The federated server framework.
A message queue that processes messages in the same process. Do not use this in production as it does neither persist messages nor distribute them across multiple processes.
A key-value store that stores values in memory. Do not use this in production as it does not persist values.
A message queue that processes messages in parallel. It takes another MessageQueue, and processes messages in parallel up to a certain number of workers.
An error thrown by the Router.
Builds Collection-Synchronization
header content.
Creates an exponential backoff retry policy. The delay between retries
starts at the initialDelay
and is multiplied by the factor
for each
subsequent retry, up to the maxDelay
. The policy will give up after
attempts. The actual delay is randomized to avoid
synchronization (jitter).
Create a new Federation instance.
Calculates the partial follower collection digest.
Responds with the given object in JSON-LD format.
Responds with the given object in JSON-LD format if the request accepts JSON-LD.
Additional settings for the actor dispatcher.
A pair of a public key and a private key in various formats.
Additional settings for a collection dispatcher.
A context.
Options for createFederation function.
An object that registers federation-related business logic and dispatches requests to the appropriate handlers.
Parameters of Federation.fetch method.
Prefixes for namespacing keys in the Deno KV store.
Registry for inbox listeners for different activity types.
Options for the respondWithObject and respondWithObjectIfAcceptable functions.
Options for Context.sendActivity method.
A callback that maps a WebFinger query to the corresponding actor's
internal identifier or username, or null
if the query is not found.
A callback that dispatches an Actor object.
A callback that maps a WebFinger username to the corresponding actor's
internal identifier, or null
if the username is not found.
A callback that dispatches key pairs for an actor.
A callback that counts the number of items in a collection.
A callback that returns a cursor for a collection.
A callback that dispatches a collection.
A callback that handles errors in an inbox.
A callback that listens for activities in an inbox.
A key for a key-value store. An array of one or more strings.
A callback that dispatches a NodeInfo object.
A callback that dispatches an object.
A callback that handles errors during outbox processing.
A result of parsing an URI.
A policy that determines the delay before the next retry.
Add Package
deno add jsr:@fedify/fedify
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@fedify/fedify/federation";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import * as mod from "jsr:@fedify/fedify/federation";
Add Package
npx jsr add @fedify/fedify
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@fedify/fedify/federation";
Add Package
yarn dlx jsr add @fedify/fedify
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@fedify/fedify/federation";
Add Package
pnpm dlx jsr add @fedify/fedify
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@fedify/fedify/federation";
Add Package
bunx jsr add @fedify/fedify
Import symbol
import * as mod from "@fedify/fedify/federation";