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This release is 2 versions behind 0.8.1 — the latest version of @logtape/logtape. Jump to latest

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Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun, Browsers
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
This package works with Browsers
JSR Score
3 months ago (0.7.1)
import { type FilterLike, toFilter } from "./filter.ts"; import { type ConsoleFormatter, defaultConsoleFormatter, defaultTextFormatter, type TextFormatter, } from "./formatter.ts"; import type { LogRecord } from "./record.ts"; /** * A sink is a function that accepts a log record and prints it somewhere. * Thrown exceptions will be suppressed and then logged to the meta logger, * a {@link Logger} with the category `["logtape", "meta"]`. (In that case, * the meta log record will not be passed to the sink to avoid infinite * recursion.) * * @param record The log record to sink. */ export type Sink = (record: LogRecord) => void; /** * Turns a sink into a filtered sink. The returned sink only logs records that * pass the filter. * * @example Filter a console sink to only log records with the info level * ```typescript * const sink = withFilter(getConsoleSink(), "info"); * ``` * * @param sink A sink to be filtered. * @param filter A filter to apply to the sink. It can be either a filter * function or a {@link LogLevel} string. * @returns A sink that only logs records that pass the filter. */ export function withFilter(sink: Sink, filter: FilterLike): Sink { const filterFunc = toFilter(filter); return (record: LogRecord) => { if (filterFunc(record)) sink(record); }; } /** * Options for the {@link getStreamSink} function. */ export interface StreamSinkOptions { /** * The text formatter to use. Defaults to {@link defaultTextFormatter}. */ formatter?: TextFormatter; /** * The text encoder to use. Defaults to an instance of {@link TextEncoder}. */ encoder?: { encode(text: string): Uint8Array }; } /** * A factory that returns a sink that writes to a {@link WritableStream}. * * Note that the `stream` is of Web Streams API, which is different from * Node.js streams. You can convert a Node.js stream to a Web Streams API * stream using [`stream.Writable.toWeb()`] method. * * [`stream.Writable.toWeb()`]: * * @example Sink to the standard error in Deno * ```typescript * const stderrSink = getStreamSink(Deno.stderr.writable); * ``` * * @example Sink to the standard error in Node.js * ```typescript * import stream from "node:stream"; * const stderrSink = getStreamSink(stream.Writable.toWeb(process.stderr)); * ``` * * @param stream The stream to write to. * @param options The options for the sink. * @returns A sink that writes to the stream. */ export function getStreamSink( stream: WritableStream, options: StreamSinkOptions = {}, ): Sink & AsyncDisposable { const formatter = options.formatter ?? defaultTextFormatter; const encoder = options.encoder ?? new TextEncoder(); const writer = stream.getWriter(); let lastPromise = Promise.resolve(); const sink: Sink & AsyncDisposable = (record: LogRecord) => { const bytes = encoder.encode(formatter(record)); lastPromise = lastPromise .then(() => writer.ready) .then(() => writer.write(bytes)); }; sink[Symbol.asyncDispose] = async () => { await lastPromise; await writer.close(); }; return sink; } /** * Options for the {@link getConsoleSink} function. */ export interface ConsoleSinkOptions { /** * The console formatter or text formatter to use. * Defaults to {@link defaultConsoleFormatter}. */ formatter?: ConsoleFormatter | TextFormatter; /** * The console to log to. Defaults to {@link console}. */ console?: Console; } /** * A console sink factory that returns a sink that logs to the console. * * @param options The options for the sink. * @returns A sink that logs to the console. */ export function getConsoleSink(options: ConsoleSinkOptions = {}): Sink { const formatter = options.formatter ?? defaultConsoleFormatter; const console = options.console ?? globalThis.console; return (record: LogRecord) => { const args = formatter(record); if (typeof args === "string") { const msg = args.replace(/\r?\n$/, ""); if (record.level === "debug") console.debug(msg); else if (record.level === "info"); else if (record.level === "warning") console.warn(msg); else if (record.level === "error" || record.level === "fatal") { console.error(msg); } else throw new TypeError(`Invalid log level: ${record.level}.