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Simple Key-Value Client

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
JSR Score
2 weeks ago (0.1.5)

Key-Value Client


To install the key-value store client, run the following command:

# deno
deno add jsr:@gz/kv

# npm (use any of npx, yarn dlx, pnpm dlx, or bunx)
npx jsr add @gz/kv

Opening the Key-Value Store

To open the key-value store, run the following command:

import { connect } from "@gz/kv";

const kv = connect({
    bucket: '9d1cb4c7-c683-4fa9-bc5f-13f5ad1ba745',
    accessToken: '9b9634a1-1655-4baf-bdf5-c04feffc68bd',
    region: 'eu-central-1'

Creating a User interface

Since we're going to use TypeScript, we can create an interface for our User object. So it's easier to work with. Here we define a User interface with a name and an email for example.

interface User {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    email: string;

Creating, updating, and reading a key-value pair

Now, we can create our first key-value pair. We use the set() method to create a new key-value pair. The key is an array of strings and the value is the value you want to store. Internally, the key-array is joined with a separator to create a unique key.

const key = ['users', '1'];
const value: User = {id: '1', name: 'GhostZero', email: ''};
await kv.set(key, value);

Once the key-value pair is created, you can read it back using the get() method. The get() method returns an object with the key, value, and version.

const key = ['users', '1'];
const entry = await kv.get<User>(key);


Deleting a key-value pair

You can delete a key-value pair using the delete() method. The delete() method returns a boolean indicating if the key-value pair was deleted.

const key = ['users', '1'];
await kv.delete(key);

Atomic transactions

The Key-Value Store supports atomic transactions. This means that you can perform multiple operations in a single transaction. If any of the operations fail, the entire transaction is rolled back.

const key = ['users', '1'];
const value: User = {id: '1', name: 'GhostZero', email: ''};

const res = kv.atomic()
    .check({key, version: null /* or a version */})
    .set(key, value)

if (res.ok) {
    console.log('Entry did not exist and was created');
} else {
    console.log('Entry already exist. No changes were made');

Improve querying with secondary indexes

With the Key-Value Store, you can only query by the key. If you want to query by a different field, you can create a secondary index. A secondary index is a key-value pair where the key is the field you want to query by and the value is the primary key.

async function saveUser(user: User) {
    const key = ['users',]

    // set the primary key
    const r = await kv.set(key, user)

    // set the secondary key's value to be the primary key
    await kv.set(['users_by_email',], key)

    return r

async function getById(id) {
    // use as usual
    return await kv.get<User>(['users', id])

async function getByEmail(email) {
    // lookup the primary key by the secondary key
    const r1 = await kv.get<array[]>(['users_by_email', email])
    const r2 = await kv.get<User>(r1.value)
    return r2

Add Package

deno add jsr:@gz/kv

Import symbol

import * as mod from "@gz/kv";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as mod from "jsr:@gz/kv";

Add Package

npx jsr add @gz/kv

Import symbol

import * as mod from "@gz/kv";

Add Package

yarn dlx jsr add @gz/kv

Import symbol

import * as mod from "@gz/kv";

Add Package

pnpm dlx jsr add @gz/kv

Import symbol

import * as mod from "@gz/kv";

Add Package

bunx jsr add @gz/kv

Import symbol

import * as mod from "@gz/kv";