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4 months ago (2.3.12)
Package root>src>admin_pb.ts
// @generated by protoc-gen-es v1.10.0 with parameter "target=ts" // @generated from file meshtastic/admin.proto (package meshtastic, syntax proto3) import type { BinaryReadOptions, FieldList, JsonReadOptions, JsonValue, PartialMessage, PlainMessage, } from "npm:@bufbuild/protobuf@^1.10.0"; import { Message, proto3 } from "npm:@bufbuild/protobuf@^1.10.0"; import { Channel } from "./channel_pb.ts"; import { DeviceMetadata, NodeRemoteHardwarePin, Position, User, } from "./mesh_pb.ts"; import { Config } from "./config_pb.ts"; import { ModuleConfig } from "./module_config_pb.ts"; import { DeviceConnectionStatus } from "./connection_status_pb.ts"; /** * This message is handled by the Admin module and is responsible for all settings/channel read/write operations. * This message is used to do settings operations to both remote AND local nodes. * (Prior to 1.2 these operations were done via special ToRadio operations) * * @generated from message meshtastic.AdminMessage */ export class AdminMessage extends Message<AdminMessage> { /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from oneof meshtastic.AdminMessage.payload_variant */ payloadVariant: { /** * Send the specified channel in the response to this message * NOTE: This field is sent with the channel index + 1 (to ensure we never try to send 'zero' - which protobufs treats as not present) * * @generated from field: uint32 get_channel_request = 1; */ value: number; case: "getChannelRequest"; } | { /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from field: meshtastic.Channel get_channel_response = 2; */ value: Channel; case: "getChannelResponse"; } | { /** * Send the current owner data in the response to this message. * * @generated from field: bool get_owner_request = 3; */ value: boolean; case: "getOwnerRequest"; } | { /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from field: meshtastic.User get_owner_response = 4; */ value: User; case: "getOwnerResponse"; } | { /** * Ask for the following config data to be sent * * @generated from field: meshtastic.AdminMessage.ConfigType get_config_request = 5; */ value: AdminMessage_ConfigType; case: "getConfigRequest"; } | { /** * Send the current Config in the response to this message. * * @generated from field: meshtastic.Config get_config_response = 6; */ value: Config; case: "getConfigResponse"; } | { /** * Ask for the following config data to be sent * * @generated from field: meshtastic.AdminMessage.ModuleConfigType get_module_config_request = 7; */ value: AdminMessage_ModuleConfigType; case: "getModuleConfigRequest"; } | { /** * Send the current Config in the response to this message. * * @generated from field: meshtastic.ModuleConfig get_module_config_response = 8; */ value: ModuleConfig; case: "getModuleConfigResponse"; } | { /** * Get the Canned Message Module messages in the response to this message. * * @generated from field: bool get_canned_message_module_messages_request = 10; */ value: boolean; case: "getCannedMessageModuleMessagesRequest"; } | { /** * Get the Canned Message Module messages in the response to this message. * * @generated from field: string get_canned_message_module_messages_response = 11; */ value: string; case: "getCannedMessageModuleMessagesResponse"; } | { /** * Request the node to send device metadata (firmware, protobuf version, etc) * * @generated from field: bool get_device_metadata_request = 12; */ value: boolean; case: "getDeviceMetadataRequest"; } | { /** * Device metadata response * * @generated from field: meshtastic.DeviceMetadata get_device_metadata_response = 13; */ value: DeviceMetadata; case: "getDeviceMetadataResponse"; } | { /** * Get the Ringtone in the response to this message. * * @generated from field: bool get_ringtone_request = 14; */ value: boolean; case: "getRingtoneRequest"; } | { /** * Get the Ringtone in the response to this message. * * @generated from field: string get_ringtone_response = 15; */ value: string; case: "getRingtoneResponse"; } | { /** * Request the node to send it's connection status * * @generated from field: bool get_device_connection_status_request = 16; */ value: boolean; case: "getDeviceConnectionStatusRequest"; } | { /** * Device connection status response * * @generated from field: meshtastic.DeviceConnectionStatus get_device_connection_status_response = 17; */ value: DeviceConnectionStatus; case: "getDeviceConnectionStatusResponse"; } | { /** * Setup a node for licensed amateur (ham) radio