`); } else { if (record.level === "debug") console.debug(...args); else if (record.level === "info"); else if (record.level === "warning") console.warn(...args); else if (record.level === "error" || record.level === "fatal") { console.error(...args); } else throw new TypeError(`Invalid log level: ${record.level}.`); } }; } /** * Options for the {@link getFileSink} function. */ export type FileSinkOptions = StreamSinkOptions; /** * A platform-specific file sink driver. * @typeParam TFile The type of the file descriptor. */ export interface FileSinkDriver<TFile> { /** * Open a file for appending and return a file descriptor. * @param path A path to the file to open. */ openSync(path: string): TFile; /** * Write a chunk of data to the file. * @param fd The file descriptor. * @param chunk The data to write. */ writeSync(fd: TFile, chunk: Uint8Array): void; /** * Flush the file to ensure that all data is written to the disk. * @param fd The file descriptor. */ flushSync(fd: TFile): void; /** * Close the file. * @param fd The file descriptor. */ closeSync(fd: TFile): void; } /** * Get a platform-independent file sink. * * @typeParam TFile The type of the file descriptor. * @param path A path to the file to write to. * @param options The options for the sink and the file driver. * @returns A sink that writes to the file. The sink is also a disposable * object that closes the file when disposed. */ export function getFileSink<TFile>( path: string, options: FileSinkOptions & FileSinkDriver<TFile>, ): Sink & Disposable { const formatter = options.formatter ?? defaultTextFormatter; const encoder = options.encoder ?? new TextEncoder(); const fd = options.openSync(path); const sink: Sink & Disposable = (record: LogRecord) => { options.writeSync(fd, encoder.encode(formatter(record))); options.flushSync(fd); }; sink[Symbol.dispose] = () => options.closeSync(fd); return sink; } /** * Options for the {@link getRotatingFileSink} function. */ export interface RotatingFileSinkOptions extends FileSinkOptions { /** * The maximum bytes of the file before it is rotated. 1 MiB by default. */ maxSize?: number; /** * The maximum number of files to keep. 5 by default. */ maxFiles?: number; } /** * A platform-specific rotating file sink driver. */ export interface RotatingFileSinkDriver<TFile> extends FileSinkDriver<TFile> { /** * Get the size of the file. * @param path A path to the file. * @returns The `size` of the file in bytes, in an object. */ statSync(path: string): { size: number }; /** * Rename a file. * @param oldPath A path to the file to rename. * @param newPath A path to be renamed to. */ renameSync(oldPath: string, newPath: string): void; } /** * Get a platform-independent rotating file sink. * * This sink writes log records to a file, and rotates the file when it reaches * the `maxSize`. The rotated files are named with the original file name * followed by a dot and a number, starting from 1. The number is incremented * for each rotation, and the maximum number of files to keep is `maxFiles`. * * @param path A path to the file to write to. * @param options The options for the sink and the file driver. * @returns A sink that writes to the file. The sink is also a disposable * object that closes the file when disposed. */ export function getRotatingFileSink<TFile>( path: string, options: RotatingFileSinkOptions & RotatingFileSinkDriver<TFile>, ): Sink & Disposable { const formatter = options.formatter ?? defaultTextFormatter; const encoder = options.encoder ?? new TextEncoder(); const maxSize = options.maxSize ?? 1024 * 1024; const maxFiles = options.maxFiles ?? 5; let offset: number = 0; try { const stat = options.statSync(path); offset = stat.size; } catch { // Continue as the offset is already 0. } let fd = options.openSync(path); function shouldRollover(bytes: Uint8Array): boolean { return offset + bytes.length > maxSize; } function performRollover(): void { options.closeSync(fd); for (let i = maxFiles - 1; i > 0; i--) { const oldPath = `${path}.${i}`; const newPath = `${path}.${i + 1}`; try { options.renameSync(oldPath, newPath); } catch (_) { // Continue if the file does not exist. } } options.renameSync(path, `${path}.1`); offset = 0; fd = options.openSync(path); } const sink: Sink & Disposable = (record: LogRecord) => { const bytes = encoder.encode(formatter(record)); if (shouldRollover(bytes)) performRollover(); options.writeSync(fd, bytes); options.flushSync(fd); offset += bytes.length; }; sink[Symbol.dispose] = () => options.closeSync(fd); return sink; }