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CLI to increment the semantic version of the package in the current directory

This package works with Deno
This package works with Deno
JSR Score
2 months ago (0.1.1)


Deno CLI to increment the semantic version of the package in the current directory.

Bumps the patch version, unless a version step (minor, major) is specified.

Try it out in a directory with a deno.json file, it will ask for the necessary permissions:

deno run jsr:@kellnerd/bump

Optionally it can create a git commit with the package file changes and/or a tag.
See the integrated help to learn more:

deno run jsr:@kellnerd/bump --help


Install the CLI with the permissions you need, for example:

deno install --global --allow-read=deno.json --allow-write=deno.json --allow-run=git jsr:@kellnerd/bump

Now you can use it by simply executing bump.

Usage Examples

Increment the minor version in deno.json:

bump minor

Alternatively you can also increment the major version or the patch version.

Explicitly specify the JSON package file which should be updated:

bump --file jsr.json

Automatically commit the changed deno.json file using a conventional commit message:

bump patch --commit "chore: Release version "

Additionally create a tag with a version prefix:

bump major --commit "chore: Release version " --tag v

If the previous version was 1.2.3, the new version will be 2.0.0. A commit with the message chore: Release version 2.0.0 will be created and tagged as v2.0.0.

Built and signed on
GitHub Actions
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Add Package

deno add jsr:@kellnerd/bump

Import symbol

import * as bump from "@kellnerd/bump";

---- OR ----

Import directly with a jsr specifier

import * as bump from "jsr:@kellnerd/bump";