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It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
It is unknown whether this package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
2 months ago (7.0.4)
Package root>extended_request_init.ts
interface RequestInitDiff { /** if this is set, entries will be appended to url query parameters (previous parameters will be preserved). */ qs?: Record<string, string | undefined>; /** if this is set, object entries will be used to create a form-urlencoded body. takes precedence over body */ form?: Record<string, string | string[]>; /** if this is set, object entries will be used to create a FormData and used as body. takes precedence over body */ formData?: Record<string, string | string[]>; /** if an object is passed, it will be sent as serialized json and header is set accordingly. */ body?: Record<string, unknown> | BodyInit | null; /** interceptors can be used for validating request and response and throwing errors */ interceptors?: Interceptors; /** time in milliseconds which after the request should be cancelled and rejected */ timeout?: number; /** if set, all requests will be retried this much. it's in addition to first request. so a retry with value of 1 will send 2 requests in total. */ retry?: number; /** retry delay in milliseconds. if you need non linear delays, you can do that by passing in a function instead of number. defaults to `500ms`. */ retryDelay?: number | RetryDelayFunction; } export type RetryDelayFunction = ( options: { /** current attempt (1 = it is going to retry for the first time and so on) */ attempt: number; request: ExtendedRequest; /** the error causing retry */ error: unknown; /** calling this AbortController's abort will stop retrying the request */ abortController: AbortController; }, ) => number; export type Interceptors = { /** function that is called just before a request is sent*/ request?: ( init: ExtendedRequest, ) => void | Promise<void>; /** function that is called just before a response is returned from the fetch*/ response?: ( init: ExtendedRequest, response: Response, ) => void | Promise<void>; }; export type ExtendedRequestInit = & RequestInitDiff & Omit<RequestInit, keyof RequestInitDiff>; export type ExtendedRequest = & RequestInitDiff & Omit<RequestInit, keyof RequestInitDiff | "headers"> & { headers: Headers; url: URL };