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This release is 2 versions behind 0.8.1 — the latest version of @logtape/logtape. Jump to latest

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Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 months ago (0.7.1)
import type { ContextLocalStorage } from "./context.ts"; import { type FilterLike, toFilter } from "./filter.ts"; import type { LogLevel } from "./level.ts"; import { LoggerImpl } from "./logger.ts"; import { getConsoleSink, type Sink } from "./sink.ts"; /** * A configuration for the loggers. */ export interface Config<TSinkId extends string, TFilterId extends string> { /** * The sinks to use. The keys are the sink identifiers, and the values are * {@link Sink}s. */ sinks: Record<TSinkId, Sink>; /** * The filters to use. The keys are the filter identifiers, and the values * are either {@link Filter}s or {@link LogLevel}s. */ filters?: Record<TFilterId, FilterLike>; /** * The loggers to configure. */ loggers: LoggerConfig<TSinkId, TFilterId>[]; /** * The context-local storage to use for implicit contexts. * @since 0.7.0 */ contextLocalStorage?: ContextLocalStorage<Record<string, unknown>>; /** * Whether to reset the configuration before applying this one. */ reset?: boolean; } /** * A logger configuration. */ export interface LoggerConfig< TSinkId extends string, TFilterId extends string, > { /** * The category of the logger. If a string, it is equivalent to an array * with one element. */ category: string | string[]; /** * The sink identifiers to use. */ sinks?: TSinkId[]; /** * Whether to inherit the parent's sinks. If `inherit`, the parent's sinks * are used along with the specified sinks. If `override`, the parent's * sinks are not used, and only the specified sinks are used. * * The default is `inherit`. * @default `"inherit" * @since 0.6.0 */ parentSinks?: "inherit" | "override"; /** * The filter identifiers to use. */ filters?: TFilterId[]; /** * The log level to filter by. If `null`, the logger will reject all * records. */ level?: LogLevel | null; } /** * The current configuration, if any. Otherwise, `null`. */ let currentConfig: Config<string, string> | null = null; /** * Strong references to the loggers. * This is to prevent the loggers from being garbage collected so that their * sinks and filters are not removed. */ const strongRefs: Set<LoggerImpl> = new Set(); /** * Disposables to dispose when resetting the configuration. */ const disposables: Set<Disposable> = new Set(); /** * Async disposables to dispose when resetting the configuration. */ const asyncDisposables: Set<AsyncDisposable> = new Set(); /** * Configure the loggers with the specified configuration. * * Note that if the given sinks or filters are disposable, they will be * disposed when the configuration is reset, or when the process exits. * * @example * ```typescript * await configure({ * sinks: { * console: getConsoleSink(), * }, * filters: { * slow: (log) => * "duration" in && * as number > 1000, * }, * loggers: [ * { * category: "my-app", * sinks: ["console"], * level: "info", * }, * { * category: ["my-app", "sql"], * filters: ["slow"], * level: "debug", * }, * { * category: "logtape", * sinks: ["console"], * level: "error", * }, * ], * }); * ``` * * @param config The configuration. */ export async function configure< TSinkId extends string, TFilterId extends string, >(config: Config<TSinkId, TFilterId>): Promise<void> { if (currentConfig != null && !config.reset) { throw new ConfigError( "Already configured; if you want to reset, turn on the reset flag.", ); } await reset(); currentConfig = config; let metaConfigured = false; for (const cfg of config.loggers) { if ( cfg.category.length === 0 || (cfg.category.length === 1 && cfg.category[0] === "logtape") || (cfg.category.length === 2 && cfg.category[0] === "logtape" && cfg.category[1] === "meta") ) { metaConfigured = true; } const logger = LoggerImpl.getLogger(cfg.category); for (const sinkId of cfg.sinks ?? []) { const sink = config.sinks[sinkId]; if (!sink) { await reset(); throw new ConfigError(`Sink not found: ${sinkId}.`); } logger.sinks.push(sink); } logger.parentSinks = cfg.parentSinks ?? "inherit"; if (cfg.level !== undefined) logger.filters.push(toFilter(cfg.level)); for (const filterId of cfg.filters ?? []) { const filter = config.filters?.[filterId]; if (filter === undefined) { await reset(); throw new ConfigError(`Filter not found: ${filterId}.`); } logger.filters.push(toFilter(filter)); } strongRefs.add(logger); } LoggerImpl.getLogger().contextLocalStorage = config.contextLocalStorage; for (const sink of Object.values<Sink>(config.sinks)) { if (Symbol.asyncDispose in sink) { asyncDisposables.add(sink as AsyncDisposable); } if (Symbol.dispose in sink) disposables.add(sink as Disposable); } for (const filter of Object.values<FilterLike>(config.filters ?? {})) { if (filter == null || typeof filter === "string") continue; if (Symbol.asyncDispose in filter) { asyncDisposables.add(filter as AsyncDisposable); } if (Symbol.dispose in filter) disposables.add(filter as Disposable); } if ("process" in globalThis && !("Deno" in globalThis)) { // @ts-ignore: It's fine to use process in Node // deno-lint-ignore no-process-globals process.on("exit", dispose); } else { // @ts-ignore: It's fine to addEventListener() on the browser/Deno addEventListener("unload", dispose); } const meta = LoggerImpl.getLogger(["logtape", "meta"]); if (!metaConfigured) { meta.sinks.push(getConsoleSink()); } "LogTape loggers are configured. Note that LogTape itself uses the meta " + "logger, which has category {metaLoggerCategory}. The meta logger " + "purposes to log internal errors such as sink exceptions. If you " + "are seeing this message, the meta logger is somehow configured. " + "It's recommended to configure the meta logger with a separate sink " + "so that you can easily notice if logging itself fails or is " + "misconfigured. To turn off this message, configure the meta logger " + "with higher log levels than {dismissLevel}.", { metaLoggerCategory: ["logtape", "meta"], dismissLevel: "info" }, ); } /** * Get the current configuration, if any. Otherwise, `null`. * @returns The current configuration, if any. Otherwise, `null`. */ export function getConfig(): Config<string, string> | null { return currentConfig; } /** * Reset the configuration. Mostly for testing purposes. */ export async function reset(): Promise<void> { await dispose(); const rootLogger = LoggerImpl.getLogger([]); rootLogger.resetDescendants(); delete rootLogger.contextLocalStorage; strongRefs.clear(); currentConfig = null; } /** * Dispose of the disposables. */ export async function dispose(): Promise<void> { for (const disposable of disposables) disposable[Symbol.dispose](); disposables.clear(); const promises: PromiseLike<void>[] = []; for (const disposable of asyncDisposables) { promises.push(disposable[Symbol.asyncDispose]()); asyncDisposables.delete(disposable); } await Promise.all(promises); } /** * A configuration error. */ export class ConfigError extends Error { /** * Constructs a new configuration error. * @param message The error message. */ constructor(message: string) { super(message); = "ConfigureError"; } }