getConsoleSink(options?: ConsoleSinkOptions): Sink
A console sink factory that returns a sink that logs to the console.
options: ConsoleSinkOptions
The options for the sink.
A sink that logs to the console.
Simple logging library with zero dependencies for Deno/Node.js/Bun/browsers
getConsoleSink(options?: ConsoleSinkOptions): Sink
A console sink factory that returns a sink that logs to the console.
options: ConsoleSinkOptions
The options for the sink.
A sink that logs to the console.
Add Package
deno add jsr:@logtape/logtape
Import symbol
import { getConsoleSink } from "@logtape/logtape";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import { getConsoleSink } from "jsr:@logtape/logtape";
Add Package
npx jsr add @logtape/logtape
Import symbol
import { getConsoleSink } from "@logtape/logtape";
Add Package
yarn dlx jsr add @logtape/logtape
Import symbol
import { getConsoleSink } from "@logtape/logtape";
Add Package
pnpm dlx jsr add @logtape/logtape
Import symbol
import { getConsoleSink } from "@logtape/logtape";
Add Package
bunx jsr add @logtape/logtape
Import symbol
import { getConsoleSink } from "@logtape/logtape";