operation * * @generated from field: meshtastic.HamParameters set_ham_mode = 18; */ value: HamParameters; case: "setHamMode"; } | { /** * Get the mesh's nodes with their available gpio pins for RemoteHardware module use * * @generated from field: bool get_node_remote_hardware_pins_request = 19; */ value: boolean; case: "getNodeRemoteHardwarePinsRequest"; } | { /** * Respond with the mesh's nodes with their available gpio pins for RemoteHardware module use * * @generated from field: meshtastic.NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse get_node_remote_hardware_pins_response = 20; */ value: NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse; case: "getNodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse"; } | { /** * Enter (UF2) DFU mode * Only implemented on NRF52 currently * * @generated from field: bool enter_dfu_mode_request = 21; */ value: boolean; case: "enterDfuModeRequest"; } | { /** * Delete the file by the specified path from the device * * @generated from field: string delete_file_request = 22; */ value: string; case: "deleteFileRequest"; } | { /** * Set the owner for this node * * @generated from field: meshtastic.User set_owner = 32; */ value: User; case: "setOwner"; } | { /** * Set channels (using the new API). * A special channel is the "primary channel". * The other records are secondary channels. * Note: only one channel can be marked as primary. * If the client sets a particular channel to be primary, the previous channel will be set to SECONDARY automatically. * * @generated from field: meshtastic.Channel set_channel = 33; */ value: Channel; case: "setChannel"; } | { /** * Set the current Config * * @generated from field: meshtastic.Config set_config = 34; */ value: Config; case: "setConfig"; } | { /** * Set the current Config * * @generated from field: meshtastic.ModuleConfig set_module_config = 35; */ value: ModuleConfig; case: "setModuleConfig"; } | { /** * Set the Canned Message Module messages text. * * @generated from field: string set_canned_message_module_messages = 36; */ value: string; case: "setCannedMessageModuleMessages"; } | { /** * Set the ringtone for ExternalNotification. * * @generated from field: string set_ringtone_message = 37; */ value: string; case: "setRingtoneMessage"; } | { /** * Remove the node by the specified node-num from the NodeDB on the device * * @generated from field: uint32 remove_by_nodenum = 38; */ value: number; case: "removeByNodenum"; } | { /** * Set specified node-num to be favorited on the NodeDB on the device * * @generated from field: uint32 set_favorite_node = 39; */ value: number; case: "setFavoriteNode"; } | { /** * Set specified node-num to be un-favorited on the NodeDB on the device * * @generated from field: uint32 remove_favorite_node = 40; */ value: number; case: "removeFavoriteNode"; } | { /** * Set fixed position data on the node and then set the position.fixed_position = true * * @generated from field: meshtastic.Position set_fixed_position = 41; */ value: Position; case: "setFixedPosition"; } | { /** * Clear fixed position coordinates and then set position.fixed_position = false * * @generated from field: bool remove_fixed_position = 42; */ value: boolean; case: "removeFixedPosition"; } | { /** * Begins an edit transaction for config, module config, owner, and channel settings changes * This will delay the standard *implicit* save to the file system and subsequent reboot behavior until committed (commit_edit_settings) * * @generated from field: bool begin_edit_settings = 64; */ value: boolean; case: "beginEditSettings"; } | { /** * Commits an open transaction for any edits made to config, module config, owner, and channel settings * * @generated from field: bool commit_edit_settings = 65; */ value: boolean; case: "commitEditSettings"; } | { /** * Tell the node to reboot into the OTA Firmware in this many seconds (or <0 to cancel reboot) * Only Implemented for ESP32 Devices. This needs to be issued to send a new main firmware via bluetooth. * * @generated from field: int32 reboot_ota_seconds = 95; */ value: number; case: "rebootOtaSeconds"; } | { /** * This message is only supported for the simulator Portduino build. * If received the simulator will exit successfully. * * @generated from field: bool exit_simulator = 96; */ value: boolean; case: "exitSimulator"; } | { /** * Tell the node to reboot in this many seconds (or <0 to cancel reboot) * * @generated from field: int32 reboot_seconds = 97; */ value: number; case: "rebootSeconds"; } | { /** * Tell the node to shutdown in this