Indicates that the actor
accepts the object
. The target
property can be
used in certain circumstances to indicate the context into which the object
has been accepted.
An Activity is a subtype of Object that describes some form of action that may happen, is currently happening, or has already happened. The Activity type itself serves as an abstract base type for all types of activities. It is important to note that the Activity type itself does not carry any specific semantics about the kind of action being taken.
Additional settings for the actor dispatcher.
A callback that dispatches an Actor object.
A callback that maps a WebFinger username to the corresponding actor's
internal identifier, or null
if the username is not found.
A pair of a public key and a private key in various formats.
A callback that dispatches key pairs for an actor.
A string representation of an actor type name.
Indicates that the actor
has added the object
to the target
If the target
property is not explicitly specified, the target would need
to be determined implicitly by context. The origin
can be used to identify
the context from which the object
Indicates that the actor
is calling the target
's attention the object
Describes a software application.
An IntransitiveActivity
that indicates that the actor
has arrived at the location
The origin
can be used to identify the context from which the actor
The target
typically has no defined meaning.
Represents any kind of multi-paragraph written work.
Attaches a LD signature to the given JSON-LD document.
A factory function that creates an authenticated DocumentLoader for a given identity. This is used for fetching documents that require authentication.
Indicates that the actor
is blocking the object
. Blocking is a stronger
form of Ignore. The typical use is to support social systems that
allow one user to block activities or content of other users. The target
and origin
typically have no defined meaning.
Builds Collection-Synchronization
header content.
s are the messages sent in 1-on-1 chats. They are similar to
Notes, but the addressing is done by having a single AP actor in
the to
field. Addressing multiple actors is not allowed. These messages
are always private, there is no public version of them. They are created with
a Create activity.
Additional settings for a collection dispatcher.
A callback that counts the number of items in a collection.
A callback that returns a cursor for a collection.
A callback that dispatches a collection.
Used to represent distinct subsets of items from a Collection
Refer to the Activity Streams 2.0 Core for a complete description of
the CollectionPage
Indicates that the actor
has created the object
Creates an exponential backoff retry policy. The delay between retries
starts at the initialDelay
and is multiplied by the factor
for each
subsequent retry, up to the maxDelay
. The policy will give up after
attempts. The actual delay is randomized to avoid
synchronization (jitter).
Options for createExponentialBackoffPolicy function.
Create a new Federation instance.
Creates a proof for the given object.
Creates a LD signature for the given JSON-LD document.
A proof that can be added to any activity or object, allowing recipients to verify the identity of the actor and the integrity of the data.
Indicates that the actor
has deleted the object
. If specified,
the origin
indicates the context from which the object
was deleted.
Detaches Linked Data Signatures from the given JSON-LD document.
Calculates the partial follower collection digest.
Indicates that the actor
dislikes the object
Represents a document of any kind.
A JSON-LD document loader that fetches documents from the Web.
Checks if the actor of the given activity owns the specified key.
Exports a key in JWK format.
Exports a public key in Multibase format.
Exports a public key in PEM-SPKI format.
An object that registers federation-related business logic and dispatches requests to the appropriate handlers.
Parameters of Federation.fetch method.
Prefixes for namespacing keys in the Deno KV store.
A JSON-LD document loader that utilizes the browser's fetch
Indicates that the actor
is "flagging" the object
. Flagging is defined
in the sense common to many social platforms as reporting content as being
inappropriate for any number of reasons.
Indicates that the actor
is "following" the object
. Following is defined
in the sense typically used within Social systems in which the actor is
interested in any activity performed by or on the object. The target
typically have no defined meaning.
Generates a key pair which is appropriate for Fedify.
Gets the actor class by the given type name.
Gets the actor handle, of the form @username@domain
, from the given actor
or an actor URI.
Gets the type name of the given actor.
Gets an authenticated DocumentLoader for the given identity. Note that an authenticated document loader intentionally does not cache the fetched documents.
Gets the actor that owns the specified key. Returns null
if the key has no
known owner.
Represents a formal or informal collective of Actors.
A specialized Link that represents an #hashtag.
