This release is 1 version behind 0.2.1 — the latest version of @findhow/container. Jump to latest
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Built and signed on GitHub Actions
Wasn't a fan of using decorators to dependency inject things in the TypeScript world. Now you don't have to.
This package works with Node.js, DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Bun, Browsers
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a month ago (0.2.0)
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573import { z } from 'npm:zod@3.21.4'; import { InvalidSchemaError, CircularDependencyError, UnresolvedDependencyError } from './errors.ts'; import { Bindable, Binding, ContextualBinding, Middleware, WithParamTypes, IContainer, IContextualBindingBuilder, IContextualBindingNeedsBuilder, IObserver, Lifetime, // Import Lifetime enum directly } from './types.ts'; /** * Dependency Injection Container * * The Container class provides a way to manage dependencies and their lifecycles. * It supports various binding types, contextual bindings, and middleware. */ export class Container implements IContainer { private bindings = new Map<Bindable, Binding>(); private instances = new Map<Bindable, any>(); private aliases: Map<string | symbol, Bindable> = new Map(); private tags = new Map<string, Bindable[]>(); public contextualBindings: Map<Bindable, ContextualBinding[]> = new Map<Bindable, ContextualBinding[]>(); private resolvingStack: Bindable[] = []; private parent: Container | null = null; private children: Container[] = []; private middlewares: Middleware[] = []; // Binding Methods /** * Bind a type to a factory function. * * @param abstract - The abstract type to bind. * @param factory - The factory function to create the instance. * @param schema - Optional Zod schema for validation. * @returns The Container instance. * * @example * ```typescript * container.bind('MyService', () => new MyService()); * ``` */ bind(abstract: Bindable, factory: Function, schema?: z.ZodType<any>): this { if (schema) { try { const instance = factory(this); schema.parse(instance); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof z.ZodError) { throw new InvalidSchemaError(`Invalid schema for ${String(abstract)}: ${error.message}`); } throw error; } } this.bindings.set(abstract, { factory, lifetime: Lifetime.Transient, // Use Lifetime.Transient as default resolver: (container: Container) => factory(container), }); return this; } /** * Bind a singleton. * * @param abstract - The abstract type to bind. * @param factory - The factory function to create the instance. * @returns The Container instance. * * @example * ```typescript * container.singleton('MySingletonService', () => new MySingletonService()); * ``` */ singleton(abstract: Bindable, factory: Function): this { this.bindings.set(abstract, { factory, lifetime: Lifetime.Singleton, resolver: factory, }); return this; } /** * Bind an instance. * * @param abstract - The abstract type to bind. * @param instance - The instance to bind. * @returns The Container instance. * * @example * ```typescript * container.instance('MyInstance', new MyInstance()); * ``` */ instance(abstract: Bindable, instance: any): this { this.instances.set(abstract, instance); return this; } /** * Alias an abstract type. * * @param alias - The alias to create. * @param abstract - The abstract type to alias. * * @example * ```typescript * container.alias('Logger', 'ConsoleLogger'); * ``` */ alias(alias: string | symbol, abstract: Bindable): void { this.aliases.set(alias, abstract); } /** * Tag multiple abstracts with a tag. * * @param abstracts - The abstracts to tag. * @param tag - The tag to assign. * @returns The Container instance. * * @example * ```typescript * container.tag(['ServiceA', 'ServiceB'], 'services'); * ``` */ tag(abstracts: Bindable[], tag: string): this { if (!this.tags.has(tag)) { this.tags.set(tag, []); } this.tags.get(tag)?.push(...abstracts); return this; } // Resolution Methods /** * Resolve a type. * * @param abstract - The abstract type to resolve. * @param context - Optional context for contextual bindings. * @returns The resolved instance. * * @example * ```typescript * const myService = container.resolve<MyService>('MyService'); * ``` */ resolve<T = any>(abstract: Bindable, context?: Bindable): T { const originalAbstract = abstract; abstract = this.getAlias(abstract); if (this.instances.has(abstract)) { return this.instances.get(abstract); } if (this.resolvingStack.includes(abstract)) { // Return a proxy object for circular dependencies return new Proxy({} as any, { get: (target, prop) => { if (prop === 'isCircularDependency') return true; if (typeof prop === 'string' && prop !