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Built and signed on GitHub Actions
🟩 A modern, small, fast, performant, zero dependency TypeScript library made for pinging and getting status of Minecraft servers.
This package works with Cloudflare Workers, Node.js, Deno, Bun

JSR Score
2 months ago (1.2.1)
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263# Changelog! <h2>v1.2.1</h2> <sup>[NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger/v/1.2.1) | [JSR](https://jsr.io/@minecraft/minecraftstatuspinger@1.2.1)</sup> - 🟢 Exported `lookup` and `setDnsServers` individually, alongside the default export containing both. <h2>v1.2.0</h2> <sup>[NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger/v/1.2.0) | [JSR](https://jsr.io/@minecraft/minecraftstatuspinger@1.2.0)</sup> - ⚙️ Changed `disableSrv` and `disableJSONParse` to `SRVLookup` and `JSONParse` respectively, changing their default values to true. - ⚙️ Changed all `Buffer`s to `Uint8Array`s, improving compatibility throughout runtimes. - ⚙️ Bumped the default protocol version from `764` (1.20.2) to `767` (1.21.1) - ⚙️ Added hard limit on port property - ⚙️ Added jsr.json file - 🛠️ Changed uncompiled `.js` imports to `.ts`, making it work with Deno. - 🛠️ Fixed SRV lookups not being prevented when port wasn't set 25565/was an IP - ➖ Removed (previously dysfunctional) soft block on localhost addresses when looking up SRV. Code will initiate a SRV lookup with any local address, has to be disabled with `SRVLookup`. <h2>v1.1.5</h2> <sup>[NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger/v/1.1.5) | [JSR](https://jsr.io/@minecraft/minecraftstatuspinger@1.1.5)</sup> - 🛠️ Fixed latency being returned as `null` instead of zero. <h2>v1.1.4</h2> [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger/v/1.1.4) - 🟢 Added lookup option `protocolVersion` to send requests as different Minecraft versions. <h2>v1.1.3</h2> [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger/v/1.1.3) - 🛠️ Fixed [Issue #1](https://github.com/woodendoors7/MinecraftStatusPinger/issues/1) of not being able to catch errors, by rejecting network errors instead of throwing them. <h2>v1.1.2</h2> [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger/v/1.1.2) - 🛠️ Changed imports to prefix with `node:` so this package can be used with [Deno](https://deno.com/). - ⚙️ Standardized quotes from single quotes to double quotes. <h2>v1.1.1</h2> [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger/v/1.1.1) - 🛠️ Fixed a bug which prevented users from `.catch`-ing errors thrown from the `.lookup` function. Any errors that cannot be caught in minecraftstatuspinger should be reported to [issues](https://github.com/woodendoors7/MinecraftStatusPinger/issues). - 🛠️ Fixed a bug where the custom DNS lookup wouldn't properly deliver the DNS data to the `createConnection` socket, resulting from `createConnection` asking for either all IPs (array) or just the first one (object) which I needed to return differently. <h2>v1.1.0</h2> [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger/v/1.1.0) - 🟢 Added lookup option `disableJSONParse` to completely skip parsing JSON. - ⚙️ Renamed primary lookup option `hostname` to `host`, `hostname` stays as an alias. All versions: [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/minecraftstatuspinger?activeTab=versions) | [JSR](https://jsr.io/@minecraft/minecraftstatuspinger/versions)