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It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
It is unknown whether this package works with Cloudflare Workers
It is unknown whether this package works with Node.js
It is unknown whether this package works with Deno
It is unknown whether this package works with Bun
It is unknown whether this package works with Browsers
JSR Score
a month ago (0.0.2)
Package root>googleKeywordInsight.ts
import { z, ZodType } from "npm:zod@^3.23.8"; import { getRapidApiClient } from "./utils.ts"; export interface GoogleKeywordInsightKeywordData { text: string; volume: number; competition_level: "LOW" | "MEDIUM" | "HIGH" | "UNSPECIFIED"; competition_index: number; low_bid: number; high_bid: number; trend: number; } export const GoogleKeywordInsightKeywordDataSchema: ZodType<GoogleKeywordInsightKeywordData> = z.object({ text: z.string().describe("The keyword"), volume: z.number().describe("The volume of the keyword"), competition_level: z .enum(["LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", "UNSPECIFIED"]) .describe("The competition level of the keyword"), competition_index: z .number() .describe("The competition index of the keyword"), low_bid: z.number().describe("The low bid of the keyword"), high_bid: z.number().describe("The high bid of the keyword"), trend: z.number().describe("The trend of the keyword"), }); function getHostname(url: string) { return new URL(url).hostname; } export const getGoogleKeywordInsightClient = (kv: Deno.Kv) => ({ globalurl: async ( websiteUrl: string ): Promise<GoogleKeywordInsightKeywordData[]> => { const hostname = getHostname(websiteUrl); const cachedKeywords = await kv.get([ "google-keyword-insight1", "globalurl", hostname, ]); if (cachedKeywords.value) { return ( cachedKeywords.value as { data: GoogleKeywordInsightKeywordData[] } ).data; } const apiClient = getRapidApiClient("google-keyword-insight1"); const response = await apiClient.get<GoogleKeywordInsightKeywordData[]>( "/globalurl", { params: { url: hostname }, } ); // Only getting top 200 volumes as kv value size limit const keywords = .sort((a, b) => b.volume - a.volume) .slice(0, 200); await kv.set(["google-keyword-insight1", "globalurl", hostname], { data: keywords, }); return keywords; }, // globalurl: (websiteUrl: string) => // getCachedRequest<GoogleKeywordInsightKeywordData[]>( // kv, // "google-keyword-insight1", // "/globalurl", // { url: getHostname(websiteUrl) } // ), }); export interface GoogleKeywordInsightClient { globalurl: (websiteUrl: string) => Promise<GoogleKeywordInsightKeywordData[]>; }