Indicates that the actor
is ignoring the object
. The target
typically have no defined meaning.
Imports a key from JWK format.
Imports a Multibase-encoded public key.
Imports a PEM-SPKI formatted public key.
The third party sites this server can retrieve messages from for combined display with regular traffic.
A callback that handles errors in an inbox.
A callback that listens for activities in an inbox.
Registry for inbox listeners for different activity types.
A message queue that processes messages in the same process. Do not use this in production as it does neither persist messages nor distribute them across multiple processes.
Instances of IntransitiveActivity
are a subtype of Activity
representing intransitive actions. The object
property is therefore
inappropriate for these activities.
A specialization of Offer
in which the actor
is extending an invitation
for the object
to the target
Checks if the given object is an Actor.
Indicates that the actor
has joined the object
The target
and origin
typically have no defined meaning.
The type of the result of parsing JSON.
A key for a key-value store. An array of one or more strings.
Indicates that the actor
has left the object
The target
and origin
typically have no meaning.
Indicates that the actor
likes, recommends or endorses the object
The target
and origin
typically have no defined meaning.
A Link is an indirect, qualified reference to a resource identified by a URL.
The fundamental model for links is established by RFC 5988. Many of the
properties defined by the Activity Vocabulary allow values that are either
instances of Object or Link. When a Link is used,
it establishes a qualified relation connecting the subject (the containing
object) to the resource identified by the href
. Properties of
the Link are properties of the reference as opposed to properties of
the resource.
Indicates that the actor
has listened to the object
Looks up an ActivityStreams object by its URI (including acct:
or a fediverse handle (e.g., @user@server
or user@server
Looks up a WebFinger resource.
A key-value store that stores values in memory. Do not use this in production as it does not persist values.
A specialized Link that represents an @mention.
Indicates that the actor
has moved object
from origin
to target
If the origin
or target
are not specified,
either can be determined by context.
Represents a key owned by an actor according to FEP-521a: Representing actor's public keys.
A callback that dispatches a NodeInfo object.
Converts a NodeInfo object to a JSON value.
Normalizes the given actor handle.
Represents a short written work typically less than a single paragraph in length.
Describes an object of any kind. The Object type serves as the base type for most of the other kinds of objects defined in the Activity Vocabulary, including other Core types such as Activity, IntransitiveActivity, Collection and OrderedCollection.
A callback that dispatches an object.
Indicates that the actor is offering the object. If specified, the target indicates the entity to which the object is being offered.
A subtype of Collection in which members of the logical collection are assumed to always be strictly ordered.
Used to represent ordered subsets of items from an OrderedCollection
Refer to the Activity Streams 2.0 Core for a complete description of
the OrderedCollectionPage
Represents an organization.
The third party sites this server can publish messages to on the behalf of a user.
A callback that handles errors during outbox processing.
A message queue that processes messages in parallel. It takes another MessageQueue, and processes messages in parallel up to a certain number of workers.
A result of parsing an URI.
Represents an individual person.
Represents a logical or physical location. See 5.3 Representing Places for additional information.
A Profile is a content object that describes another Object, typically used to describe Actor Type objects. The Profile.describes property is used to reference the object being described by the profile.
A pair of property name and value.
The protocols supported on this server.
The special public collection for public addressing. Do not mutate this object.
Represents a question being asked. Question objects are an extension of
IntransitiveActivity. That is, the Question object is an Activity,
but the direct object is the question itself and therefore it would not
contain an object
Indicates that the actor
has read the object
Indicates that the actor
is rejecting the object
. The target
typically have no defined meaning.
Describes a relationship between two individuals. The Relationship.subject and Relationship.object properties are used to identify the connected individuals.
A remote JSON-LD document and its context fetched by a DocumentLoader.
Indicates that the actor
is removing the object
. If specified,
the origin
indicates the context from which the object
is being removed.
Describes a resource. See also RFC 7033 section 4.4.
Responds with the given object in JSON-LD format.
Responds with the given object in JSON-LD format if the request accepts JSON-LD.
