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CLI to increment the semantic version of the package in the current directory

This package works with Deno
This package works with Deno
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.1.1)
import info from "./deno.json" with { type: "json" }; import { Command, EnumType } from "jsr:@cliffy/command@^1.0.0-rc.7"; import { format, increment, parse } from "jsr:@std/semver@^1.0.3"; /** Information about the package, for example from a `deno.json` file. */ interface PackageInfo { version: string; } /** Reads the JSON content of the given package info file. */ async function readPackageInfo(path: string): Promise<PackageInfo> { const text = await Deno.readTextFile(path); const json = JSON.parse(text); if (typeof json.version === "string") { return json; } else { throw new Error(`${path} contains no "version" string`); } } /** Overwrites the given package info file with JSON content. */ async function writePackageInfo(json: PackageInfo, path: string) { const text = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2) + "\n"; await Deno.writeTextFile(path, text); } /** Executes the given git command as a child process. */ async function runGitCommand(...args: string[]) { const git = new Deno.Command("git", { args }); const { success, stderr } = await git.output(); if (!success) { const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); const gitError = textDecoder.decode(stderr).trim(); throw new Error(gitError); } } /** Cliffy command line interface. */ export const cli = new Command() .name("bump") .version(info.version) .description(` Increment the semantic version of the package in the current directory. Bumps the patch version, unless a version step (minor, major) is specified. Optionally creates a git commit with the package file changes and/or a tag. `) .type("version-step", new EnumType(["patch", "minor", "major"])) .arguments("[version-step:version-step]") .option( "-f, --file <json-path:file>", "Update the version of the given JSON package file.", { default: "deno.json" }, ) .option( "-c, --commit [message-prefix]", "Create a git commit with the given commit message prefix.", ) .option( "-t, --tag [prefix]", "Create a git tag with the given version prefix.", ) .action(async ({ file, commit, tag }, step = "patch") => { const packageInfo = await readPackageInfo(file); const oldVersion = packageInfo.version; const newVersion = format(increment(parse(oldVersion), step)); console.log(`Bump version from ${oldVersion} to ${newVersion} (${step})`); packageInfo.version = newVersion; await writePackageInfo(packageInfo, file); if (commit) { const message = commit === true ? newVersion : commit + newVersion; console.log("Create commit:", message); await runGitCommand("commit", "-am", message); } if (tag) { const tagName = tag === true ? newVersion : tag + newVersion; console.log("Create tag:", tagName); await runGitCommand("tag", tagName); } }); if (import.meta.main) { await cli.parse(); }