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It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
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JSR Score
2 months ago (0.1.5)
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any // Modules import { type Filter, type NostrEvent, type VerifiedEvent } from 'jsr:@nostr/tools@^2.10.4'; import { SimplePool, nip19, finalizeEvent } from 'jsr:@nostr/tools@^2.10.4'; // Lib import { PodcastGUIDType, PodcastGUIDReference, NOSTR_PAYMENT_EVENT_KIND, PodcastPaymentFromNostrEvent } from '../types/index.ts'; import { PodcastPayment } from '../mod.ts'; // Constants const DEFAULT_LIMIT = 20; const DEFAULT_RELAYS = ['wss://', 'wss://', 'wss://', 'wss://']; const NIP19_NADDR_PATTERN = /naddr[a-zA-Z0-9]+/; const SATOSHIS_PER_BITCOIN = 100000000; /** `nostr.generateNostrNAddress` - generates a nostr nip19 `naddr` string from a pointer - */ export function generateNostrNAddress(pointer: nip19.AddressPointer): string { return nip19.naddrEncode(pointer); } /** `nostr.parseNostrNAddress` - parses a nostr nip19 `naddr` string from any text - */ export function parseNostrNAddress(text: string): { success: boolean; msg?: string; pointer?: nip19.AddressPointer } { const match = text.match(NIP19_NADDR_PATTERN); if (!match) return { success: false, msg: 'no match' }; const naddress = match[0]; const { type, data } = nip19.decode(naddress); if (type !== 'naddr' || !data) return { success: false, msg: 'invalid match' }; return { success: true, pointer: data }; } // ================================================================================= // PODCAST GUID TAGS - // ================================================================================= /** `nostr.getPodcastGUIDFilter` - contructs a nostr even filter based on a `podcast:guid` reference */ export function getPodcastGUIDFilter(reference: PodcastGUIDReference, kinds: number[], options: { limit?: number }): Filter { const limit = options.limit ?? DEFAULT_LIMIT; if (reference.type === PodcastGUIDType.FEED) return { kinds, '#i': [`podcast:guid:${reference.guid}`], limit }; if (reference.type === PodcastGUIDType.ITEM) return { kinds, '#i': [`podcast:item:guid:${reference.guid}`], limit }; if (reference.type === PodcastGUIDType.PUBLISHER) return { kinds, '#i': [`podcast:publisher:guid:${reference.guid}`], limit }; throw Error('INVALID_PODCAST_GUID_REFERENCE'); } /** `nostr.getPodcastGUIDReferences` - parses the nip73 podcast:guid i tags */ export function getPodcastGUIDReferences(event: NostrEvent): PodcastGUIDReference[] { const references = event.tags .filter((t) => t[0] === 'i' && t[1].startsWith('podcast:')) .map((tag) => { try { const reference = tag[1]; const link = tag[2]; const parts = reference.split(':'); const guid = parts[parts.length - 1]; const type: PodcastGUIDType = parts.length === 3 ? PodcastGUIDType.FEED : (parts[1].toUpperCase() as PodcastGUIDType); return { type, guid, link } as PodcastGUIDReference; } catch (error) { console.log(`nostr.getPodcastGUIDReferences ERROR: tag:${tag} `, error); return null; } }) .filter((r) => !!r); return references; } // ================================================================================= // NOSTR EVENT LOADING // ================================================================================= /** `nostr.loadPaymentEventByID` */ export async function loadPaymentEventByID(indentifier: string, options: { relays?: string[] }): Promise<NostrEvent | null> { const pool = new SimplePool(); const relays = options?.relays ?? DEFAULT_RELAYS; const filter = { '#d': [indentifier], kinds: [NOSTR_PAYMENT_EVENT_KIND], limit: 1 }; const events = await pool.querySync(relays, filter); return events[0] ?? null; } /** `nostr.loadPaymentByID` */ export async function loadPaymentByID(indentifier: string, options: { relays?: string[] }): Promise<PodcastPayment | null> { const event = await loadPaymentEventByID(indentifier, options); const payment = event ? PodcastPaymentFromNostrEvent(event) : null; return payment; } /** `nostr.loadEventsForPodcast` - loads a set of nostr events for a podcast */ export async function loadEventsForPodcast( reference: PodcastGUIDReference, kinds: number[], options?: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] } ): Promise<NostrEvent[]> { const pool = new SimplePool(); const relays = options?.relays ?? DEFAULT_RELAYS; const filter = getPodcastGUIDFilter(reference, kinds, { limit: options?.limit }); const events = await pool.querySync(relays, filter); return events; } /** `nostr.loadEventsForFeed` */ export async function loadEventsForFeed(guid: string, kinds: number[], options: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] }): Promise<NostrEvent[]> { const reference: PodcastGUIDReference = { type: PodcastGUIDType.FEED, guid }; return await loadEventsForPodcast(reference, kinds, options); } /** `nostr.loadEventsForItem` */ export async function loadEventsForItem(guid: string, kinds: number[], options: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] }): Promise<NostrEvent[]> { const reference: PodcastGUIDReference = { type: PodcastGUIDType.ITEM, guid }; return await loadEventsForPodcast(reference, kinds, options); } /** `nostr.loadPaymentsForFeed` */ export async function loadPaymentsForFeed(guid: string, options: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] }): Promise<PodcastPayment[]> { const reference: PodcastGUIDReference = { type: PodcastGUIDType.FEED, guid }; const kinds = [NOSTR_PAYMENT_EVENT_KIND]; const events = await loadEventsForPodcast(reference, kinds, options); const payments = => PodcastPaymentFromNostrEvent(e)).filter((e) => !!e); return payments; } /** `nostr.loadPaymentsForItem` */ export async function loadPaymentsForItem(guid: string, options: { kinds?: number[]; limit?: number; relays?: string[] }): Promise<PodcastPayment[]> { const reference: PodcastGUIDReference = { type: PodcastGUIDType.ITEM, guid }; const kinds = [NOSTR_PAYMENT_EVENT_KIND]; const events = await loadEventsForPodcast(reference, kinds, options); const payments = => PodcastPaymentFromNostrEvent(e)).filter((e) => !!e); return payments; } // ================================================================================= // NOSTR EVENT STREAMING // ================================================================================= /** `nostr.streamEventsForPodcast` - streams a set of nostr events for a podcast */ export function streamEventsForPodcast( reference: PodcastGUIDReference, kinds: number[], onevent: (event: NostrEvent) => void, options?: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] } ): void { const pool = new SimplePool(); const relays = options?.relays ?? DEFAULT_RELAYS; const filter = getPodcastGUIDFilter(reference, kinds, { limit: options?.limit }); pool.subscribeMany(relays, [filter], { onevent }); } /** `nostr.streamEventsForFeed` */ export function streamEventsForFeed( guid: string, kinds: number[], onevent: (event: NostrEvent) => void, options?: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] } ): void { const reference: PodcastGUIDReference = { type: PodcastGUIDType.FEED, guid }; return streamEventsForPodcast(reference, kinds, onevent, options); } /** `nostr.streamEventsForItem` */ export function streamEventsForItem( guid: string, kinds: number[], onevent: (event: NostrEvent) => void, options?: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] } ): void { const reference: PodcastGUIDReference = { type: PodcastGUIDType.ITEM, guid }; return streamEventsForPodcast(reference, kinds, onevent, options); } /** `nostr.streamPaymentsForPodcast` */ export function streamPaymentsForPodcast( reference: PodcastGUIDReference, onpayment: (payment: PodcastPayment | null) => void, options?: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] } ): void { const kinds = [NOSTR_PAYMENT_EVENT_KIND]; return streamEventsForPodcast( reference, kinds, (event: NostrEvent) => { const payment = PodcastPaymentFromNostrEvent(event); if (payment) onpayment(payment); }, options ); } /** `nostr.streamPaymentsForFeed` */ export function streamPaymentsForFeed( guid: string, onpayment: (payment: PodcastPayment | null) => void, options?: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] } ): void { const reference: PodcastGUIDReference = { type: PodcastGUIDType.FEED, guid }; return streamPaymentsForPodcast(reference, onpayment, options); } /** `nostr.streamPaymentsForItem` */ export function streamPaymentsForItem( guid: string, onpayment: (payment: PodcastPayment | null) => void, options?: { limit?: number; relays?: string[] } ): void { const reference: PodcastGUIDReference = { type: PodcastGUIDType.ITEM, guid }; return streamPaymentsForPodcast(reference, onpayment, options); } // ================================================================================= // NOSTR EVENT BROADCASTING // ================================================================================= /** `nostr.broadcastEventToRelays` - broadcasts an event to relays */ export async function broadcastEventToRelays(event: NostrEvent | VerifiedEvent): Promise<void> { const pool = new SimplePool(); await Promise.any(pool.publish(DEFAULT_RELAYS, event)); } // ================================================================================= // NOSTR EVENT SIGNING // ================================================================================= /** `nostr.generatePaymentEvent` - generates a kind 30090 payment event */ export function generatePaymentEvent( identifier: string, payer: { name?: string; relay?: string; pubkey?: string }, payee: { name?: string; relay?: string; pubkey?: string }, satoshis: number, signer_nsec: string, options?: { message?: string; tags: string[][] } ): { success: boolean; payment?: NostrEvent; error?: any } { try { // check signer nsec if (!signer_nsec) throw Error('MISSING_SIGNER_NSEC'); const { type, data } = nip19.decode(signer_nsec); if (type !== 'nsec' || !data) throw Error('INVALID_SIGNER_NSEC'); const _privatekey = data as Uint8Array; // create payment event const amount = satoshis / SATOSHIS_PER_BITCOIN; const payment = finalizeEvent( { kind: 30090, created_at: Math.floor( / 1000), content: options?.message ?? '', tags: [ ['d', identifier], ['currency', 'BTC'], ['amount', `${amount}`], ['payer', payer.pubkey ?? '', payer.relay ?? '', ?? ''], ['payee', payee.pubkey ?? '', payee.relay ?? '', ?? ''], ['metadata', '{"action": "boost"}'], ...(options?.tags ?? []), ], }, _privatekey ); // done return { success: true, payment }; } catch (error: any) { console.log('nostr.generatePaymentEvent ERROR: ', error); return { success: false, error }; } }