== 'then') { return (...args: any[]) => { const resolvedInstance = this.resolve(abstract); return (resolvedInstance as any)[prop](...args); }; } return undefined; }, }); } this.resolvingStack.push(abstract); try { let binding = this.bindings.get(abstract); if (!binding) { if (this.parent) { return this.parent.resolve<T>(originalAbstract); } throw new UnresolvedDependencyError(originalAbstract); } let instance; if (binding.lifetime === Lifetime.Singleton && binding.instance) { instance = binding.instance; } else { if (context) { const contextualBindings = this.contextualBindings.get(context) || []; const contextualBinding = contextualBindings.find(b => b.need === abstract); if (contextualBinding) { instance = typeof contextualBinding.give === 'function' ? contextualBinding.give(this) : contextualBinding.give; } } if (!instance) { instance =, context); } if (binding.lifetime === Lifetime.Singleton) { binding.instance = instance; this.instances.set(abstract, instance); } } return this.applyMiddleware(() => instance); } finally { this.resolvingStack.pop(); } } /** * Resolve a type asynchronously. * * @param abstract - The abstract type to resolve. * @param context - Optional context for contextual bindings. * @returns A promise that resolves to the instance. * * @example * ```typescript * const myService = await container.resolveAsync<MyService>('MyService'); * ``` */ async resolveAsync<T = any>(abstract: Bindable, context?: Bindable): Promise<T> { const instance = await this.resolve<T>(abstract, context); return instance instanceof Promise ? await instance : instance; } /** * Create an instance of a class with dependencies. * * @param Target - The class to instantiate. * @returns The created instance. * * @example * ```typescript * const myClassInstance = container.createInstance(MyClass); * ``` */ createInstance<T>(Target: Bindable & WithParamTypes): T { const paramTypes = Target.paramTypes || []; const injections = any) => this.resolveWithContext(param, Target)); return new (Target as any)(...injections); } // Contextual Binding Methods /** * Create a contextual binding. * * @param concrete - The concrete type to bind. * @returns A builder for defining the contextual binding. * * @example * ```typescript * container.when('MyService').needs('Config').give(() => new Config()); * ``` */ when(concrete: Bindable): IContextualBindingBuilder { return new ContextualBindingBuilder(this, concrete); } // Lifecycle Methods /** * Create a new scope. * * @returns A new Container instance representing the scope. * * @example * ```typescript * const scopedContainer = container.createScope(); * ``` */ createScope(): IContainer { const childContainer = new Container(); childContainer.parent = this; this.children.push(childContainer); return childContainer; } /** * Dispose of the container and its bindings. * * @example * ```typescript * container.dispose(); * ``` */ dispose(): void { for (const [, binding] of this.bindings) { if (binding.instance && typeof binding.instance.dispose === 'function') { binding.instance.dispose(); } } for (const child of this.children) { child.dispose(); } this.bindings.clear(); this.instances.clear(); this.aliases.clear(); this.tags.clear(); this.contextualBindings.clear(); this.children = []; } /** * Create a child container. * * @returns A new Container instance representing the child container. * * @example * ```typescript * const childContainer = container.createChild(); * ``` */ createChild(): IContainer { const child = new Container(); child.parent = this; return child; } /** * Bind a transient. * * @param abstract - The abstract type to bind. * @param factory - The factory function to create the instance. * @returns The Container instance. * * @example * ```typescript * container.transient('MyService', () => new MyService()); * ``` */ transient(abstract: Bindable, factory: Function): this { this.bindings.set(abstract, { factory, lifetime: Lifetime.Transient, resolver: factory, }); return this; } /** * Bind a scoped instance. * * @param abstract - The abstract type to bind. * @param factory - The factory function to create the instance. * @returns The Container instance. * * @example * ```typescript * container.scoped('MyService', () => new MyService()); * ``` */ scoped(abstract: Bindable, factory: Function): this { this.bindings.set(abstract, { factory, lifetime: Lifetime.Scoped, resolver: (container: Container) => { if (container.instances.has(abstract)) { return container.instances.get(abstract); } const