This release is 1 version behind 0.0.2 — the latest version of @inspatial/auth. Jump to latest
A universal and spatial authentication headless framework that provides cross-platform identity management designed to seamlessly work across web, mobile, and XR platforms.
This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers

JSR Score
a month ago (0.0.1)
{ "name": "@inspatial/auth", "version": "0.0.1", "license": "Apache-2.0", "homepage": "", "repository": "", "author": "InSpatial Labs", "bugs": "", "description": "InSpatial Auth", "keywords": ["auth", "authentication", "authorization", "user management"], "exports": { ".": "./src/index.ts" }, "imports": { "@hono/hono": "jsr:@hono/hono@^4.6.13", "@inspatial/kv": "jsr:@inspatial/kv@^0.0.2", "@inspatial/util": "jsr:@inspatial/util@^0.0.4", "@inspatial/test": "jsr:@inspatial/test@^0.0.7", "@standard-schema/spec": "jsr:@standard-schema/spec@^1.0.0-beta.4", "arctic": "npm:arctic@^2.3.1", "jose": "npm:jose@^5.9.6" } }