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This release is 22 versions behind 1.4.1 — the latest version of @fedify/fedify. Jump to latest

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An ActivityPub/fediverse server framework

This package works with Node.js, Deno, Bun
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
JSR Score
3 months ago (1.2.1)
import { getLogger } from "jsr:@logtape/logtape@^0.7.1"; import { equals } from "jsr:@std/bytes@^1.0.2"; import { decodeBase64, encodeBase64 } from "jsr:/@std/encoding@^1.0.5/base64"; import type { DocumentLoader } from "../runtime/docloader.ts"; import { CryptographicKey } from "../vocab/vocab.ts"; import { fetchKey, type KeyCache, validateCryptoKey } from "./key.ts"; /** * Signs a request using the given private key. * @param request The request to sign. * @param privateKey The private key to use for signing. * @param keyId The key ID to use for the signature. It will be used by the * verifier. * @returns The signed request. * @throws {TypeError} If the private key is invalid or unsupported. */ export async function signRequest( request: Request, privateKey: CryptoKey, keyId: URL, ): Promise<Request> { validateCryptoKey(privateKey, "private"); if ( !== "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5") { throw new TypeError("Unsupported algorithm: " +; } const url = new URL(request.url); const body: ArrayBuffer | null = request.method !== "GET" && request.method !== "HEAD" ? await request.arrayBuffer() : null; const headers = new Headers(request.headers); if (!headers.has("Host")) { headers.set("Host",; } if (!headers.has("Digest") && body != null) { const digest = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", body); headers.set("Digest", `SHA-256=${encodeBase64(digest)}`); } if (!headers.has("Date")) { headers.set("Date", new Date().toUTCString()); } const serialized: [string, string][] = [ ["(request-target)", `${request.method.toLowerCase()} ${url.pathname}`], ...headers, ]; const headerNames: string[] =[name]) => name); const message = serialized .map(([name, value]) => `${name}: ${value.trim()}`).join("\n"); // TODO: support other than RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5: const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign( "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", privateKey, new TextEncoder().encode(message), ); const sigHeader = `keyId="${keyId.href}",algorithm="rsa-sha256",headers="${ headerNames.join(" ") }",signature="${encodeBase64(signature)}"`; headers.set("Signature", sigHeader); return new Request(request, { headers, body, }); } const supportedHashAlgorithms: Record<string, string> = { "sha": "SHA-1", "sha-256": "SHA-256", "sha-512": "SHA-512", }; /** * Options for {@link verifyRequest}. */ export interface VerifyRequestOptions { /** * The document loader to use for fetching the public key. */ documentLoader?: DocumentLoader; /** * The context loader to use for JSON-LD context retrieval. */ contextLoader?: DocumentLoader; /** * The time window to allow for the request date. The actual time window is * twice the value of this option, with the current time as the center. * Or if it is `false`, no time check is performed. * * An hour by default. */ timeWindow?: Temporal.Duration | Temporal.DurationLike | false; /** * The current time. If not specified, the current time is used. This is * useful for testing. */ currentTime?: Temporal.Instant; /** * The key cache to use for caching public keys. * @since 0.12.0 */ keyCache?: KeyCache; } /** * Verifies the signature of a request. * * Note that this function consumes the request body, so it should not be used * if the request body is already consumed. Consuming the request body after * calling this function is okay, since this function clones the request * under the hood. * * @param request The request to verify. * @param options Options for verifying the request. * @returns The public key of the verified signature, or `null` if the signature * could not be verified. */ export async function verifyRequest( request: Request, { documentLoader, contextLoader, timeWindow, currentTime, keyCache }: VerifyRequestOptions = {}, ): Promise<CryptographicKey | null> { const logger = getLogger(["fedify", "sig", "http"]); const originalRequest = request; request = request.clone(); const dateHeader = request.headers.get("Date"); if (dateHeader == null) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; no Date header found.", { headers: Object.fromEntries(request.headers.entries()) }, ); return null; } const sigHeader = request.headers.get("Signature"); if (sigHeader == null) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; no Signature header found.", { headers: Object.fromEntries(request.headers.entries()) }, ); return null; } const digestHeader = request.headers.get("Digest"); if ( request.method !