instance = factory(container); container.instances.set(abstract, instance); return instance; }, }); return this; } /** * Lazy bind a type to a factory function. * * @param token - The token to bind. * @param factory - The factory function to create the instance. * * @example * ```typescript * container.lazyBind('MyService', () => new MyService()); * ``` */ lazyBind<T>(token: any, factory: () => T): void { this.bind(token, () => { const instance = factory(); this.instance(token, instance); return instance; }); } // Middleware Methods /** * Use a middleware function. * * @param middleware - The middleware function to use. * * @example * ```typescript * container.use(next => { * console.log('Before'); * const result = next(); * console.log('After'); * return result; * }); * ``` */ use(middleware: Middleware): void { this.middlewares.push(middleware); } // Private Methods private resolveWithContext(abstract: Bindable, context: Bindable): any { const contextualBindings = this.contextualBindings.get(context) || []; const binding = contextualBindings.find(b => b.need === abstract); if (binding) { return typeof binding.give === 'function' ? binding.give(this) : binding.give; } return this.resolve(abstract); } private build(binding: Binding, context?: Bindable): any { return binding.resolver(this, context); } private getAlias(abstract: Bindable): Bindable { if (typeof abstract === 'string' || typeof abstract === 'symbol') { return this.aliases.get(abstract) || abstract; } return abstract; } private applyMiddleware(factory: () => any): any { let index = -1; const dispatch = (i: number): any => { if (i <= index) return Promise.reject(new Error('next() called multiple times')); index = i; let fn = this.middlewares[i]; if (i === this.middlewares.length) fn = factory; if (!fn) return; try { return fn(() => dispatch(i + 1)); } catch (err) { return Promise.reject(err); } }; return dispatch(0); } // Add this method tagged(tag: string): any[] { const taggedBindables = this.tags.get(tag) || []; return => this.resolve(bindable)); } } /** * Contextual Binding Builder * * The ContextualBindingBuilder class provides a way to define contextual bindings. */ class ContextualBindingBuilder implements IContextualBindingBuilder { constructor(private container: Container, private concrete: Bindable) {} /** * Define the dependency that the concrete type needs. * * @param need - The dependency that the concrete type needs. * @returns A builder for defining the contextual binding. * * @example * ```typescript * container.when('MyService').needs('Config').give(() => new Config()); * ``` */ needs(need: Bindable): IContextualBindingNeedsBuilder { return new ContextualBindingNeedsBuilder(this.container, this.concrete, need); } } /** * Contextual Binding Needs Builder * * The ContextualBindingNeedsBuilder class provides a way to define the value or factory function for a contextual binding. */ class ContextualBindingNeedsBuilder implements IContextualBindingNeedsBuilder { constructor( private container: Container, private concrete: Bindable, private need: Bindable, ) {} /** * Define the value or factory function for the contextual binding. * * @param give - The value or factory function to provide. * * @example * ```typescript * container.when('MyService').needs('Config').give(() => new Config()); * ``` */ give(give: Function | any): void { if (!this.container.contextualBindings.has(this.concrete)) { this.container.contextualBindings.set(this.concrete, []); } this.container.contextualBindings.get(this.concrete)?.push({ when: this.concrete, need: this.need, give, }); } } /** * Observer * * The Observer class provides a way to implement the observer pattern. */ export class Observer implements IObserver { private listeners: Map<string, Function[]> = new Map(); /** * Subscribe to an event. * * @param event - The event to subscribe to. * @param callback - The callback function to call when the event is published. * * @example * ```typescript * observer.subscribe('myEvent', data => { * console.log('Event received:', data); * }); * ``` */ subscribe(event: string, callback: Function) { if (!this.listeners.has(event)) { this.listeners.set(event, []); } this.listeners.get(event)!.push(callback); } /** * Publish an event. * * @param event - The event to publish. * @param data - Optional data to pass to the event listeners. * * @example * ```typescript * observer.publish('myEvent', { key: 'value' }); * ``` */ publish(event: string, data?: any) { const eventListeners = this.listeners.get(event); if (eventListeners) { eventListeners.forEach(callback => callback(data)); } } }