Deno module resolution for esbuild
, https:
, and data:
)This example bundles an entrypoint into a single ESM output.
import * as esbuild from "npm:esbuild@0.20.2"; // Import the Wasm build on platforms where running subprocesses is not // permitted, such as Deno Deploy, or when running without `--allow-run`. // import * as esbuild from ""; import { denoPlugins } from "jsr:@luca/esbuild-deno-loader@^0.11.1"; const result = await{ plugins: [...denoPlugins()], entryPoints: [""], outfile: "./dist/bytes.esm.js", bundle: true, format: "esm", }); console.log(result.outputFiles); esbuild.stop();
loader does not use the Deno module cache, so all remote
specifiers are downloaded on every run."portable"
loader, all npm:
dependencies must be
pre-downloaded into a local node_modules/
loader with jsr:
specifiers, a lockfile must be
present and passed to the loader (either using configPath
or lockPath
specifiers are not supported on Wasm esbuild builds due to FS access
limitations (see Deno integration for Deno consists of two separate plugins (that are however most commonly used together):
Most commonly these two plugins are used together, chained directly after each
other using the denoPlugins()
function. This function returns an array of
instances, which can be spread directly into the plugins
array of the esbuild build options.
In depth documentation for each of the plugins, and the denoPlugins()
can be found in the
generated docs.
For some use-cases these plugins should be manually instantiated. For example if you want to add your own loader plugins that handles specific file extensions or URL schemes, you should insert these plugins between the Deno resolver, and Deno loader.
In most cases, the denoResolverPlugin
should be the first plugin in the
plugin array.
The resolver performs initial resolution on the path. This includes making
relative specifiers absolute and processing import maps. It will then send the
fully resolved specifiers back into esbuild's resolver stack to be processed by
other plugins. In the second path, the representation of the module is a fully
qualified URL. The namespace
of the second resolve pass is the scheme of the
URL. The path
is the remainder of the URL. The second resolve pass does not
have a resolveDir
property, as the URL is fully qualified already.
The denoLoaderPlugin
registers resolvers that are hit in the secondary resolve
pass for the schemes http
, https
, data
, and file
The output of the second resolve pass is then passed to the loader stack. The
loader stack is responsible for loading the module. Just like in the resolver
stack, the namespace
of the loader stack is the scheme of the URL, and the
is the remainder of the URL.
The denoLoaderPlugin
registers loaders that are hit in the secondary resolve
pass for the schemes http
, https
, data
, and file
The examples directory contains an example for how to integrate with custom
plugins. The examples/custom_scheme_plugin.ts
example shows how to add a
plugin that handles a custom scheme.
This plugins requires the following permissions:
if you need to resolve local files.--allow-net
if you need to resolve remote files.If the program is run with --allow-run
, the plugin will use the deno
to resolve remote files. This allows the plugin to re-use the Deno module cache.
Add Package
deno add jsr:@luca/esbuild-deno-loader
Import symbol
import * as esbuild_deno_loader from "@luca/esbuild-deno-loader";
---- OR ----
Import directly with a jsr specifier
import * as esbuild_deno_loader from "jsr:@luca/esbuild-deno-loader";