== "GET" && request.method !== "HEAD" && digestHeader == null ) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; no Digest header found.", { headers: Object.fromEntries(request.headers.entries()) }, ); return null; } let body: ArrayBuffer | null = null; if (digestHeader != null) { body = await request.arrayBuffer(); const digests = digestHeader.split(",").map((pair) => pair.includes("=") ? pair.split("=", 2) as [string, string] : [pair, ""] ); let matched = false; for (let [algo, digestBase64] of digests) { algo = algo.trim().toLowerCase(); if (!(algo in supportedHashAlgorithms)) continue; let digest: Uint8Array; try { digest = decodeBase64(digestBase64); } catch (error) { logger.debug("Failed to verify; invalid base64 encoding: {digest}.", { digest: digestBase64, error, }); return null; } const expectedDigest = await crypto.subtle.digest( supportedHashAlgorithms[algo], body, ); if (!equals(digest, new Uint8Array(expectedDigest))) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; digest mismatch ({algorithm}): " + "{digest} != {expectedDigest}.", { algorithm: algo, digest: digestBase64, expectedDigest: encodeBase64(expectedDigest), }, ); return null; } matched = true; } if (!matched) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; no supported digest algorithm found. " + "Supported: {supportedAlgorithms}; found: {algorithms}.", { supportedAlgorithms: Object.keys(supportedHashAlgorithms), algorithms:[algo]) => algo), }, ); return null; } } const date = Temporal.Instant.from(new Date(dateHeader).toISOString()); const now = currentTime ?? Temporal.Now.instant(); if (timeWindow !== false) { const tw: Temporal.Duration | Temporal.DurationLike = timeWindow ?? { hours: 1 }; if (, now.add(tw)) > 0) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; Date is too far in the future.", { date: date.toString(), now: now.toString() }, ); return null; } else if (, now.subtract(tw)) < 0) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; Date is too far in the past.", { date: date.toString(), now: now.toString() }, ); return null; } } const sigValues = Object.fromEntries( sigHeader.split(",").map((pair) => pair.match(/^\s*([A-Za-z]+)="([^"]*)"\s*$/) ).filter((m) => m != null).map((m) => m!.slice(1, 3) as [string, string]), ); if (!("keyId" in sigValues)) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; no keyId field found in the Signature header.", { signature: sigHeader }, ); return null; } else if (!("headers" in sigValues)) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; no headers field found in the Signature header.", { signature: sigHeader }, ); return null; } else if (!("signature" in sigValues)) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; no signature field found in the Signature header.", { signature: sigHeader }, ); return null; } const { keyId, headers, signature } = sigValues; const keyResult = await fetchKey(new URL(keyId), CryptographicKey, { documentLoader, contextLoader, keyCache, }); if (keyResult == null) return null; const { key, cached } = keyResult; const headerNames = headers.split(/\s+/g); if ( !headerNames.includes("(request-target)") || !headerNames.includes("date") ) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; required headers missing in the Signature header: " + "{headers}.", { headers }, ); return null; } if (body != null && !headerNames.includes("digest")) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify; required headers missing in the Signature header: " + "{headers}.", { headers }, ); return null; } const message = => `${name}: ` + (name == "(request-target)" ? `${request.method.toLowerCase()} ${new URL(request.url).pathname}` : name == "host" ? request.headers.get("host") ?? new URL(request.url).host : request.headers.get(name)) ).join("\n"); const sig = decodeBase64(signature); // TODO: support other than RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5: const verified = await crypto.subtle.verify( "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", key.publicKey, sig, new TextEncoder().encode(message), ); if (!verified) { if (cached) { logger.debug( "Failed to verify with the cached key {keyId}; signature {signature} " + "is invalid. Retrying with the freshly fetched key...", { keyId, signature, message }, ); return await verifyRequest( originalRequest, { documentLoader, contextLoader, timeWindow, currentTime, keyCache: { get: () => Promise.resolve(null), set: async (keyId, key) => await keyCache?.set(keyId, key), }, }, ); } logger.debug( "Failed to verify with the fetched key {keyId}; signature {signature} " + "is invalid. Check if the key is correct or if the signed message " + "is correct. The message to sign is:\n{message}", { keyId, signature, message }, ); return null; } return key; }