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This release is 7 versions behind 1.4.1 — the latest version of @fedify/fedify. Jump to latest

Built and signed on GitHub Actions

An ActivityPub/fediverse server framework

This package works with Node.js, Deno, Bun
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
JSR Score
2 months ago (1.3.3)
import { build, emptyDir } from "jsr:@deno/dnt@0.41.2"; import { copy } from "jsr:@std/fs@^1.0.3"; import { join } from "jsr:@std/path@^1.0.6"; await emptyDir("./npm"); await emptyDir("./npm/esm/codegen"); const denoJson = join(import.meta.dirname!, "deno.json"); const metadata = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(denoJson)); const excludedExports = ["./x/denokv", "./x/fresh"]; const entryPoints = Object.entries(metadata.exports as Record<string, string>) .map(([name, path]) => ({ name, path })) .filter(({ name }) => !excludedExports.includes(name)); const testExports = []; for (const { name } of entryPoints) { const match = name.match(/^\.\/([^/]+)/); if (match && match[1] != "x") testExports.push(match[1]); } const importMap = ".dnt-import-map.json"; await Deno.writeTextFile( importMap, JSON.stringify({ imports: { ...metadata.imports, "@logtape/logtape": metadata.imports["@logtape/logtape"] .replace(/^jsr:/, "npm:"), "@hugoalh/http-header-link": metadata.imports["@hugoalh/http-header-link"] .replace(/^jsr:/, "npm:"), }, }), ); await build({ package: { // package.json properties name: "@fedify/fedify", version: Deno.args[0] ?? metadata.version, description: "An ActivityPub server framework", keywords: ["ActivityPub", "fediverse"], license: "MIT", author: { name: "Hong Minhee", email: "", url: "", }, homepage: "", repository: { type: "git", url: "git+", }, bugs: { url: "", }, funding: [ "", ], engines: { "deno": ">=2.0.0", "node": ">=20.0.0", "bun": ">=1.1.0", }, }, outDir: "./npm", entryPoints, importMap, scriptModule: false, shims: { deno: true, crypto: true, custom: [ { package: { name: "urlpattern-polyfill", version: "~10.0.0", }, globalNames: [ { name: "URLPattern", exportName: "URLPattern", }, ], }, { package: { name: "@js-temporal/polyfill", version: "^0.4.4", }, globalNames: [ { name: "Temporal", exportName: "Temporal", }, ], }, ], customDev: [ { module: "./shim/event.ts", globalNames: ["addEventListener"], }, ], }, typeCheck: "both", declaration: "separate", declarationMap: true, test: Deno.env.get("DNT_SKIP_TEST") !== "true", compilerOptions: { target: "ES2022", }, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any filterDiagnostic(diagnostic: any) { if ( diagnostic.file?.fileName.endsWith("2KNRVU.ts") ) { return false; // ignore all diagnostics in this file } // etc... more checks here return true; }, testPattern: `{${testExports.join(",")}}/**/*.test.ts`, async postBuild() { await copy( "testing/fixtures", "npm/esm/testing/fixtures", { overwrite: true }, ); for await (const entry of Deno.readDir("vocab")) { if (!entry.isFile || !".yaml")) continue; await Deno.copyFile(`vocab/${}`, `npm/esm/vocab/${}`); } await Deno.copyFile("codegen/schema.yaml", "npm/esm/codegen/schema.yaml"); await Deno.copyFile("../", "npm/"); await Deno.copyFile("../", "npm/"); await Deno.copyFile("../LICENSE", "npm/LICENSE"); await Deno.copyFile("../logo.svg", "npm/logo.svg"); await Deno.copyFile("../", "npm/"); }, }); await Deno.remove(importMap); // cSpell: ignore Minhee 2KNRVU