Options for the respondWithObject and respondWithObjectIfAcceptable functions.
A policy that determines the delay before the next retry.
An error thrown by the Router.
Options for Context.sendActivity method.
Represents a service of any kind.
Signs the given JSON-LD document with the private key and returns the signed JSON-LD document.
Options for signing JSON-LD documents.
Signs the given object with the private key and returns the signed object.
Signs a request using the given private key.
A specialization of Accept indicating that the acceptance is tentative.
A specialization of Reject in which the rejection is considered tentative.
A Tombstone
represents a content object that has been deleted.
It can be used in Collections to signify that there used to be
an object at this position, but it has been deleted.
Indicates that the actor
is traveling to target
from origin
is an IntransitiveObject
whose actor
specifies the direct object.
If the target
or origin
are not specified,
either can be determined by context.
Indicates that the actor
is undoing the object
. In most cases,
the object
will be an Activity describing some previously performed
action (for instance, a person may have previously "liked" an article but,
for whatever reason, might choose to undo that like at some later point in
Indicates that the actor
has updated the object
. Note, however,
that this vocabulary does not define a mechanism for describing the actual
set of modifications made to object
Verify the authenticity of the given JSON-LD document using Linked Data
Signatures. If the document is signed, this function verifies the signature
and checks if the document is attributed to the owner of the public key.
If the document is not signed, this function returns false
Options for verifying JSON-LD documents.
Verifies the given object. It will verify all the proofs in the object, and succeed only if all the proofs are valid and all attributions and actors are authenticated by the proofs.
Options for verifyObject.
Verifies the given proof for the object.
Verifies the signature of a request.
Options for verifyRequest.
Verifies Linked Data Signatures of the given JSON-LD document.
Options for verifying Linked Data Signatures.
Indicates that the actor
has viewed the object.
The federated server framework.
Additional settings for the actor dispatcher.
A callback that dispatches an Actor object.
A callback that maps a WebFinger username to the corresponding actor's
internal identifier, or null
if the username is not found.
A pair of a public key and a private key in various formats.
A callback that dispatches key pairs for an actor.
Builds Collection-Synchronization
header content.
Additional settings for a collection dispatcher.
A callback that counts the number of items in a collection.
A callback that returns a cursor for a collection.
A callback that dispatches a collection.
Creates an exponential backoff retry policy. The delay between retries
starts at the initialDelay
and is multiplied by the factor
for each
subsequent retry, up to the maxDelay
. The policy will give up after
attempts. The actual delay is randomized to avoid
synchronization (jitter).
Options for createExponentialBackoffPolicy function.
Create a new Federation instance.
Calculates the partial follower collection digest.
An object that registers federation-related business logic and dispatches requests to the appropriate handlers.
Parameters of Federation.fetch method.
Prefixes for namespacing keys in the Deno KV store.
A callback that handles errors in an inbox.
A callback that listens for activities in an inbox.
Registry for inbox listeners for different activity types.
A message queue that processes messages in the same process. Do not use this in production as it does neither persist messages nor distribute them across multiple processes.
A key for a key-value store. An array of one or more strings.
A key-value store that stores values in memory. Do not use this in production as it does not persist values.
A callback that dispatches a NodeInfo object.
A callback that dispatches an object.
A callback that handles errors during outbox processing.
A message queue that processes messages in parallel. It takes another MessageQueue, and processes messages in parallel up to a certain number of workers.
A result of parsing an URI.
Responds with the given object in JSON-LD format.
Responds with the given object in JSON-LD format if the request accepts JSON-LD.
Options for the respondWithObject and respondWithObjectIfAcceptable functions.
A policy that determines the delay before the next retry.
An error thrown by the Router.
Options for Context.sendActivity method.
The third party sites this server can retrieve messages from for combined display with regular traffic.
The type of the result of parsing JSON.
Converts a NodeInfo object to a JSON value.
The third party sites this server can publish messages to on the behalf of a user.
The protocols supported on this server.
This module contains the runtime facilities for working with Activity Vocabulary objects, which are auto-generated from the IDL.
