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A utility to create isolated test directories

This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun
This package works with Cloudflare Workers
This package works with Node.js
This package works with Deno
This package works with Bun
JSR Score
3 weeks ago (0.1.4)

Testdirs - A utility to create a temporary directory with files and directories for testing.


Example 1

import { testdir, type TestdirOptions } from "testdirs";

const testdirOptions = {
  dirname: "testdir", // default: a random directory name
} satisfies TestdirOptions;

const dir = await testdir({
  "file1.txt": "Hello, World!",
  "nested": {
    "file2.txt": "Hello, Nested!",
    "tests": {
      "file3.txt": "Hello, Tests!"

  // Alternatively, you can create nested directories with a flat path
  "nested/tests/file4.txt": "Hello, Tests!"
}, testdirOptions);


// you need to handle the removal process yourself!
await dir.remove();

Example 2

import { link, metadata, symlink, testdir, type TestdirOptions } from "testdirs";

const dir = await testdir({
  "file1.txt": "Hello, World!",

  "nested": {
    "file2.txt": symlink("../file1.txt"),
    "file3.txt": metadata("Hello, World!", { mode: 0o444 }), // read-only file

  "readonly": metadata({
    "file4.txt": "Hello, World!",
  }, { mode: 0o444 }), // read-only directory

  // creating a symlink pointing to file1.txt
  "symlink.txt": symlink("file1.txt"),
  "symlink2.txt": symlink("nested/file2.txt"),
  "link.txt": link("file1.txt"),


// you need to handle the removal process yourself!
await dir.remove();

Example 3

import assert from "node:assert";
import { fromFileSystem, type FromFileSystemOptions, testdir, type TestdirOptions } from "testdirs";

const fromFSOptions = {
  ignore: [".git"], // ignore everything inside the .git directory
  followLinks: false, // don't follow symlinks
  extras: {}, // extra files to add to the files object
  getEncodingForFile: (file) => "utf-8", // get the encoding for the file (default: utf-8)
} satisfies FromFileSystemOptions;

const dir = await testdir.from("path/to/existing/directory", {
  dirname: "testdir", // default: a random directory name
  fromFS: fromFSOptions,

// Alternatively, you can also use the `fromFileSystem` method to create the files object from the file system
const files = await fromFileSystem("path/to/existing/directory", fromFSOptions);

assert(files["file1.txt"] === "Hello, World!");

const testdirOptions = {
  dirname: "testdir", // default: a random directory name
} satisfies TestdirOptions;

const dir = await testdir(files, testdirOptions);
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import * as testdirs from "jsr:@luxass/testdirs";

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import * as testdirs from "@luxass/testdirs";

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import * as testdirs from "@luxass/testdirs";