/', }) export default function StateShareLayer({ state }: Props) { const [, setState] = useAtom(stateAtom) useEffect(() => { setState(state) }, [state]) return null }
You can create useful hooks to access translation data on islands.
import { useAtom } from 'fresh-atom' import { stateAtom } from '@/islands/layouts/StateShareLayer.tsx' export function useTranslation() { const [state] = useAtom(stateAtom) /** * Translates a key string like 'common.title' or 'common.titlerow.title.example' * by traversing the nested structure of `state.t`. * * @param key - The translation key in dot notation (e.g., 'common.title'). * @returns The translated string, or an empty string if the key is not found. */ const t = (key: string): string => { const keys = key.split('.') let result: Record<string, unknown> | string = state.translationData for (const k of keys) { if (typeof result === 'object' && result !== null && k in result) { result = result[k] as Record<string, unknown> | string } else { return '' // Key not found, return empty string or default text } } return typeof result === 'string' ? result : '' // Return the result if it's a string } return { t } }
import { useAtom } from 'fresh-atom' import { stateAtom } from '@/islands/layouts/StateShareLayer.tsx' export function usePathname() { const [state] = useAtom(stateAtom) return state.path }
import { useAtom } from 'fresh-atom' import { stateAtom } from '@/islands/layouts/StateShareLayer.tsx' export function useLocale() { const [state, setState] = useAtom(stateAtom) /** * Sets a new locale, updates the global state, and redirects * to the new locale's URL path to update page content. * * @param locale - The new locale string (e.g., 'en', 'ja'). */ const setLocale = (locale: string) => { setState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, locale })) const newPath = `/${locale}${state.path}` globalThis.location.href = newPath } return { locale: state.locale, setLocale } }
import { useTranslation } from '@/hooks/i18n/useTranslation.ts' import { usePathname } from '@/hooks/i18n/usePathname.ts' import { useLocale } from '@/hooks/i18n/useLocale.ts' export default function IslandsComponent() { const { t } = useTranslation() const path = usePathname() const { locale } = useLocale() console.log('path', path) console.log('locale', locale) return ( <div> {t('common.title')} // Home or ホーム </div> ) }
Contributions are welcome! Please submit any issues or pull requests via GitHub.
This package is open-source, available under the Apache-2.0 License.
Add Package
deno add jsr:@elsoul/fresh-i18n
Import symbol
import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import * as fresh_i__n from "jsr:@elsoul/fresh-i18n";
Add Package
npx jsr add @elsoul/fresh-i18n
Import symbol
import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";
Add Package
yarn dlx jsr add @elsoul/fresh-i18n
Import symbol
import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";
Add Package
pnpm dlx jsr add @elsoul/fresh-i18n
Import symbol
import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";
Add Package
bunx jsr add @elsoul/fresh-i18n
Import symbol
import * as fresh_i__n from "@elsoul/fresh-i18n";