A factory function that creates an authenticated DocumentLoader for a given identity. This is used for fetching documents that require authentication.
A JSON-LD document loader that fetches documents from the Web.
Exports a public key in Multibase format.
Exports a public key in PEM-SPKI format.
A JSON-LD document loader that utilizes the browser's fetch
Gets an authenticated DocumentLoader for the given identity. Note that an authenticated document loader intentionally does not cache the fetched documents.
Imports a Multibase-encoded public key.
Imports a PEM-SPKI formatted public key.
A remote JSON-LD document and its context fetched by a DocumentLoader.
HTTP Signatures implementation.
Attaches a LD signature to the given JSON-LD document.
Creates a proof for the given object.
Creates a LD signature for the given JSON-LD document.
Detaches Linked Data Signatures from the given JSON-LD document.
Checks if the actor of the given activity owns the specified key.
Exports a key in JWK format.
Generates a key pair which is appropriate for Fedify.
Gets the actor that owns the specified key. Returns null
if the key has no
known owner.
Imports a key from JWK format.
Signs the given JSON-LD document with the private key and returns the signed JSON-LD document.
Options for signing JSON-LD documents.
Signs the given object with the private key and returns the signed object.
Signs a request using the given private key.
Verify the authenticity of the given JSON-LD document using Linked Data
Signatures. If the document is signed, this function verifies the signature
and checks if the document is attributed to the owner of the public key.
If the document is not signed, this function returns false
Options for verifying JSON-LD documents.
Verifies the given object. It will verify all the proofs in the object, and succeed only if all the proofs are valid and all attributions and actors are authenticated by the proofs.
Options for verifyObject.
Verifies the given proof for the object.
Verifies the signature of a request.
Options for verifyRequest.
Verifies Linked Data Signatures of the given JSON-LD document.
Options for verifying Linked Data Signatures.
A set of type-safe object mappings for the Activity Vocabulary.
Indicates that the actor
accepts the object
. The target
property can be
used in certain circumstances to indicate the context into which the object
has been accepted.
An Activity is a subtype of Object that describes some form of action that may happen, is currently happening, or has already happened. The Activity type itself serves as an abstract base type for all types of activities. It is important to note that the Activity type itself does not carry any specific semantics about the kind of action being taken.
A string representation of an actor type name.
Indicates that the actor
has added the object
to the target
If the target
property is not explicitly specified, the target would need
to be determined implicitly by context. The origin
can be used to identify
the context from which the object
Indicates that the actor
is calling the target
's attention the object
Describes a software application.
An IntransitiveActivity
that indicates that the actor
has arrived at the location
The origin
can be used to identify the context from which the actor
The target
typically has no defined meaning.
Represents any kind of multi-paragraph written work.
Indicates that the actor
is blocking the object
. Blocking is a stronger
form of Ignore. The typical use is to support social systems that
allow one user to block activities or content of other users. The target
and origin
typically have no defined meaning.
s are the messages sent in 1-on-1 chats. They are similar to
Notes, but the addressing is done by having a single AP actor in
the to
field. Addressing multiple actors is not allowed. These messages
are always private, there is no public version of them. They are created with
a Create activity.
Used to represent distinct subsets of items from a Collection
Refer to the Activity Streams 2.0 Core for a complete description of
the CollectionPage
Indicates that the actor
has created the object
A proof that can be added to any activity or object, allowing recipients to verify the identity of the actor and the integrity of the data.
Indicates that the actor
has deleted the object
. If specified,
the origin
indicates the context from which the object
was deleted.
Indicates that the actor
dislikes the object
Represents a document of any kind.
Indicates that the actor
is "flagging" the object
. Flagging is defined
in the sense common to many social platforms as reporting content as being
inappropriate for any number of reasons.
Indicates that the actor
is "following" the object
. Following is defined
in the sense typically used within Social systems in which the actor is
interested in any activity performed by or on the object. The target
typically have no defined meaning.
Gets the actor class by the given type name.
Gets the actor handle, of the form @username@domain
, from the given actor
or an actor URI.
Gets the type name of the given actor.
Represents a formal or informal collective of Actors.
