kz is a collection of easy-to-use utility and feature libraries for creating anything you want with the Deno runtime.
The @kz/patterns/mediator
module provides types and features for implementing the mediator pattern.
import { AbstractDisposable } from '@kz/dispose'; import { TAbstractObserver } from '@kz/observe'; import { type PubSubTopicMessage, TAbstractSubscriber } from '@kz/pubsub'; import { type ParticipantTopicMessage, TAbstractParticipant, TBaseMediator, } from './mod.ts'; interface IUserResponse { name: string; birthYear: string; } type MediatorTopics = { 'get_users': undefined; 'get_user': number; 'user_response': IUserResponse; 'users_response': IUserResponse[]; }; class SwapiClient extends AbstractDisposable { protected cache = new Map<string, string>(); constructor(protected baseUrl: string = '') { super(); } public dispose(): void { this.cache.clear(); } protected async request(slug: string, id?: number): Promise<string> { const { cache, baseUrl } = this; const uri = id ? `${baseUrl}/${slug}/${id}` : `${baseUrl}/${slug}`; const cached = cache.get(uri); if (cached) return cached; const response = await fetch(uri); const data = await response.text(); cache.set(uri, data); return data; } public async getPeople(id?: number): Promise<string> { return await this.request('people', id); } } const client = new SwapiClient(); class DataBus extends TBaseMediator<MediatorTopics> { } type DataBusRequest = Extract<keyof MediatorTopics, 'get_users' | 'get_user'>; class UserDataHandler extends TAbstractParticipant<MediatorTopics, 'get_users' | 'get_user'> { public next( value: ParticipantTopicMessage<MediatorTopics, 'get_users' | 'get_user'>, ): void { const [topic, message] = value; if (topic === 'get_users') { client.getPeople().then((data) => { const users = JSON.parse(data) as { results: any[] }; const userData = => { return { name:, birthYear: user.birth_year }; }) as IUserResponse[]; this.publish(['users_response', userData]); }); } if (topic === 'get_user') { client.getPeople(message).then((data) => { const user = JSON.parse(data); const userData = { name:, birthYear: user.birth_year, } as IUserResponse; this.publish(['user_response', userData]); }); } } public error(error: Error): void { console.error(error); } } // Will receive all messages from the mediator and be able to send requests back. class UserParticipant extends TAbstractParticipant<MediatorTopics> { public next(value: ParticipantTopicMessage<MediatorTopics>): void { const [topic] = value; console.log(`Participant(${topic}): Received a user update`); } public error(error: Error): void { console.error(error); } } // Yes! You can use pubsub subscriber to subscribe to a mediator. // Will receive updated user information, but not the request to do so. // Is unable to send requests back. class UserSubscriber extends TAbstractSubscriber< MediatorTopics, 'user_response' | 'users_response' > { public next( value: ParticipantTopicMessage< MediatorTopics, 'user_response' | 'users_response' >, ): void { const [topic, message] = value; if (topic === 'user_response') { console.log( `UserSub(${topic}): Updating user to ${ (message as IUserResponse).name }`, ); } else { console.log( `UserSub(${topic}): Updating users ${ (message as IUserResponse[]).length }`, ); } } public error(error: Error): void { console.error(error); } } // Yes! You can use regular observers to subscribe to a mediator. // Because they cannot specify a topic, they will receive all messages from the mediator. class UserObserver extends TAbstractObserver<PubSubTopicMessage<MediatorTopics>> { public next(value: ParticipantTopicMessage<MediatorTopics>): void { const [topic] = value; console.log(`Observer(${topic}): Received a user update`); } public error(error: Error): void { console.error(error); } } const bus = new DataBus(); const handler = new UserDataHandler(['get_users', 'get_user']); const participant = new UserParticipant(['get_users', 'get_user']); const subscriber = new UserSubscriber(['user_response', 'users_response']); const observer = new UserObserver(); bus.subscribe(handler); bus.subscribe(participant); bus.subscribe(subscriber); bus.subscribe(observer); bus.publish(['get_users', undefined]); // go ahead and initialize data bus.publish(['get_user', 1]); // get a specific user participant.publish(['get_user', 2]); // get another specific user
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The MIT License (MIT) 2020-2024 integereleven. Refer to LICENSE for details.
Built with ❤ by integereleven
Add Package
deno add jsr:@kz/mediator
Import symbol
import * as mediator from "@kz/mediator";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import * as mediator from "jsr:@kz/mediator";
Add Package
npx jsr add @kz/mediator
Import symbol
import * as mediator from "@kz/mediator";
Add Package
yarn dlx jsr add @kz/mediator
Import symbol
import * as mediator from "@kz/mediator";
Add Package
pnpm dlx jsr add @kz/mediator
Import symbol
import * as mediator from "@kz/mediator";
Add Package
bunx jsr add @kz/mediator
Import symbol
import * as mediator from "@kz/mediator";