A specialized Link that represents an @mention.
Mention(values: { id?: URL | null; href?: URL | null; rel?: string | null; rels?: (string)[]; mediaType?: string | null; name?: ; names?: ((string | LanguageString))[]; language?: LanguageTag | null; height?: number | null; width?: number | null; previews?: ()[]; },unnamed 1?: { documentLoader?: DocumentLoader; contextLoader?: DocumentLoader; },)
Constructs a new instance of Mention with the given values.
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")](inspect: Deno.inspect,options: Deno.InspectOptions,): string
_getCustomInspectProxy(): Record<string, unknown>
clone(values?: { id?: URL | null; href?: URL | null; rel?: string | null; rels?: (string)[]; mediaType?: string | null; name?: ; names?: ((string | LanguageString))[]; language?: LanguageTag | null; height?: number | null; width?: number | null; previews?: ()[]; },options?: { documentLoader?: DocumentLoader; contextLoader?: DocumentLoader; },): Mention
Clones this instance, optionally updating it with the given values.
isCompactable(): boolean
fromJsonLd(json: unknown,options?: { documentLoader?: DocumentLoader; contextLoader?: DocumentLoader; },): Promise<Mention>
Converts a JSON-LD structure to an object of this type.