A specialized Link that represents an #hashtag.
Indicates that the actor
is ignoring the object
. The target
typically have no defined meaning.
Instances of IntransitiveActivity
are a subtype of Activity
representing intransitive actions. The object
property is therefore
inappropriate for these activities.
A specialization of Offer
in which the actor
is extending an invitation
for the object
to the target
Checks if the given object is an Actor.
Indicates that the actor
has joined the object
The target
and origin
typically have no defined meaning.
Indicates that the actor
has left the object
The target
and origin
typically have no meaning.
Indicates that the actor
likes, recommends or endorses the object
The target
and origin
typically have no defined meaning.
A Link is an indirect, qualified reference to a resource identified by a URL.
The fundamental model for links is established by RFC 5988. Many of the
properties defined by the Activity Vocabulary allow values that are either
instances of Object or Link. When a Link is used,
it establishes a qualified relation connecting the subject (the containing
object) to the resource identified by the href
. Properties of
the Link are properties of the reference as opposed to properties of
the resource.
Indicates that the actor
has listened to the object
Looks up an ActivityStreams object by its URI (including acct:
or a fediverse handle (e.g., @user@server
or user@server
A specialized Link that represents an @mention.
Indicates that the actor
has moved object
from origin
to target
If the origin
or target
are not specified,
either can be determined by context.
Represents a key owned by an actor according to FEP-521a: Representing actor's public keys.
Normalizes the given actor handle.
Represents a short written work typically less than a single paragraph in length.
Describes an object of any kind. The Object type serves as the base type for most of the other kinds of objects defined in the Activity Vocabulary, including other Core types such as Activity, IntransitiveActivity, Collection and OrderedCollection.
Indicates that the actor is offering the object. If specified, the target indicates the entity to which the object is being offered.
A subtype of Collection in which members of the logical collection are assumed to always be strictly ordered.
Used to represent ordered subsets of items from an OrderedCollection
Refer to the Activity Streams 2.0 Core for a complete description of
the OrderedCollectionPage
Represents an organization.
Represents an individual person.
Represents a logical or physical location. See 5.3 Representing Places for additional information.
A Profile is a content object that describes another Object, typically used to describe Actor Type objects. The Profile.describes property is used to reference the object being described by the profile.
A pair of property name and value.
The special public collection for public addressing. Do not mutate this object.
Represents a question being asked. Question objects are an extension of
IntransitiveActivity. That is, the Question object is an Activity,
but the direct object is the question itself and therefore it would not
contain an object
Indicates that the actor
has read the object
Indicates that the actor
is rejecting the object
. The target
typically have no defined meaning.
Describes a relationship between two individuals. The Relationship.subject and Relationship.object properties are used to identify the connected individuals.
Indicates that the actor
is removing the object
. If specified,
the origin
indicates the context from which the object
is being removed.
Represents a service of any kind.
A specialization of Accept indicating that the acceptance is tentative.
A specialization of Reject in which the rejection is considered tentative.
A Tombstone
represents a content object that has been deleted.
It can be used in Collections to signify that there used to be
an object at this position, but it has been deleted.
Indicates that the actor
is traveling to target
from origin
is an IntransitiveObject
whose actor
specifies the direct object.
If the target
or origin
are not specified,
either can be determined by context.
Indicates that the actor
is undoing the object
. In most cases,
the object
will be an Activity describing some previously performed
action (for instance, a person may have previously "liked" an article but,
for whatever reason, might choose to undo that like at some later point in
Indicates that the actor
has updated the object
. Note, however,
that this vocabulary does not define a mechanism for describing the actual
set of modifications made to object
Indicates that the actor
has viewed the object.
Exports WebFinger-related types and functions.
Looks up a WebFinger resource.
Describes a resource. See also RFC 7033 section 4.4.
& MessageQueue
adapters for Deno's KV storeCreate options for the Federation.fetch method to integrate with Fresh.
Create a Fresh middleware handler to integrate with the Federation object.
A factory function to create a context data for the Federation object.
Create a Hono middleware to integrate with the Federation object.