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This release is 11 versions behind 0.0.18 — the latest version of @joyautomation/dark-matter. Jump to latest

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Dark matter is the substrate within which the entire universe expands, but in this case it's a library of extremely useful utilities and patterns to be used in Joy Automation projects.

This package works with DenoIt is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 weeks ago (0.0.4)

Dark Matter

Dark matter is a TypeScript library for handling success and failure cases in a type-safe way. It provides a Result type system and utilities for working with Results, including type guards, creation functions, and composition utilities.


deno add @joyautomation/dark-matter


Creating Results

Use createSuccess and createFail to create Result objects:

import { createSuccess, createFail } from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

// Create a success result
const success = createSuccess(42);
// Type: ResultSuccess<number>
// Value: { success: true, output: 42 }

// Create a failure result
const failure = createFail("Something went wrong");
// Type: ResultFail
// Value: { success: false, error: "Something went wrong" }

Type Guards

Use isSuccess and isFail to check the type of a Result:

import { isSuccess, isFail } from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

const result = createSuccess(42);

if (isSuccess(result)) {
  // TypeScript knows result.output is a number
  console.log(result.output * 2); // 84

if (isFail(result)) {
  // TypeScript knows result.error exists

Unwrapping Results

Use unwrapResults to safely extract values from an array of Results:

import { unwrapResults } from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

const results = [
  createSuccess({ key: "value" })
] as const;

// Unwrap all results at once
const [num, str, obj] = unwrapResults(results);
// num: 1
// str: "hello"
// obj: { key: "value" }

// Throws if any result is a failure
try {
  unwrapResults([createSuccess(1), createFail("error")]);
} catch (e) {
  console.error(e); // "Cannot unwrap failed result: error"

Piping Functions

Use resultPipe to compose functions that return Results:

import { resultPipe } from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

const addOne = (n: number) => createSuccess(n + 1);
const double = (n: number) => createSuccess(n * 2);
const validatePositive = (n: number) =>
  n > 0 ? createSuccess(n) : createFail("Number must be positive");

// Pipe synchronous functions
const result1 = await resultPipe(
  () => createSuccess(5),
); // Success(12)

// Pipe async functions
const result2 = await resultPipe(
  async () => createSuccess(1),
  async (n) => createSuccess(n + 1),
); // Success(2)

// Early failure
const result3 = await resultPipe(
  () => createSuccess(-1),
  validatePositive, // Fails here
  double // Never executed
); // Fail("Number must be positive")

Working with Collections

Use allSuccess to check if all Results in a collection are successful:

import { allSuccess } from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

const results = [
] as const;

if (allSuccess(results)) {
  // TypeScript knows results is [ResultSuccess<1>, ResultSuccess<"test">]
  const [num, str] = => r.output);
  console.log(num, str); // 1, "test"

// Works with any number of results
const mixed = [createSuccess(1), createFail("error"), createSuccess(3)];
console.log(allSuccess(mixed)); // false




Example 1

import { createSuccess, createFail, isSuccess, resultPipe } from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

// Create Results
const success = createSuccess(42);
const failure = createFail("Something went wrong");

// Use type guards
if (isSuccess(success)) {
  console.log(success.output); // 42

// Compose functions
const result = await resultPipe(
  () => createSuccess(1),
  (n) => createSuccess(n + 1)
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GitHub Actions
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Add Package

deno add jsr:@joyautomation/dark-matter

Import symbol

import * as dark_matter from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as dark_matter from "jsr:@joyautomation/dark-matter";

Add Package

npx jsr add @joyautomation/dark-matter

Import symbol

import * as dark_matter from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

Add Package

yarn dlx jsr add @joyautomation/dark-matter

Import symbol

import * as dark_matter from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

Add Package

pnpm dlx jsr add @joyautomation/dark-matter

Import symbol

import * as dark_matter from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";

Add Package

bunx jsr add @joyautomation/dark-matter

Import symbol

import * as dark_matter from "@joyautomation/dark-matter";