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This release is 2 versions behind 0.8.1 — the latest version of @logtape/logtape. Jump to latest

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Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 months ago (0.7.1)
Package root>logtape>filesink.node.ts
// @ts-ignore: a trick to avoid module resolution error on non-Node.js environ import fsMod from "./fs.ts"; import type fsType from "node:fs"; import { webDriver } from "./filesink.web.ts"; import { type FileSinkOptions, getFileSink as getBaseFileSink, getRotatingFileSink as getBaseRotatingFileSink, type RotatingFileSinkDriver, type RotatingFileSinkOptions, type Sink, } from "./sink.ts"; // @ts-ignore: a trick to avoid module resolution error on non-Node.js environ const fs = fsMod as (typeof fsType | null); /** * A Node.js-specific file sink driver. */ export const nodeDriver: RotatingFileSinkDriver<number | void> = fs == null ? webDriver : { openSync(path: string) { return fs.openSync(path, "a"); }, writeSync: fs.writeSync, flushSync: fs.fsyncSync, closeSync: fs.closeSync, statSync: fs.statSync, renameSync: fs.renameSync, }; /** * Get a file sink. * * Note that this function is unavailable in the browser. * * @param path A path to the file to write to. * @param options The options for the sink. * @returns A sink that writes to the file. The sink is also a disposable * object that closes the file when disposed. */ export function getFileSink( path: string, options: FileSinkOptions = {}, ): Sink & Disposable { if ("document" in globalThis) { return getBaseFileSink(path, { ...options, ...webDriver }); } return getBaseFileSink(path, { ...options, ...nodeDriver }); } /** * Get a rotating file sink. * * This sink writes log records to a file, and rotates the file when it reaches * the `maxSize`. The rotated files are named with the original file name * followed by a dot and a number, starting from 1. The number is incremented * for each rotation, and the maximum number of files to keep is `maxFiles`. * * Note that this function is unavailable in the browser. * * @param path A path to the file to write to. * @param options The options for the sink and the file driver. * @returns A sink that writes to the file. The sink is also a disposable * object that closes the file when disposed. */ export function getRotatingFileSink( path: string, options: RotatingFileSinkOptions = {}, ): Sink & Disposable { if ("document" in globalThis) { return getBaseRotatingFileSink(path, { ...options, ...webDriver }); } return getBaseRotatingFileSink(path, { ...options, ...nodeDriver }); } // cSpell: ignore filesink