many seconds (or <0 to cancel shutdown) * * @generated from field: int32 shutdown_seconds = 98; */ value: number; case: "shutdownSeconds"; } | { /** * Tell the node to factory reset, all device settings will be returned to factory defaults. * * @generated from field: int32 factory_reset = 99; */ value: number; case: "factoryReset"; } | { /** * Tell the node to reset the nodedb. * * @generated from field: int32 nodedb_reset = 100; */ value: number; case: "nodedbReset"; } | { case: undefined; value?: undefined } = { case: undefined }; constructor(data?: PartialMessage<AdminMessage>) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "meshtastic.AdminMessage"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "get_channel_request", kind: "scalar", T: 13, /* ScalarType.UINT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 2, name: "get_channel_response", kind: "message", T: Channel, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 3, name: "get_owner_request", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 4, name: "get_owner_response", kind: "message", T: User, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 5, name: "get_config_request", kind: "enum", T: proto3.getEnumType(AdminMessage_ConfigType), oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 6, name: "get_config_response", kind: "message", T: Config, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 7, name: "get_module_config_request", kind: "enum", T: proto3.getEnumType(AdminMessage_ModuleConfigType), oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 8, name: "get_module_config_response", kind: "message", T: ModuleConfig, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 10, name: "get_canned_message_module_messages_request", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 11, name: "get_canned_message_module_messages_response", kind: "scalar", T: 9, /* ScalarType.STRING */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 12, name: "get_device_metadata_request", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 13, name: "get_device_metadata_response", kind: "message", T: DeviceMetadata, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 14, name: "get_ringtone_request", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 15, name: "get_ringtone_response", kind: "scalar", T: 9, /* ScalarType.STRING */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 16, name: "get_device_connection_status_request", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 17, name: "get_device_connection_status_response", kind: "message", T: DeviceConnectionStatus, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 18, name: "set_ham_mode", kind: "message", T: HamParameters, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 19, name: "get_node_remote_hardware_pins_request", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 20, name: "get_node_remote_hardware_pins_response", kind: "message", T: NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 21, name: "enter_dfu_mode_request", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 22, name: "delete_file_request", kind: "scalar", T: 9, /* ScalarType.STRING */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 32, name: "set_owner", kind: "message", T: User, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 33, name: "set_channel", kind: "message", T: Channel, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 34, name: "set_config", kind: "message", T: Config, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 35, name: "set_module_config", kind: "message", T: ModuleConfig, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 36, name: "set_canned_message_module_messages", kind: "scalar", T: 9, /* ScalarType.STRING */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 37, name: "set_ringtone_message", kind: "scalar", T: 9, /* ScalarType.STRING */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 38, name: "remove_by_nodenum", kind: "scalar", T: 13, /* ScalarType.UINT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 39, name: "set_favorite_node", kind: "scalar", T: 13, /* ScalarType.UINT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 40, name: "remove_favorite_node", kind: "scalar", T: 13, /* ScalarType.UINT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 41, name: "set_fixed_position", kind: "message", T: Position, oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 42, name: "remove_fixed_position", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 64, name: "begin_edit_settings", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 65, name: "commit_edit_settings", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 95, name: "reboot_ota_seconds", kind: "scalar", T: 5, /* ScalarType.INT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 96, name: "exit_simulator", kind: "scalar", T: 8, /* ScalarType.BOOL */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 97, name: "reboot_seconds", kind: "scalar", T: 5, /* ScalarType.INT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 98, name: "shutdown_seconds", kind: "scalar", T: 5, /* ScalarType.INT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 99, name: "factory_reset", kind: "scalar", T: 5, /* ScalarType.INT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, { no: 100, name: "nodedb_reset", kind: "scalar", T: 5, /* ScalarType.INT32 */ oneof: "payload_variant", }, ]); static fromBinary( bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial<BinaryReadOptions>, ): AdminMessage { return new AdminMessage().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson( jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial<JsonReadOptions>, ): AdminMessage { return new AdminMessage().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString( jsonString: string, options?: Partial<JsonReadOptions>, ): AdminMessage { return new AdminMessage().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals( a: AdminMessage | PlainMessage<AdminMessage> | undefined, b: AdminMessage | PlainMessage<AdminMessage> | undefined, ): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(AdminMessage, a, b); } } /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum meshtastic.AdminMessage.ConfigType */ export enum AdminMessage_ConfigType { /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: DEVICE_CONFIG = 0; */ DEVICE_CONFIG = 0, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: POSITION_CONFIG = 1; */ POSITION_CONFIG = 1, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: POWER_CONFIG = 2; */ POWER_CONFIG = 2, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: NETWORK_CONFIG = 3; */ NETWORK_CONFIG = 3, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: DISPLAY_CONFIG = 4; */ DISPLAY_CONFIG = 4, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: LORA_CONFIG = 5; */ LORA_CONFIG = 5, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: BLUETOOTH_CONFIG = 6; */ BLUETOOTH_CONFIG = 6, } // Retrieve enum metadata with: proto3.getEnumType(AdminMessage_ConfigType) proto3.util.setEnumType( AdminMessage_ConfigType, "meshtastic.AdminMessage.ConfigType", [ { no: 0, name: "DEVICE_CONFIG" }, { no: 1, name: "POSITION_CONFIG" }, { no: 2, name: "POWER_CONFIG" }, { no: 3, name: "NETWORK_CONFIG" }, { no: 4, name: "DISPLAY_CONFIG" }, { no: 5, name: "LORA_CONFIG" }, { no: 6, name: "BLUETOOTH_CONFIG" }, ], ); /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum meshtastic.AdminMessage.ModuleConfigType */ export enum AdminMessage_ModuleConfigType { /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: MQTT_CONFIG = 0; */ MQTT_CONFIG = 0, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: SERIAL_CONFIG = 1; */ SERIAL_CONFIG = 1, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: EXTNOTIF_CONFIG = 2; */ EXTNOTIF_CONFIG = 2, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: STOREFORWARD_CONFIG = 3; */ STOREFORWARD_CONFIG = 3, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: RANGETEST_CONFIG = 4; */ RANGETEST_CONFIG = 4, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: TELEMETRY_CONFIG = 5; */ TELEMETRY_CONFIG = 5, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: CANNEDMSG_CONFIG = 6; */ CANNEDMSG_CONFIG = 6, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: AUDIO_CONFIG = 7; */ AUDIO_CONFIG = 7, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: REMOTEHARDWARE_CONFIG = 8; */ REMOTEHARDWARE_CONFIG = 8, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: NEIGHBORINFO_CONFIG = 9; */ NEIGHBORINFO_CONFIG = 9, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: AMBIENTLIGHTING_CONFIG = 10; */ AMBIENTLIGHTING_CONFIG = 10, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: DETECTIONSENSOR_CONFIG = 11; */ DETECTIONSENSOR_CONFIG = 11, /** * TODO: REPLACE * * @generated from enum value: PAXCOUNTER_CONFIG = 12; */ PAXCOUNTER_CONFIG = 12, } // Retrieve enum metadata with: proto3.getEnumType(AdminMessage_ModuleConfigType) proto3.util.setEnumType( AdminMessage_ModuleConfigType, "meshtastic.AdminMessage.ModuleConfigType", [ { no: 0, name: "MQTT_CONFIG" }, { no: 1, name: "SERIAL_CONFIG" }, { no: 