The ANSI colors. These can be used to colorize text in the console.
A text formatter that uses ANSI colors to format log records.
The various options for the ANSI color formatter.
The ANSI text styles.
Compares two log levels.
A configuration error.
Configure the loggers with the specified configuration.
A console formatter is a function that accepts a log record and returns an array of arguments to pass to console.log.
A generic interface for a context-local storage. It resembles the AsyncLocalStorage API from Node.js.
The default console formatter.
The default text formatter. This formatter formats log records as follows:
Dispose of the disposables.
Options for the getFileSink function.
A filter is a function that accepts a log record and returns true
if the
record should be passed to the sink.
A filter-like value is either a Filter or a LogLevel.
is also allowed to represent a filter that rejects all records.
Get an ANSI color formatter with the specified options.
Get the current configuration, if any. Otherwise, null
A console sink factory that returns a sink that logs to the console.
Get a file sink.
Returns a filter that accepts log records with the specified level.
Get a logger with the given category.
Get a rotating file sink.
A factory that returns a sink that writes to a WritableStream.
Get a text formatter with the specified options. Although it's flexible enough to create a custom formatter, if you want more control, you can create a custom formatter that satisfies the TextFormatter type instead.
Checks if a string is a valid log level. This function can be used as as a type guard to narrow the type of a string to a LogLevel.
The severity level of a LogRecord.
Parses a log level from a string.
Reset the configuration. Mostly for testing purposes.
A sink is a function that accepts a log record and prints it somewhere.
Thrown exceptions will be suppressed and then logged to the meta logger,
a Logger with the category ["logtape", "meta"]
. (In that case,
the meta log record will not be passed to the sink to avoid infinite
A text formatter is a function that accepts a log record and returns a string.
Converts a FilterLike value to an actual Filter.
Runs a callback with the given implicit context. Every single log record in the callback will have the given context.
Turns a sink into a filtered sink. The returned sink only logs records that pass the filter.