A collection of utilities for the Gleam Tools
Assert function
Check if a file is a Gleam file
Check if a file is a JavaScript file
Read a Gleam file and return its content
Get the path of the JavaScript file generated from a Gleam file
Build the project using Gleam
Read the Gleam configuration file
Read the Gleam configuration file
Get the path of the declaration file generated from a Gleam file
This is only for internal use and should not be used outside of the Gleam Tools project.
Add Package
deno add jsr:@gleam-tools/utils
Import symbol
import * as utils from "@gleam-tools/utils";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import * as utils from "jsr:@gleam-tools/utils";
Add Package
npx jsr add @gleam-tools/utils
Import symbol
import * as utils from "@gleam-tools/utils";
Add Package
yarn dlx jsr add @gleam-tools/utils
Import symbol
import * as utils from "@gleam-tools/utils";
Add Package
pnpm dlx jsr add @gleam-tools/utils
Import symbol
import * as utils from "@gleam-tools/utils";
Add Package
bunx jsr add @gleam-tools/utils
Import symbol
import * as utils from "@gleam-tools/utils";