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🧩 A ready to use CI/CD Pipeline for deploying Spin applications to Fermyon Platform

This package works with Node.js, Deno, Bun
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
JSR Score
7 months ago (0.9.1)
import { Directory, Secret, dag } from "./../../deps.ts"; import { getDirectory, getSpinAuthToken } from "./lib.ts"; export enum Job { build = "build", deploy = "deploy", } export const exclude = ["target", ".git", ".fluentci"]; /** * @function * @description Build your application (only Rust is supported at the moment) * @param {string | Directory | undefined} src * @returns {string} */ export async function build( src: string | Directory ): Promise<Directory | string> { const context = await getDirectory(src); const ctr = dag .pipeline( .container() .from("rust:1.72-bookworm") .withExec(["apt", "update"]) .withExec(["apt", "install", "-y", "curl"]) .withExec([ "sh", "-c", "curl -fsSL | bash", ]) .withExec(["mv", "spin", "/usr/local/bin/spin"]) .withExec(["rustup", "target", "add", "wasm32-wasi"]) .withMountedCache("/root/.cargo/registry", dag.cacheVolume("cargo-cache")) .withMountedCache("/root/.cargo/git", dag.cacheVolume("cargo-git-cache")) .withMountedCache("/app/target", dag.cacheVolume("spin-target-cache")) .withDirectory("/app", context, { exclude }) .withWorkdir("/app") .withExec(["spin", "build"]) .withExec(["cp", "-r", "/app/target/wasm32-wasi", "/wasm32-wasi"]); await ctr.stdout(); const dir = await"/wasm32-wasi"); await dir.export("./target/wasm32-wasi"); const id = await; return id; } /** * @function * @description Package and upload your application to the Fermyon Cloud * @param {string | Directory | undefined} src * @param {string | Secret} authToken * @returns {string} */ export async function deploy( src: string | Directory, authToken: string | Secret ): Promise<string> { const context = await getDirectory(src); const secret = await getSpinAuthToken(authToken); if (!secret) { console.error("SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN is not set"); Deno.exit(1); } const baseCtr = dag .pipeline(Job.deploy) .container() .from("rust:1.72-bookworm") .withExec(["apt", "update"]) .withExec(["apt", "install", "-y", "curl"]) .withExec([ "sh", "-c", "curl -fsSL | bash", ]) .withExec(["mv", "spin", "/usr/local/bin/spin"]) .withExec(["rustup", "target", "add", "wasm32-wasi"]); const ctr = baseCtr .withSecretVariable("SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN", secret) .withDirectory("/app", context) .withWorkdir("/app") .withExec(["spin", "login", "--auth-method", "token"]) .withExec(["ls", "-la", "/app"]) .withExec(["ls", "-la", "/app/target"]) .withExec(["spin", "deploy"]); const result = await ctr.stdout(); return result; } export type JobExec = | ((src: string) => Promise<Directory | string>) | ((src: string, token: string | Secret) => Promise<string>); export const runnableJobs: Record<Job, JobExec> = { []: build, [Job.deploy]: deploy, }; export const jobDescriptions: Record<Job, string> = { []: "Build your application (only Rust is supported at the moment)", [Job.deploy]: "Package and upload your application to the Fermyon Cloud", };