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This release is 2 versions behind 0.8.1 — the latest version of @logtape/logtape. Jump to latest

Built and signed on GitHub Actions

Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 months ago (0.7.1)
Package root>logtape>context.test.ts
import { assertEquals } from "jsr:/@std/assert@^0.222.1/assert-equals"; import { delay } from "jsr:/@std/async@^0.222.1/delay"; import { AsyncLocalStorage } from "node:async_hooks"; import { configure, reset } from "./config.ts"; import { withContext } from "./context.ts"; import { getLogger } from "./logger.ts"; import type { LogRecord } from "./record.ts"; Deno.test("withContext()", async (t) => { const buffer: LogRecord[] = []; await t.step("set up", async () => { await configure({ sinks: { buffer: buffer.push.bind(buffer), }, loggers: [ { category: "my-app", sinks: ["buffer"], level: "debug" }, { category: ["logtape", "meta"], sinks: [], level: "warning" }, ], contextLocalStorage: new AsyncLocalStorage(), reset: true, }); }); await t.step("test", () => { getLogger("my-app").debug("hello", { foo: 1, bar: 2 }); assertEquals(buffer, [ { category: ["my-app"], level: "debug", message: ["hello"], rawMessage: "hello", properties: { foo: 1, bar: 2 }, timestamp: buffer[0].timestamp, }, ]); buffer.pop(); const rv = withContext({ foo: 3, baz: 4 }, () => { getLogger("my-app").debug("world", { foo: 1, bar: 2 }); return 123; }); assertEquals(rv, 123); assertEquals(buffer, [ { category: ["my-app"], level: "debug", message: ["world"], rawMessage: "world", properties: { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 4 }, timestamp: buffer[0].timestamp, }, ]); buffer.pop(); getLogger("my-app").debug("hello", { foo: 1, bar: 2 }); assertEquals(buffer, [ { category: ["my-app"], level: "debug", message: ["hello"], rawMessage: "hello", properties: { foo: 1, bar: 2 }, timestamp: buffer[0].timestamp, }, ]); }); await t.step("nesting", () => { while (buffer.length > 0) buffer.pop(); withContext({ foo: 1, bar: 2 }, () => { withContext({ foo: 3, baz: 4 }, () => { getLogger("my-app").debug("hello"); }); }); assertEquals(buffer, [ { category: ["my-app"], level: "debug", message: ["hello"], rawMessage: "hello", properties: { foo: 3, bar: 2, baz: 4 }, timestamp: buffer[0].timestamp, }, ]); }); await t.step("concurrent runs", async () => { while (buffer.length > 0) buffer.pop(); await Promise.all([ (async () => { await delay(Math.random() * 100); withContext({ foo: 1 }, () => { getLogger("my-app").debug("foo"); }); })(), (async () => { await delay(Math.random() * 100); withContext({ bar: 2 }, () => { getLogger("my-app").debug("bar"); }); })(), (async () => { await delay(Math.random() * 100); withContext({ baz: 3 }, () => { getLogger("my-app").debug("baz"); }); })(), (async () => { await delay(Math.random() * 100); withContext({ qux: 4 }, () => { getLogger("my-app").debug("qux"); }); })(), ]); assertEquals(buffer.length, 4); for (const log of buffer) { if (log.message[0] === "foo") { assertEquals(, { foo: 1 }); } else if (log.message[0] === "bar") { assertEquals(, { bar: 2 }); } else if (log.message[0] === "baz") { assertEquals(, { baz: 3 }); } else { assertEquals(, { qux: 4 }); } } }); await t.step("tear down", async () => { await reset(); }); const metaBuffer: LogRecord[] = []; await t.step("set up", async () => { await configure({ sinks: { buffer: buffer.push.bind(buffer), metaBuffer: metaBuffer.push.bind(metaBuffer), }, loggers: [ { category: "my-app", sinks: ["buffer"], level: "debug" }, { category: ["logtape", "meta"], sinks: ["metaBuffer"], level: "warning", }, ], reset: true, }); }); await t.step("without settings", () => { while (buffer.length > 0) buffer.pop(); const rv = withContext({ foo: 1 }, () => { getLogger("my-app").debug("hello", { bar: 2 }); return 123; }); assertEquals(rv, 123); assertEquals(buffer, [ { category: ["my-app"], level: "debug", message: ["hello"], rawMessage: "hello", properties: { bar: 2 }, timestamp: buffer[0].timestamp, }, ]); assertEquals(metaBuffer, [ { category: ["logtape", "meta"], level: "warning", message: [ "Context-local storage is not configured. " + "Specify contextLocalStorage option in the configure() function.", ], properties: {}, rawMessage: "Context-local storage is not configured. " + "Specify contextLocalStorage option in the configure() function.", timestamp: metaBuffer[0].timestamp, }, ]); }); await t.step("tear down", async () => { await reset(); }); });