2, name: "EXTNOTIF_CONFIG" }, { no: 3, name: "STOREFORWARD_CONFIG" }, { no: 4, name: "RANGETEST_CONFIG" }, { no: 5, name: "TELEMETRY_CONFIG" }, { no: 6, name: "CANNEDMSG_CONFIG" }, { no: 7, name: "AUDIO_CONFIG" }, { no: 8, name: "REMOTEHARDWARE_CONFIG" }, { no: 9, name: "NEIGHBORINFO_CONFIG" }, { no: 10, name: "AMBIENTLIGHTING_CONFIG" }, { no: 11, name: "DETECTIONSENSOR_CONFIG" }, { no: 12, name: "PAXCOUNTER_CONFIG" }, ], ); /** * Parameters for setting up Meshtastic for ameteur radio usage * * @generated from message meshtastic.HamParameters */ export class HamParameters extends Message<HamParameters> { /** * Amateur radio call sign, eg. KD2ABC * * @generated from field: string call_sign = 1; */ callSign = ""; /** * Transmit power in dBm at the LoRA transceiver, not including any amplification * * @generated from field: int32 tx_power = 2; */ txPower = 0; /** * The selected frequency of LoRA operation * Please respect your local laws, regulations, and band plans. * Ensure your radio is capable of operating of the selected frequency before setting this. * * @generated from field: float frequency = 3; */ frequency = 0; /** * Optional short name of user * * @generated from field: string short_name = 4; */ shortName = ""; constructor(data?: PartialMessage<HamParameters>) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "meshtastic.HamParameters"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "call_sign", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, { no: 2, name: "tx_power", kind: "scalar", T: 5 /* ScalarType.INT32 */ }, { no: 3, name: "frequency", kind: "scalar", T: 2 /* ScalarType.FLOAT */ }, { no: 4, name: "short_name", kind: "scalar", T: 9 /* ScalarType.STRING */ }, ]); static fromBinary( bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial<BinaryReadOptions>, ): HamParameters { return new HamParameters().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson( jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial<JsonReadOptions>, ): HamParameters { return new HamParameters().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString( jsonString: string, options?: Partial<JsonReadOptions>, ): HamParameters { return new HamParameters().fromJsonString(jsonString, options); } static equals( a: HamParameters | PlainMessage<HamParameters> | undefined, b: HamParameters | PlainMessage<HamParameters> | undefined, ): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(HamParameters, a, b); } } /** * Response envelope for node_remote_hardware_pins * * @generated from message meshtastic.NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse */ export class NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse extends Message<NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse> { /** * Nodes and their respective remote hardware GPIO pins * * @generated from field: repeated meshtastic.NodeRemoteHardwarePin node_remote_hardware_pins = 1; */ nodeRemoteHardwarePins: NodeRemoteHardwarePin[] = []; constructor(data?: PartialMessage<NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse>) { super(); proto3.util.initPartial(data, this); } static readonly runtime: typeof proto3 = proto3; static readonly typeName = "meshtastic.NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse"; static readonly fields: FieldList = proto3.util.newFieldList(() => [ { no: 1, name: "node_remote_hardware_pins", kind: "message", T: NodeRemoteHardwarePin, repeated: true, }, ]); static fromBinary( bytes: Uint8Array, options?: Partial<BinaryReadOptions>, ): NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse { return new NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse().fromBinary(bytes, options); } static fromJson( jsonValue: JsonValue, options?: Partial<JsonReadOptions>, ): NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse { return new NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse().fromJson(jsonValue, options); } static fromJsonString( jsonString: string, options?: Partial<JsonReadOptions>, ): NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse { return new NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse().fromJsonString( jsonString, options, ); } static equals( a: | NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse | PlainMessage<NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse> | undefined, b: | NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse | PlainMessage<NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse> | undefined, ): boolean { return proto3.util.equals(NodeRemoteHardwarePinsResponse, a, b); } }