This is a helper library used by json-to-midi. It handles encoding the individual events in a given track of a midi file
This function takes in a byte length and instantiates an ArrayBuffer and DataView instance
Type def for CreateArrayBufferWithDataViewFunction
Handles encodes the given event originating from a given midi track
Type def for EncodeMidiEventFactory
Type def for EncodeMidiEventFunction
Type def for EncodeMidiMetaEventWithTextFactory
Type def for EncodeMidiMetaEventWithTextFunction
type guard for a MidiChannelPrefix event object
type guard for a MidiChannelPressureEvent object
type guard for a MidiControlChangeEvent object
type guard for a MidiCopyrightNoticeEvent object
type guard for a MidiCuePointEvent object
type guard for a MidiDeviceNameEvent object
type guard for a MidiEndOfTrackEvent object
type guard for a MidiInstrumentNameEvent object
type guard for a MidiKeyPressureEvent object
type guard for a MidiKeySignatureEvent object
type guard for a MidiLyricEvent object
type guard for a MidiMarkerEvent object
type guard for a MidiMidiPortEvent object
type guard for a MidiNoteOffEvent object
type guard for a MidiNoteOnEvent object
type guard for a MidiPitchBendEvent object
type guard for a MidiProgramChangeEvent object
type guard for a MidiProgramNameEvent object
type guard for a MidiSequencerSpecificEvent object
type guard for a MidiSetTempoEvent object
type guard for a MidiSmpteOffsetEvent object
type guard for a MidiSysexEvent object
type guard for a MidiTextEvent object
type guard for a MidiTimeSignatureEvent object
type guard for a MidiTrackNameEvent object
type guard for a MidiUnknownTextEvent object
Type def for JoinArrayBuffersFunction
Writes the length of the array buffer
Type def for WriteVariableLengthQuantityFactory
Type def for WriteVariableLengthQuantityFunction